Entrance locations

This table is of all the survex stations in troggle: i.e. only those survey stations which have been identified with an Entrance by manually editing the Entrance data.

The SRTM altitude is that measured at a nearby reference point. The horizontal distance between the survey station and the SRTM reference point is shown in the "SRTM ref" column. It is always less than 35m for our dataset. Differences between the recorded altitude and the SRTM altitude are in bold if the discrepancy is more than 60m vertically.

Unless otherwise specified data is expressed in UTM in WGS84 datum. Coordinates are expresed in meters.

Click on column headings to sort.

Survex Stationx [m]y [m]lat. [deg]long. [deg]alt [m]SRTM
SRTM [m]
Used on
this Entrance
1623.232.griess.pg1 411481.14 5283926.47 47.702652 13.820105 1903 +29 10 1623-232 Grießkogelschacht
1623.233.1 411506.75 5283926.49 47.702656 13.820446 1894 +38 16 1623-233 Betthupferle
1623.2023-mg-03.9 411086.99 5282714.81 47.691698 13.815099 1722 +35 29 1623-2023-mg-03c Kalte Salamanderhöhle
1623.2023-mg-03.11 411074.58 5282699.52 47.691559 13.814937 1724 +39 19 1623-2023-mg-03b Kalte Salamanderhöhle
1623.2023-mg-03.tag 411075.56 5282693.13 47.691501 13.814951 1725 +38 15 1623-2023-mg-03a Kalte Salamanderhöhle
1623.2024-jc-01.2 412104.39 5283760.52 47.701244 13.828444 1985 -12 17 1623-2024-jc-01 Exploding Boulder Schacht
1623.bs16 412433.18 5283987.23 47.703328 13.832780 1900 -10 19 1623-BS16 BS16
1623.bs19 412516.92 5284017.10 47.703608 13.833890 1880 +1 28 1623-BS19 1623-BS19
1623.gps00.78 410532.87 5280416.68 47.670948 13.808187 2000 -293 27 1623-78a Schwaben(schacht)höhle
1623.gps00.96_02 411599.22 5281975.04 47.685114 13.822074 2000 -153 2 1623-224 Toplesscanyonhöhle
1623.gps00.96_03 411599.69 5282005.90 47.685391 13.822074 2000 -144 17 1623-223 Eggenbergschacht
1623.gps00.99ms01 411147.38 5281055.65 47.676781 13.816242 2000 -159 30 1623-1999-MS-01 1623-1999-MS-01
1623.gps00.99ms02 411102.86 5280871.08 47.675114 13.815686 2000 -201 25 1623-1999-MS-02 1623-1999-MS-02
1623.gps00.139 411129.83 5281272.04 47.678725 13.815964 1841 -0 11 1623-139 Schwa Schacht 139
1623.gps00.140 410979.67 5280996.46 47.676225 13.814020 2000 -158 11 1623-140 Schwa Schacht 140
1623.gps00.153 411031.84 5280316.41 47.670115 13.814853 2000 -283 26 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1623.gps00.155 411138.45 5280469.17 47.671504 13.816242 2000 -272 26 1623-155 Unerforscht Schacht 155
1623.gps00.158 410954.57 5280718.97 47.673726 13.813742 2000 -229 25 1623-158 Donner und Blitzen Höhle
1623.gps00.161a2 411300.83 5281547.32 47.681225 13.818186 2000 -178 21 1623-161a Kaninchenhöhle
1623.gps00.185 411217.44 5281548.59 47.681225 13.817075 2000 -178 28 1623-185 Zweijahreentstehungshöhle
1623.gps00.195 411122.16 5282136.67 47.686502 13.815686 2000 -199 20 1623-195 Schwa Schacht 195
1623.gps00.199 410898.64 5281152.07 47.677614 13.812909 2000 -148 23 1623-199 Stürzender Felsbrocken Höhle
1623.gps00.201 410921.37 5281275.22 47.678725 13.813186 1791 +29 17 1623-201 Haftefelle Schacht
1623.gps00.205 411296.60 5281269.50 47.678725 13.818186 2000 -198 16 1623-205 Nordalpenschacht
1623.gps00.210 410467.96 5281621.80 47.681780 13.807076 2000 -312 34 1623-210 Fettsack und Faulpelz höhle
1623.gps00.219 411234.53 5281301.32 47.679003 13.817353 2000 -182 21 1623-219 Tertaeingfester
