Tunnocks - Naughty Naughty crawl

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place: Tunnocks

Wed 30 Jul 2008    Sat 02 Aug 2008

Becka Wed 30 Jul 2008 Sat 02 Aug 2008
Serena Wed 30 Jul 2008 Sat 02 Aug 2008
Steve Wed 30 Jul 2008 Sat 02 Aug 2008
Fri 01 Aug 2008

Returned to crawl in Dubious Pleasure (cf 29/7/8); a descending crawl seemed a perfect intro to surveying...

Serena was improbably enthused as we surveyed 38 legs along the crawl. Clean phreatic passage descending ~30 degrees, average 40(w)x70(h) cm. Left wide open draughts outwards strongly (can often hear the wind!) - NB if coming out its much easier *not* to end up feet first... Crawl is called "Naughty Naughty" continues as QMA.

Added later by Becka: Deepest point in the cave as of 9/8/2008!

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    2008#23 ['notes4', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'notes3']
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    Tunnocks - Naughty Naughty crawl