204e - pingu

Sun 31 Jul 2011

Back to Pingu again, this time with a more experienced 2nd option for the rigging (but still no drill...)

Result: OK but needs more bolts, some adjustment of current rig managed (see diagram)

About to start bolting but both me and Alex needed pee, but only I managed successfully! back out for change of clothes...!!!

Pingu rigging topo

T/U: 4hrs
Becka Lawson, Aiora Zabala, Fer Abarquero
204e - Pingu

After 4 hours sleep this was a lovely, mellow trip. We did some re-rigging of Alex and Jess's rig then finally got beyond nials last (2008?) station and dropped a pitch and then a climb down that looked like it was going to head off on a big, phreatic tube - very exciting... but it choked with mud after 2 legs. Some lovely fossils (including an ammanite?) at the bottom.

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