1623.gps00.b8 410445.22 5281498.65 47.680669 13.806798 1655 +35 7 1623-197 Bemoost Tropfen Höhle
1623.gps00.b11 410422.95 5281406.36 47.679836 13.806520 1658 +37 16 1623-198 Fuchshöhle
1623.gps00.wk4 411497.57 5280772.45 47.674281 13.820964 2000 -350 25 1623-1996WK4 1623-1996WK4
1623.gps00.wk7 411171.05 5281240.54 47.678447 13.816519 2000 -157 15 1623-1997-07 1623-1997-07
1623.gps02.p2002-10 411935.60 5282804.38 47.692620 13.826388 1900 -13 22 1623-2002-10 1623-2002-10
1623.gps02.p2002-ad-01 411799.72 5282809.30 47.692646 13.824576 1860 +45 19 1623-2002-AD-01 1623-2002-AD-01
1623.gps02.p2002-ad-02 411843.02 5282823.37 47.692778 13.825150 1857 +32 25 1623-2002-AD-02 1623-2002-AD-02
1623.gps02.p2002-ad-03 411813.64 5282991.98 47.694291 13.824725 1878 +39 25 1623-2002-AD-03 1623-2002-AD-03
1623.gps02.p2002-ad-04 411790.93 5283005.47 47.694409 13.824420 1902 +34 24 1623-2002-AD-04 Klippenhöhle
1623.gps02.p2002-x09 411779.63 5282618.75 47.690929 13.824347 1900 +10 17 1623-2002-X09 1623-2002-X09
1623.gps02.p2002-x09b 411921.11 5282781.70 47.692414 13.826199 1900 -20 17 1623-2002-XB09 X09B
1623.gps02.p2002-x15 411408.30 5283439.65 47.698263 13.819233 1800 +72 26 1623-2002-X15 1623-2002-X15
1623.gps02.p2002-x16 411292.73 5283273.15 47.696749 13.817727 1800 +3 17 1623-2002-X16 1623-2002-X16
1623.gps02.p2002-x17 411332.63 5283222.30 47.696297 13.818269 1800 +19 9 1623-2002-X17 1623-2002-X17
1623.gps02.p2002-x18 411303.68 5283037.93 47.694635 13.817921 1800 +39 20 1623-2002-X18 1623-2002-X18
1623.gps02.p2005-08 411977.34 5282885.48 47.693355 13.826928 1900 +6 23 1623-2005-08 1623-2005-08
1623.gps02olly.88f 411375.57 5281088.51 47.677108 13.819274 1731 +37 12 1623-88F-01 88F
1623.gps02olly.235 411366.57 5281077.51 47.677008 13.819157 1727 +41 13 1623-235 Schaukelfelsbrockenhöhle
1623.gps02olly.236 411249.57 5280918.51 47.675561 13.817631 1752 +45 26 1623-236 Moostunnelhöhle
1623.gps02olly.237 411277.58 5280920.51 47.675583 13.818003 1777 +10 9 1623-237a Dreieingangabdrosselnhöhle
1623.gps02olly.2001-06 411360.57 5280977.51 47.676107 13.819097 1735 +19 17 1623-2001-06 Erbärmlichbaumhöhle
1623.gps02olly.2001-07 411269.57 5280992.51 47.676230 13.817882 1749 +41 15 1623-2001-07 Hoffnungschacht
1623.gps02olly.2001-08 411299.57 5280906.51 47.675460 13.818299 1748 +39 33 1623-2001-08 Schneeoberlichtschacht
1623.gps02olly.2001-09 411302.57 5280878.51 47.675209 13.818345 1727 +42 23 1623-2001-09 Funkberaterschacht
1623.gps02olly.2001-10 411319.57 5280834.51 47.674815 13.818580 1722 +39 7 1623-2001-10 Großarbeithöhle
1623.gps02olly.2001-11 411320.57 5280812.51 47.674617 13.818598 1703 +58 17 1623-2001-11 Schnürsenkelschacht
1623.gps02olly.2001-12 411331.57 5280801.50 47.674520 13.818747 1686 +65 24 1623-2001-12 Unnotiggewohnlichkeitschacht
1623.gps02olly.2002-ob-01 411373.75 5280946.63 47.675831 13.819279 1700 +48 19 1623-2002-OB-01 1623-2002-OB-01
1623.gps02olly.2002-w-01 411442.75 5281040.13 47.676682 13.820179 1700 +38 20 1623-2002-W-01 1623-2002-W-01
1623.gps02olly.hfg-ka88 411321.57 5280980.51 47.676129 13.818577 1726 +48 6 1623-HFG-KA88 1623-HFG-KA88
1623.gps03.2003-07 411767.92 5282027.06 47.685605 13.824311 1775 +46 20 1623-2003-07 1623-2003-07
1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x11 411561.35 5282558.45 47.690357 13.821451 2000 -131 15 1623-2003-X11 1623-2003-X11
