107 - Gemsehöhle

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place: 107

Tue 19 Aug 2014    Wed 08 Jul 2015

Joe Wed 08 Jul 2015
Luke Wed 08 Jul 2015
Tue 07 Jul 2015

An early 7:00am start resulted in a marginally cooler walk up to the entrance of 107 after dropping off first load we returned immediately down making good progress, we collected another rucksack worth of rope and returned to the entrance entering the cave at 12:00. The first pitch had a precariously hanging 2 tonnes of snow hanging on the side of the wall, (this was ignored!) trip continued the first 5 ropes where rigged. A quick return to the surface to warm up, and then re-entered with more rope making it all the way to Twin Pitches at which point all the rope had been exhausted, returning out the trick was to ignore the fact that the block of snow/ice was disintegrating above you showering pieces on you (this would have to be sorted).

sketch of stick-man luke and 'fuckoff bit of snow' hovering in pitch

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    107 - Gemsehöhle