Anemometer related quick useless trip

Tue 07 Aug 2007
Aaron Curtis

After a few hours of fiddling with his homel(?) new sonic anemometer using a picoscope and laptop at the bridge, Aaron threw up his hands and decided to solder the finicky thing into a datalogger and whack it to the bottom of E entrance. The allen key needed to open the logger was conveniently in a peli case in chocolate salty balls. While Aaron was already resigned to bringing laptop and scope underground because anemometer needed to be adjusted after export, trying to solder underground seemed like crossing the line. So Aaron went down to get key and brought a well-calibrated Ollie to put in a spit to mount the anemometer on. On the surface again, Aaron failed to get the logger and anemometer to play nice together and decided to abandon the enterprise until a later date, in the UK or on Expo08.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2007#45 ['elev1', 'elev2', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'plan']
    2007#48 ['elevation', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'plan']
    2007#52 ['plan2', 'elevation3', 'plan1', 'plan3', 'elevation2']
    2007#96 surface ['austria2007notes-0014-82-to-85']
Logbook trips on this date:
    Dachstein Via Ferrata
    2007-04 - Walk to 204 via 161d
    Anemometer related quick useless trip
    204 - Gaffered -> Inconvenience Series
    1987-02 - Surface and Shaft
    81 - 81-148 connection