1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x12 411486.30 5282509.06 47.689902 13.820461 2000 -135 29 1623-2003-X12 1623-2003-X12
1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x13 411442.69 5282434.01 47.689221 13.819895 2000 -136 18 1623-2003-X13 1623-2003-X13
1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x14 411478.88 5282443.23 47.689309 13.820376 2000 -136 27 1623-2003-X14 Knochenloch
1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x15 411573.36 5282233.22 47.687433 13.821677 2000 -74 21 1623-2003-X15 Gipfelschacht
1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x16 411645.64 5282432.65 47.689236 13.822600 2000 -103 17 1623-2003-X16 1623-2003-X16
1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x17 411709.81 5282580.25 47.690573 13.823425 2000 -95 10 1623-2003-X17 1623-2003-X17
1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x18 411443.73 5282621.97 47.690912 13.819871 2000 -150 19 1623-2003-X18 1623-2003-X18
1623.gps04.p2004-10 411294.82 5282967.34 47.693998 13.817817 1800 +15 27 1623-2004-10 1623-2004-10
1623.gps04.p2004-10_2 411290.00 5283152.00 47.695659 13.817715 1805 0 28 1623-2004-10 1623-2004-10
1623.gps04.p2004-12 412001.08 5281959.49 47.685029 13.827431 1704 +47 5 1623-161h Kaninchenhöhle
1623.gps04.p2004-16 411394.30 5282881.00 47.693235 13.819160 1831 +43 24 1623-2004-16 1623-2004-16
1623.gps04.p2004-17 411394.83 5282905.99 47.693460 13.819162 1834 +41 32 1623-2004-17 1623-2004-17
1623.gps04.p2004-21 411283.35 5282836.39 47.692819 13.817691 1760 +45 17 1623-2004-21 1623-2004-21
1623.gps06.2006-01 411135.74 5282155.62 47.686674 13.815863 1773 +45 29 1623-2006-01 1623-2006-01
1623.gps06.2006-02 410932.32 5281856.02 47.683951 13.813214 1707 +47 24 1623-2006-02 1623-2006-02
1623.gps06.2006-03 410927.15 5281848.13 47.683880 13.813147 1706 +48 22 1623-2006-03 1623-2006-03
1623.gps06.2006-05 411385.40 5283072.18 47.694954 13.819003 1801 +54 14 1623-2006-05 1623-2006-05
1623.gps06.2006-07 411945.35 5282886.16 47.693357 13.826501 1868 +38 31 1623-2006-07 Infrared Spectrometer
1623.gps07.p2007-11 411924.67 5283412.56 47.698090 13.826119 1948 0 6 1623-2007-11 1623-2007-11
1623.gps96.96_1 411528.43 5281864.20 47.684107 13.821153 0 +1837 21 1623-1996-01 Ski-pole höhle
1623.gps98.1996_05 410236.23 5282547.90 47.690079 13.803798 0 +1713 25 1623-1996-05 1623-1996-05
1623.gps2024-jc-01 412101.70 5283767.69 47.701308 13.828407 1984 -11 16 1623-2024-jc-01 Exploding Boulder Schacht
1623.haldenloch.eingang.0 411659.40 5284097.19 47.704212 13.822446 1876 +64 28 1623-HLD-01 Haldenloch
1623.nasetotc.7 410260.54 5281212.90 47.678073 13.804397 1729 +38 25 1623-1996-X01 1623-1996-X01
1623.p1 409505.08 5278479.92 47.653382 13.794900 794 +19 22 1623-1 Liägerhöhle
1623.p18 409035.76 5279028.00 47.658247 13.788538 1440 +42 0 1623-18 Gaisofen im Ammerei
1623.p31 410200.45 5279988.45 47.667050 13.803848 1582 +45 16 1623-31 Elchhöhle
1623.p032 410574.46 5280071.43 47.667848 13.808812 1568 +60 29 1623-32 Windloch am Stögerweg
1623.p032x 410579.13 5280070.86 47.667844 13.808874 1567 +60 32 1623-32 Windloch am Stögerweg
1623.p36 410476.72 5281151.05 47.677547 13.807289 1659 +59 6 1623-36 Schachtgruppe I - V
1623.p040e 411452.04 5280919.34 47.675597 13.820327 1642 +25 25 1623-40e Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle
1623.p040ex 411456.16 5280915.62 47.675564 13.820383 1641 +26 22 1623-40e Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle
