204 - Dataloggers and Sandpit pushing (03-39C)

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place: 204

Mon 04 Aug 2008    Tue 05 Aug 2008

Aaron Sun 03 Aug 2008
Serena Sun 03 Aug 2008 Thu 07 Aug 2008
Mon 04 Aug 2008

Took tablet PC and second datalogger down 204e. Serena got sponsorship snaps while I downloaded and relaunched datalogger A in Chocolate Salty Balls which had a full year of temperature data for 3 thermistors (one shagged). Put a second datalogger in crowning glory passage, logging 2 thermistors. Then went to try and find Nial and Eeva in Sand Pit. Couldn't remember exactly which QM they were in, so went past them and explored all of Sand pit. Gave up and found them on the way back. Took drill and rope and went to push 03-38B. It was a small rift which dropped in steps just long enough to need a rope. Still going as a C lead when we decided to turn around. New section called 'I nood noodles' because that better than 'I need needle', the actual verbal slip.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2008#18 ['notes2', 'notes1']
    2008#21 ['notes2', 'notes1', 'notes', 'plan']
Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - 161h to 161d
    Tunnocks - crosswords
    Tunnocks - Stone monkey
    Tunnocks - Flying high
    Tunnocks - Naughty naughty then thin red line
    Tunnocks - Derig + short push
    204 - Dataloggers and Sandpit pushing (03-39C)