2006-05 - Prospecting ~NE of Tunnocks

Tue 29 Jul 2014

A pleasant day ambling in the sunshine trying to hit Mike's main goal areas. We found surprisingly little given the 5-person comb but we refound CUCC-2005-05 which seemed promising unless the air in it is just circulation from the fractured bowl beneath the entrance. Mike, Andrea + Katey surveyed it whilst Nat bolted the right hand pitch to a bridge before running out of rope (we only had 11m + 12m; the only other rope at Top Camp was 200m!) + good rock. This should be returned to + checked out properly.

We also refound 2006-05 which appeared to have spits to descent but Base Camp couldn't find a report of what happened there, it looks pretty good.

Finally, we found a new cave which we ineptly tagged as CUCC-14-876 ("Hot Tub"). Katey rigged this with a backup then y-hang down perhaps 15m to a snow plug which might have a way on beyond. It seemed to have a good draft + is in an interesting position above 258/204 so, again, this would be worth returning to.

2005-05 is Balkonhohle
2006-05 is still open
14-876 was mistyped as 14-867 for many years.]

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2014#07 The Last TSA ['notes2', 'notes1']
    2014#15 horizontal entrance ['notes1', 'plan1']
Logbook trips on this date:
    2006-05 - Prospecting ~NE of Tunnocks
    107 - Gemshohle - Finalising Nipped Down rigging + Pushing lead in Southern China - "The Last TSA"
    161 - Rig 161g
    Within The Above