1623.p40a 411278.13 5280630.13 47.672971 13.818070 1689 +40 8 1623-40a Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle
1623.p40b 411305.74 5280678.46 47.673410 13.818428 1686 +42 15 1623-40b Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle
1623.p40f 411414.94 5280969.95 47.676047 13.819823 1688 +35 14 1623-40f Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle
1623.p40g 411232.69 5280461.57 47.671448 13.817499 1646 +60 25 1623-40g Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle
1623.p40h 411419.95 5280883.02 47.675265 13.819907 1647 +48 8 1623-40h Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle
1623.p40s 411389.98 5280822.70 47.674719 13.819520 1651 +77 17 1623-40s Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle
1623.p041ax 410638.41 5280188.35 47.668909 13.809640 1621 +47 23 1623-41a Stellerweghöhle
1623.p41a 410642.89 5280189.37 47.668919 13.809699 1622 +47 18 1623-41a Stellerweghöhle
1623.p41b 410676.08 5280201.35 47.669031 13.810139 1635 +33 18 1623-41b Stellerweghöhle
1623.p75 410488.36 5281122.61 47.677292 13.807450 1654 +64 25 1623-75 Wisenthöhle
1623.p76 410712.55 5281875.90 47.684100 13.810282 1647 +40 22 1623-106 Eislufthöhle(106)
1623.p76a 410721.33 5281881.31 47.684150 13.810398 1646 +41 26 1623-76a Eislufthöhle
1623.p76b 410720.98 5281885.70 47.684189 13.810392 1647 +39 25 1623-76b Eislufthöhle
1623.p078d 410550.40 5280608.09 47.672672 13.808382 1666 +50 23 1623-000 Schwarzmooskögelsystem
1623.p78b 410532.45 5280362.24 47.670458 13.808193 1660 +46 25 1623-78b Schwaben(schacht)höhle
1623.p78d 410550.40 5280608.09 47.672672 13.808382 1666 +50 23 1623-78d Schwaben(schacht)höhle
1623.p78e 410602.97 5280371.65 47.670553 13.809130 1682 +47 25 1623-78e Schwaben(schacht)höhle
1623.p80 410589.19 5281412.73 47.679916 13.808734 1666 +49 18 1623-80 Schwa Schacht 80
1623.p81 410666.43 5281499.97 47.680712 13.809745 1657 +57 23 1623-81 Schwa Höhle 81
1623.p82 410706.95 5281521.69 47.680913 13.810280 1658 +49 27 1623-82 Bräuninghöhle
1623.p83 410775.67 5281637.83 47.681967 13.811172 1672 +45 16 1623-83 Schwa Schacht 83
1623.p85 410691.95 5281506.43 47.680773 13.810083 1657 +57 15 1623-85 Schwa Höhle 85
1623.p87 410797.03 5280087.37 47.668022 13.811773 1543 +74 12 1623-87a Schacht 87 neben Stögerweg
1623.p088 411124.63 5280324.12 47.670197 13.816088 1646 +53 14 1623-88 Lärchenschacht
1623.p088x 411123.92 5280324.39 47.670199 13.816078 1648 +51 14 1623-88 Lärchenschacht
1623.p90 410212.26 5281304.95 47.678894 13.803735 1670 +54 22 1623-90 Bräu Schacht 90
1623.p91 410115.24 5281428.66 47.679994 13.802417 1640 +64 33 1623-91 Bräu Schacht 91
1623.p93 410114.18 5281451.52 47.680199 13.802398 1638 +60 24 1623-93 Bräu Schacht 93
1623.p94 410095.35 5281497.37 47.680609 13.802138 1631 +60 10 1623-94 Bräu Schacht 94
1623.p95 409872.66 5280423.91 47.670921 13.799393 1599 +28 16 1623-95 Bräu Schacht 95
1623.p96 409881.21 5280449.72 47.671155 13.799502 1595 +36 18 1623-96 Bräu Schacht 96
1623.p97 410687.14 5281983.19 47.685061 13.809922 1638 +53 15 1623-97 Schneewindschacht
1623.p98 410668.70 5282306.80 47.687970 13.809610 1675 +51 19 1623-98 Plateau Schacht 98
1623.p99 410720.56 5281846.83 47.683839 13.810395 1642 +44 25 1623-99 Plateau Schacht 99
1623.p99ob01 410488.88 5281741.33 47.682858 13.807330 1641 +43 7 1623-1999-OB-01 1623-1999-OB-01
