Near 161 - Jeremy does it again - Another cave

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Fri 06 Jul 1990    Wed 11 Jul 1990

Jeremy Rodgers Sat 30 Jun 1990 Thu 12 Jul 1990
Wed 11 Jul 1990
Jeremy Rodgers

- After putting in the bolts two years ago (yes 2 years!) I eventually got round to descending the obvious rift in the ground at the bottom of the col & to my suprise it goes!!

Small crawl (over snow) below snow plug at bottom of rift => snow plugged crawl off => pitch => ???

Tell you more tommorow! (2 trips on first day up top!)

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Logbook trips on this date:
    Near 161 - Jeremy does it again - Another cave
    Surface - substroke
    161 - Rigging 1st pitch