Car Owner Credit

Account short name: carcredit
Number of transactions: 39

Negative amounts indicate that Car Owner Credit is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2016-09-02Andrew Atkinson -50.00 (-1.00 carcredit)car owner
2016-09-02Chris Densham -50.00 (-1.00 carcredit)car owner
2016-09-02David Walker -50.00 (-1.00 carcredit)car owner
2016-09-02Elaine Oliver -50.00 (-1.00 carcredit)car owner
2016-09-02George Breley -50.00 (-1.00 carcredit)car owner
2016-09-02Hayden Saunders -50.00 (-1.00 carcredit)car owner
2016-09-02Ian Peachey -50.00 (-1.00 carcredit)car owner
2016-09-02Julian Todd -50.00 (-1.00 carcredit)car owner
2016-09-02Martin Green -50.00 (-1.00 carcredit)car owner
2016-11-13Aidan Marks 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Alice Smith 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Andrew Atkinson 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Anthony Day 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Ashley Gregg 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Becka Lawson 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Chris Densham 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13David Walker 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Elaine Oliver 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Elliot Smith 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Fleur Loveridge 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Frank Tully 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13George Breley 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Hayden Saunders 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Ian Peachey 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Jenny Black 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Julian Todd 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Katey Bender 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Luke Strangroom 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Mark Dougherty 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Martin Green 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Michael Sargent 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Nat Dalton 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Nathan Walker 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Olly Betts 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Pete Talling 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Rob Watson 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Roshni Gohil 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Sioned Haugton 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Wookey 15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
Grand total:0.00

Go back to summary sheet.

Processed at 13:00 on 2016-11-13.