1623.p99ob02 410606.56 5281707.15 47.682567 13.808905 1631 +53 19 1623-1999-OB-02 1623-1999-OB-02
1623.p100 410363.68 5281348.29 47.679305 13.805743 1640 +61 22 1623-100 Plateau Schacht 100
1623.p101a 410468.57 5281864.75 47.683966 13.807034 1628 +54 28 1623-101a Plateau Schacht 101
1623.p104 410769.52 5281935.97 47.684648 13.811029 1660 +36 22 1623-104 Plateau Schacht 104
1623.p105 410731.85 5281908.26 47.684394 13.810533 1646 +48 23 1623-105 Plateau Schacht 105
1623.p107 410773.68 5281660.68 47.682172 13.811140 1663 +54 27 1623-107 Gemshöhle
1623.p108 410639.70 5281853.90 47.683892 13.809316 1635 +48 12 1623-108 Plateau Schacht 108
1623.p109 411014.46 5280180.64 47.668891 13.814649 1597 +52 6 1623-109 Schwa-Schacht 109
1623.p110 410874.37 5282907.97 47.693406 13.812227 1680 +40 21 1623-110 Kein Hubschrauber Höhle
1623.p111 410685.81 5282417.33 47.688967 13.809815 1680 +55 34 1623-111 Plateau Schacht 111
1623.p112 410691.10 5282401.60 47.688826 13.809889 1680 +54 19 1623-112 Plateau Schacht 112
1623.p113 411066.31 5280268.02 47.669684 13.815322 1642 +46 17 1623-113 Sonnenstrahlhöhle
1623.p114 410621.64 5280024.04 47.667428 13.809450 1547 +42 25 1623-114 Verlorenhohle
1623.p115x 410649.92 5279972.13 47.666965 13.809837 1485 +66 22 1623-115 Schnellzughöhle
1623.p116 410503.79 5280395.22 47.670751 13.807805 1663 +44 11 1623-116 Kleine Eishöhle
1623.p131 412562.19 5282601.94 47.690884 13.834777 1610 +161 0 1623-131 Thomas-Eishöhle
1623.p135 411230.62 5281149.91 47.677640 13.817331 1784 +46 19 1623-135 Schwa Schacht 135
1623.p136 411194.80 5281151.48 47.677649 13.816854 1796 +45 24 1623-136a Steinschlagschacht
1623.p136b 411199.43 5281168.74 47.677805 13.816912 1789 +57 22 1623-136b Steinschlagschacht
1623.p136c 411203.74 5281183.11 47.677935 13.816966 1791 +55 22 1623-136c Steinschlagschacht
1623.p136d 411209.13 5281183.00 47.677935 13.817038 1793 +43 23 1623-136d Steinschlagschacht
1623.p138 411154.60 5281139.25 47.677534 13.816321 1795 +54 25 1623-138 Schwa Schacht 138
1623.p139 411148.35 5281245.70 47.678491 13.816216 1827 +32 20 1623-139 Schwa Schacht 139
1623.p141 410509.73 5280162.79 47.668661 13.807931 1623 +40 17 1623-141 Schwa Höhle 141
1623.p142 410580.47 5280155.05 47.668601 13.808875 1613 +42 23 1623-142 Schwa Höhle 142
1623.p143x 410863.32 5280432.83 47.671139 13.812585 1712 +46 6 1623-143 Weiße Warze Schacht I
1623.p144x 410918.51 5280452.26 47.671321 13.813316 1712 +39 15 1623-144 Tony's Second Höhle
1623.p145 410765.94 5281478.20 47.680530 13.811075 1687 +43 25 1623-145a Wolfhöhle
1623.p145b 410745.92 5281474.65 47.680495 13.810809 1685 +37 18 1623-145b Wolfhöhle
1623.p145c 410753.34 5281443.42 47.680215 13.810914 1697 +39 16 1623-145c Wolfhöhle
1623.p147 411106.03 5281340.33 47.679336 13.815633 1774 +47 22 1623-147 Schwa Höhle 147
1623.p148 410676.51 5281583.03 47.681460 13.809862 1653 +49 17 1623-148 Marilyn Monroe Höhle
1623.p150 411190.27 5280261.82 47.669646 13.816974 1602 +47 29 1623-150 Schwa Röhrhöhle 150
1623.p151 411151.91 5280224.68 47.669306 13.816471 1599 +38 12 1623-151 Schwa Höhle 151
1623.p152 411157.95 5280202.89 47.669111 13.816556 1592 +15 21 1623-152 Bananehöhle
1623.p154 410928.17 5280912.45 47.675463 13.813351 1771 +55 25 1623-154a Schwa Schacht 154
1623.p154b 410944.70 5280896.07 47.675317 13.813575 1763 +54 21 1623-154b Schwa Schacht 154
