"Just Keeps Giving" and "Water Torture" (Below Hilti-a-Plenty)

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Tue 19 Jul 2016    Tue 19 Jul 2016

Aidan Marks Tue 12 Jul 2016
Elliott Smith Sat 16 Jul 2016 Wed 20 Jul 2016
Martin Green Sat 16 Jul 2016 Sun 24 Jul 2016
Pete Talling Sat 16 Jul 2016
Rob Watson Mon 18 Jul 2016 Wed 20 Jul 2016
Tue 19 Jul 2016
Pete Talling

The team kept pushing the lead below Hilti-a-Plenty rigged by Rob and Luke on 17/7/2016 (Evening Breakthrough). Rob kindly showed the rest of the team to the right place. Aidan and Pete surveyed upwards from T-junction up a steeping phreatic tube that was muddy but relatively easy to climb. The passage had the sound of water (mmmmm) and a draft (mmm) but the muddy phreatic tubes choked. The noise came from a squeeze on right into a tight meandering rift. Pete squirmed down rift for 5m to small stream. It was too tight upstream and would need a lump hammer to make progress down stream -although it seems to widen a bit after approx 5m. I wonder if this is the same stream heard at bottom of pitch rigged by Rob and Luke the day before.

Meanwhile, Elliott had rigged and dropped a nice 15-20m pitch from the end of Rob and Lukes far point. This is very promising and goes into a bigish chamber with two ways on. But the two ways on may be going to the same place. They both have a good cold draft. The first way involves scrambling easily around a big jammed boulder to the low point in the chamber. Elliott climbed down sketchily for approx 7m to see two possible pitches that are probable 10-15m deep?

The second way on from main chamber is a 15m traverse from the jammed block into a large descending phreatic tube. Nicely rigged by Martin from a bolt and various naturals/slings. It then goes to a blind aven, but there is also a 10-15m pitch down with good draft.

Overall, these are A leads with a draft.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    Balcony - Cathedral Chasm
    "Just Keeps Giving" and "Water Torture" (Below Hilti-a-Plenty)
    76 Derig