Fischgesicht - Happy Butterfly connection

Tue 09 Aug 2022
Amelia Oliver

Back to flying cottage. Suspecting HB was near, a team had gone that way to make noise. Unsure which was to explore the rift, we went one way until we had to chissle Joel out of a boulder choke and we could go no further. A small water hole was found. We went back to flying cottage. The day before we had found some hilti bolts making a Y hang over a large rift. Using these, Mealy descended. Kresh connection was found.

Visual/ Audio connection was made withthe HB team. However due to a lack of rope Mealy was levitating about 30m above/diagonal from Emily. We turned around with plans to bring more rope. Insert scanned rigging guide!!!

Eric says: survey where we followed existing stations from our crawlway to the flying cottage has now been surveyed 3 times: 12 monkeys, gardening school, and us!

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