1623.p156 410923.42 5281224.80 47.678272 13.813224 1794 +40 16 1623-156 Schwa Schacht 156
1623.p157 410851.89 5281704.25 47.682575 13.812173 1684 +48 18 1623-157 Pirat Schacht
1623.p160 410151.46 5281439.01 47.680092 13.802897 1638 +60 20 1623-160 Plateau Schacht 160
1623.p161b 411335.80 5281468.82 47.680524 13.818667 1753 +45 10 1623-161b Kaninchenhöhle
1623.p161c 411345.76 5281480.06 47.680626 13.818798 1753 +45 8 1623-161c Kaninchenhöhle
1623.p161dtag 411689.07 5281330.11 47.679324 13.823401 1613 +59 10 1623-161d Kaninchenhöhle
1623.p161e 411967.06 5281734.07 47.682996 13.827023 1660 +77 30 1623-161e Kaninchenhöhle
1623.p161f 411941.20 5281684.77 47.682549 13.826688 1660 +53 19 1623-161f Kaninchenhöhle
1623.p161g 411946.90 5281823.50 47.683798 13.826736 1718 +57 8 1623-161g Kaninchenhöhle
1623.p161h 411989.95 5281957.20 47.685006 13.827283 1689 +62 11 1623-161h Kaninchenhöhle
1623.p162 411330.80 5281231.21 47.678385 13.818649 1747 +43 3 1623-162main Schwa Höhle 162
1623.p162b 411308.51 5281195.50 47.678061 13.818359 1754 +36 29 1623-162b Schwa Höhle 162
1623.p163tag 411312.03 5281040.28 47.676665 13.818438 1727 +47 20 1623-163 Schwa Höhle 163
1623.p164rig 410383.90 5281455.14 47.680269 13.805990 1626 +64 7 1623-164 Plateau Schacht 164
1623.p164tag 410383.50 5281456.33 47.680280 13.805985 1628 +61 9 1623-164 Plateau Schacht 164
1623.p165 411172.60 5282094.98 47.686134 13.816366 1793 +31 25 1623-165 Schwa Schacht 165
1623.p171b 410310.47 5281564.05 47.681239 13.804990 1636 +56 25 1623-171b Plateau Höhle 90/1
1623.p172 410326.30 5281629.70 47.681831 13.805187 1631 +61 25 1623-172 Plateau Höhle 90/2
1623.p174 410398.95 5282057.43 47.685689 13.806067 1659 +48 9 1623-174 Plateau Schacht 90/4
1623.p175 410546.08 5282191.86 47.686919 13.808000 1660 +54 8 1623-175 Plateau Schacht 90/5
1623.p176 410579.21 5282249.83 47.687445 13.808429 1668 +54 25 1623-176 Plateau Schacht 90/6
1623.p180 411447.02 5281620.44 47.681903 13.820118 1767 +40 8 1623-180 Schwa Schacht 90/10
1623.p182 409938.81 5281861.69 47.683864 13.799978 1597 +82 8 1623-182 Bovistundpuderzuckerhöhle
1623.p183 409836.50 5281924.51 47.684415 13.798602 1592 +78 18 1623-183 Elchfalle
1623.p184 409872.15 5281890.22 47.684112 13.799084 1592 +83 32 1623-184 Shiruken
1623.p186 410597.64 5281087.97 47.676996 13.808913 1701 +48 19 1623-186 Rosenkavalierhöhle
1623.p188 410348.41 5281412.67 47.679882 13.805526 1629 +64 17 1623-188a Skinrip Durchgange I-VI
1623.p191 411440.54 5281576.63 47.681508 13.820041 1764 +38 1 1623-191 Schwa Schacht 191
1623.p193 411528.33 5281473.05 47.680588 13.821231 1744 +35 10 1623-193 Schwa Schacht 193
1623.p194 411096.72 5282164.27 47.686747 13.815341 1763 +35 20 1623-194 Schwa Schacht 194
1623.p196 411205.75 5282195.35 47.687041 13.816787 1791 +38 14 1623-196 Schwa Höhle 196
1623.p202 410421.79 5280189.03 47.668885 13.806755 1636 +40 14 1623-202 Dominoschacht
1623.p203 410742.84 5280524.66 47.671949 13.810962 1711 +47 30 1623-203 Sonnenscheinschacht
1623.p204a 411560.09 5282623.37 47.690940 13.821421 1812 +56 3 1623-204a Steinbrückenhöhle
1623.p204b 411548.39 5282634.30 47.691037 13.821263 1808 +60 18 1623-204b Steinbrückenhöhle
1623.p204c 411531.72 5282829.93 47.692795 13.821001 1831 +54 16 1623-204c Steinbrückenhöhle
1623.p204e 411481.39 5282788.75 47.692417 13.820339 1814 +49 20 1623-204e Steinbrückenhöhle
1623.p204f 411490.94 5282801.96 47.692537 13.820464 1819 +57 33 1623-204f Steinbrückenhöhle
