Loser Plateau - Rounding up old caves
Andy Waddington
Still an hour or so of daylight left after tea, so jogged off across the plateau. Found a "+" marked cave I haven't seen before just below the col. Tagged "80", tagged "82" on R wall inside entrance (not the numbered boulder outside which the surface survey goes to). Tagged "148" on its survey point. Tagged "107" on its survey point and put a tag "LASER 0/5" on the spit of the laser point above - then back to TC - and all in under and hour !
Ah, missed one... after doing surface survey to 173 with Brian while Wookey was down Lost Rucksack (also on 19th), I used GPS to refind 107 from a random direction (ie. not via cairned walk-in). Looked for 157 (suposed to be near 0_5) but couldn't find any numbered caves above 0_5. There are however, a lot of interesting shafts up here - well worth a look (only ~20 mins from Top Camp). 157 is definitely worth a visit, if you can find it, as it has a 50m entrance shaft with a way off 25m down to a parallel shaft (some bolts in place).
Whilst Wookey was exploring Lost Rucksack I wandered off, finding CUCC 1996-05 - perhaps the most easily relocated cave on the plateau ? GPS'ed it and returned.
Andy W, no TU