Rob Watson

Account short name: RobWatson
Number of transactions: 8

Negative amounts indicate that Rob Watson is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2016-11-13Basecamp -79.907/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90)
2016-11-13Beer -56.4468/923 of the total from Beer (-766.09)
2016-11-13Car Owner Credit -15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Gear -34.551/30 of the total from Gear (-1036.56)
2016-11-13Sesh03 -24.221/31 of the total from Sesh03 (-751.06)
2016-11-13Topcamp -49.8217/378 of the total from Topcamp (-1107.81)
Grand total:-259.93

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Processed at 13:00 on 2016-11-13.