1623.p204g 411297.32 5282929.28 47.693656 13.817858 1776 +64 22 1623-204g Steinbrückenhöhle
1623.p204h 411320.91 5282927.31 47.693642 13.818173 1786 +53 2 1623-204h Steinbrückenhöhle
1623.p204i 411324.33 5282923.66 47.693609 13.818219 1787 +53 7 1623-204i Steinbrückenhöhle
1623.p205tag 411297.39 5281284.29 47.678858 13.818193 1766 +37 14 1623-205 Nordalpenschacht
1623.p206 411030.37 5280651.42 47.673128 13.814765 1698 +45 19 1623-206a Sieben-Eingangshöhle
1623.p207 410208.34 5281348.37 47.679284 13.803674 1664 +48 23 1623-207 Plumpsklohöhle
1623.p208 410212.37 5281363.10 47.679417 13.803724 1661 +47 26 1623-208 Quallenhöhle
1623.p209 411203.54 5281187.68 47.677976 13.816963 1793 +53 23 1623-209 Schistock-Absturzschacht
1623.p214 411590.09 5282043.16 47.685725 13.821938 1822 +34 23 1623-214 Segmenthöhle
1623.p215 411437.74 5280909.35 47.675505 13.820139 1645 +61 21 1623-215a Rufverbindungshöhle
1623.p215b 411437.88 5280913.12 47.675539 13.820140 1650 +57 18 1623-215b Rufverbindungshöhle
1623.p215x 411447.33 5280908.48 47.675498 13.820267 1644 +63 28 1623-215a Rufverbindungshöhle
1623.p216 411404.96 5280857.75 47.675036 13.819713 1651 +44 28 1623-216 Nichts 50
1623.p216x 411412.80 5280854.95 47.675012 13.819818 1649 +46 25 1623-216 Nichts 50
1623.p217 411400.35 5280829.19 47.674778 13.819657 1648 +39 24 1623-217 Schneepfropfenhöhle
1623.p218 411230.55 5281284.51 47.678851 13.817303 1779 +39 5 1623-218 Hammerkopfabsturtzhöhle
1623.p220 410736.58 5281463.30 47.680391 13.810687 1687 +49 22 1623-220 Kennedy Alternative
1623.p222 411618.53 5281981.75 47.685177 13.822330 1807 +40 22 1623-222 Gösserhöhle
1623.p225 410767.38 5281392.61 47.679760 13.811111 1738 +25 19 1623-225 Jahrzehnschacht
1623.p226a 410350.64 5281444.98 47.680173 13.805549 1625 +66 14 1623-226a Skaschacht
1623.p226b 410360.58 5281444.43 47.680170 13.805682 1623 +67 24 1623-226b Skaschacht
1623.p227 410350.34 5281448.71 47.680207 13.805545 1625 +65 13 1623-227 Faultienschacht
1623.p228 409866.28 5279995.88 47.667070 13.799396 1600 +33 17 1623-228 Kleine Schnellzughöhle
1623.p229 411379.87 5280815.78 47.674655 13.819387 1663 +65 13 1623-229 Weiße Höhle
1623.p230 411312.48 5281771.86 47.683246 13.818295 1805 +44 19 1623-230 Vergeßlichheithöhle
1623.p231a 411579.16 5282645.92 47.691146 13.821671 1815 +53 28 1623-231a Traungoldhöhle
1623.p231b 411579.72 5282667.08 47.691336 13.821674 1815 +53 17 1623-231b Traungoldhöhle
1623.p231c 411597.98 5282663.01 47.691302 13.821918 1823 +58 18 1623-231c Traungoldhöhle
1623.p231d 411583.86 5282644.52 47.691134 13.821734 1815 +53 30 1623-231d Traungoldhöhle
1623.p231e 411585.59 5282631.70 47.691019 13.821759 1817 +51 24 1623-231e Traungoldhöhle
1623.p231f 411596.97 5282630.00 47.691005 13.821911 1819 +61 18 1623-231f Traungoldhöhle
1623.p231g 411589.14 5282639.80 47.691092 13.821805 1820 +60 29 1623-231g Traungoldhöhle
1623.p231h 411586.78 5282644.40 47.691133 13.821773 1815 +53 32 1623-231h Traungoldhöhle
1623.p231i 411571.58 5282655.04 47.691227 13.821568 1812 +57 20 1623-231i Traungoldhöhle
1623.p234a 411294.56 5282375.34 47.688673 13.817934 1784 +54 13 1623-234a Hauchhöhle
1623.p234b 411317.41 5282394.83 47.688851 13.818234 1792 +45 19 1623-234b Hauchhöhle
1623.p238 411329.57 5281102.51 47.677227 13.818659 1735 +44 24 1623-238a Flinkameiseschacht
