161 - Detackle trip

Wed 07 Sep 1988
Jeremy Rodgers

Jeremy wizzed off down to squeeze to detackle while Del descended 3rd to pull out Boris & Grandfather Marlow.

Mark D & Juliette stayed at 1st pitch to set up tackle hauling rig from bottom of 1st pitch/2nd pitch eyehole to ledge in 1st pitch.

All went v.smoothly & ended up with HUGE pile of tackle on ledge which Mark & Del pulled out.

Greased all bolts & finished detackling just as others arrived to carry rope off plateau.

1989 trips
-------------------------- From the evening's drinking:

_Adam_ 'It stays up forever when you're pissed'
+ Judy's _involvement_ & georges photos (which weren't published) or developed !!!!!
P.S. Adam left early. Someone was sick in the men's bogs ?? - probably me.
[this last in a different handwriting - doesn't work in ascii :-( Ed.]

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    161 - Detackle trip