Fishface - Carrying rope to Fishface and failing to rig entrance

Tue 04 Jul 2023
Buck Blake

After the complicated operation of handling the solar panels out of the storage cave, the six of us packed kit, rope and a rescue bag and set off for Fishface. It was a hot but pleasant walk and the route was well marked. We arrivced and stashed bags under a nearby overhang then entered through the hole dug through the snow the previous day.

Janis and Ash did not go down the cave, instead heading back to top camp, but were a great help hauling rope to the entrance. It was only when we reached the first pitch that we realised that (contrary to what we'd been informed) hangers had not been left in the cave. [Ed. This a lie]. Plus, we hadn't realised it was all bolted with spits so even if we had brought hangers, we wouldn't have had the bolts to rig it.

We decided to sit and sulk for a while. Joel contemplate running all the way back to top camp to get bolts + hangers, but given the weather forecast of rain latert, we didn't want to end up caving too late.

After ~20 minutes, we left the cave. Mealy kicked an icicle at Jonty on the way out. We left the rope underground, by the head of the first pitch and left our caving kit under the small overhand near the entrance, then headed back to top camp.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    basecamp - nerding again
    topcamp - Carry and set-up
    Surface - Rope carry to Homecoming + Trial walk from Garlic Cave to Car Park on painted track
    Expo - UK Caving Blog post 4
    basecamp - re Honorata's post
    Fishface - Carrying rope to Fishface and failing to rig entrance