A walk through tunnel - A cave project

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So far we have seen how to use Tunnel to draw the map of a simple cave passage, and along the way you have learned the most important commands of Tunnel, as well as some of the ideas behind its approach to cave map drawing.

Starting from this chapter we move on to tackle a "cave project". Usually a cave is not surveyed in a single trip. In fact the exploration and survey require several trips, often distributed over the years and involving different cavers. It is therefore necessary to organize and manage the survey as a project to which many different teams contribute. Their works needs to be merged together, and maintained over the time.

Using Tunnel, each survey team can work on a piece of a cave map. In the end the pieces can be pasted together into a single map. In this way Tunnel facilitates a distributed work of groups, and makes the management of big cave projects easier.

Since it works with directories, it is convenient to organize all the surveys in a hierarchical structure. For example, the cave could be the root; under it there would be a directory for each main branch. Each branch contains subdirectories for the passages. Finally each passage contains the subdirectories of the individual surveys. This is just an example. Organizing a real cave project might be more complex. For simplicity, we will develop the cave map project for a small cave. We will consider a simple organization with a root, and three survey directories under it.

The files we need are the survex data files and scanned sketches. They are contained in the sample archive \ref{../data.tgz data.tgz}, and they are:

  • the first survey "gm-01.svx" with the sketch of the plan "gm-1-plan.jpg";
  • the second survey "gm-02.svx" with the sketch "gm-2-plan.jpg";
  • the third survey "gm-03.txt" with the skecthes "gm-31-plan.jpg" and "gm-32-plan.jpg".

Create a directory, "gm-full", for the project, and save the plan image there. Create three subdirectories, "gm-01", "gm-02", and "gm-03", for the three surveys, and save the respective survex datafile in each directory.

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