142 - SMK Prospecting south of 41 on east side of Schwarzmooskogel
Sat 31 Jul 1982
Mike Thomas
Mike Thomas
With three of us strung across the 'bunde' we covered quite a lot of ground, and yet this amounted to probably only 10% of the area we crossed. And caves do appear in the middle of nowhere. The major joint trends are easy to follow but largely unproductive being full of small non-draughting shafts. Valleys are much more promising and consequently full of bunde. Two decent prospects were found.
- 131
- A large classical cave entrance strewn with boulders in a prominent valley. Back bearings to Trisselberg 170°, Bergrestaurant 240°. Probably about 1720m. Best reached from the cairned path along the ridge top, which leaves Stogerweg at cave 28.
- 132
- Small hole immediately below an ice + stone plugged shaft. Very good draught out. About 250m south of 41 at approx same height. No bearings. Best reached from the Stogerweg 200m before 32, climb beneath a small cliff, then up diagonally through bunde to large grassy + rocky slope. Climb to top right of this slope to find the ice plugged shaft.