142 - Surface surveying (but not the last part) 42-41-?-?-Eishöhle

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place: 142

Mon 08 Aug 1983    Mon 08 Aug 1983

Julian Griffiths Sun 07 Aug 1983 Tue 09 Aug 1983
Pete Lancaster Sun 07 Aug 1983 Tue 09 Aug 1983
Mon 08 Aug 1983
Julian Griffiths

Plank & Julian A gentleman's festering day. Starting at 142, Plank went charging up the schwarzmoos Kogel dragging the surveying tape, intruments and Julian behind him Complaints from Julian that this upward flight was somewhat unnecessary as 41 and 142 were at the same height brought him temporarily to his senses and he disappeared for a while into a particularly virulent patch of bunde. Half an hour later the pair were sat on a bunde nest, scanning eagle-like for the entrance to 41. This was spotted way below and after a quick visit to a nearby telephone box to change into a chamois outfit the first leg of the surface survey was complete.

From this point on, Plank seemed to have a greater comprehension of where he was meant to be going (although this could have been confused with a continuing desire to get to the top of the Schwarzmoos). Odd grunting and sweet-sucking noises punctuated the next twenty or so legs before the top of Bunter's Bulge hove into sight. Pause for heavy breathing, more sweet sucking and altitude adjustments to the digestive system. Then onto to Bunter's Holes and the end of surveying for the day.

Back on Bunter's Bulge Plank started admiring the sight of his 20' free fall the other day when a line of surface cairns were spotted. Being simple creatures, the pair were lured on, and on, and on, and on, over hill, down dell, etc. till the cairns ran out. Being keen boy scouts though, they spotted a campfire below with plenty of freshly cut bunde beside.

Plank couldn't resist the prospect of even more bunde and chortled off down the slope. As he got lower and lower, his heavy footsteps took on more of an echo. Turning round at the camp fire, his mouth fell open to match the gaping maw of he Eishöhle that faced him. About half an hour of combined wonderment followed before the pair poddled back to the Bergrestaurant. Ignoring enticing party like attachments to the bunde the duo stuck solidly to the cairns (nothing queer with Caruthers, but I'm not sure about Plank). Approx 80 minutes from the Eishöhle we reached the car park. A very long festering day.


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    WOLF HOLE 145
    142 - Surface surveying (but not the last part) 42-41-?-?-Eishöhle
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