1623.p239 411632.75 5282426.49 47.689179 13.822429 1833 +53 25 1623-239 Rock'n'Roll Höhle
1623.p240 411769.47 5282053.02 47.685838 13.824326 1791 +37 25 1623-240 Gewölbeschacht
1623.p241 411613.83 5282758.18 47.692160 13.822110 1844 +59 14 1623-241 Dreieckhöhle
1623.p242 411554.44 5282805.96 47.692582 13.821309 1835 +64 21 1623-242 Tropfelhöhle
1623.p244 411618.02 5282640.95 47.691106 13.822189 1831 +49 19 1623-244 Dünne Faulpelz Höhle
1623.p246 411701.59 5282151.47 47.686715 13.823402 1788 +69 19 1623-246 Damoclesschacht
1623.p247 411683.12 5282780.81 47.692374 13.823029 1872 +40 20 1623-247 Kartoffelbreihöhle
1623.p248 411821.61 5282571.85 47.690513 13.824916 1865 +46 11 1623-248 Blaudrachenschacht
1623.p250 410309.70 5281602.95 47.681589 13.804972 1638 +54 19 1623-250 Schönschrifthöhle
1623.p252 410825.36 5280274.46 47.669709 13.812112 1650 +61 20 1623-252 Bunnyschacht
1623.p254a 411978.39 5282232.92 47.687485 13.827073 1764 +43 30 1623-254a Kindergartenhöhle
1623.p254b 411976.84 5282241.11 47.687559 13.827051 1767 +52 32 1623-254b Kindergartenhöhle
1623.p254c 411960.03 5282228.64 47.687444 13.826829 1769 +37 15 1623-254c Kindergartenhöhle
1623.p256 411799.38 5282577.88 47.690564 13.824619 1865 +46 16 1623-256 Nischehöhle
1623.p257 412001.61 5282944.95 47.693894 13.827239 1800 +132 26 1623-257 Daumenkinohöhle
1623.p258a 411533.36 5283062.68 47.694889 13.820976 1857 +46 16 1623-258a Tunnockschacht
1623.p258b 411542.46 5283059.67 47.694863 13.821098 1862 +40 25 1623-258b Tunnockschacht
1623.p260 411809.55 5284197.96 47.705139 13.824426 1900 +55 24 1623-260 Rumpelkammer (e08)
1623.p261 411534.25 5283856.90 47.702033 13.820827 1885 +37 18 1623-261 Höhle für kleine Jungs (e10)
1623.p262 411718.06 5283755.96 47.701151 13.823297 1905 +42 24 1623-262 Der Pseudobringer (e18)
1623.p263 411247.10 5283324.94 47.697209 13.817108 1773 +33 20 1623-263 Clownhöhle
1623.p264 411833.31 5283302.53 47.697087 13.824924 1866 +50 16 1623-264 Balkonhöhle
1623.p267 410902.83 5281730.51 47.682818 13.812847 1700 +44 12 1623-267 Verstecktentalhöhle
1623.p268 411056.22 5280884.17 47.675226 13.815062 1745 +54 19 1623-268 Neunzehn Yahr Wartezeit Höhle
1623.p269 410733.67 5281845.28 47.683827 13.810570 1642 +50 13 1623-269 Maraehöhle
1623.p270 410474.78 5281570.58 47.681320 13.807177 1630 +59 28 1623-270 Tote Gemse Höhle
1623.p271 410678.15 5282010.54 47.685306 13.809796 1641 +50 28 1623-271a Korokorohöhle
1623.p271b 410669.37 5282003.10 47.685238 13.809681 1640 +48 22 1623-271b Korokorohöhle
1623.p271c 410680.69 5281979.38 47.685026 13.809836 1640 +52 22 1623-271c Korokorohöhle
1623.p272 411995.00 5283601.00 47.699794 13.827018 1938 +33 17 1623-272 Zweite Kugel Höhle
1623.p274 411378.06 5283428.30 47.698156 13.818832 1822 +37 2 1623-274 Verlorener Bleistift Höhle
1623.p277a 412007.27 5283626.21 47.700023 13.827177 1928 +43 26 1623-277a Schlechte Wettervorhersage
1623.p277b 412005.31 5283627.46 47.700034 13.827151 1925 +46 25 1623-277b Schlechte Wettervorhersage
1623.p277c 412006.96 5283621.49 47.699980 13.827174 1921 +50 24 1623-277c Schlechte Wettervorhersage
1623.p281 411202.03 5280306.97 47.670053 13.817122 1671 0 27 1623-281 Grünstein Eishöhle
1623.p283 412332.00 5283988.00 47.703322 13.831431 1879 +31 21 1623-283 Organhöhle
1623.p285 411448.96 5282618.08 47.690878 13.819942 1790 +60 16 1623-285 Geknackter Packsackhöhle
1623.p286 412395.04 5283935.93 47.702862 13.832282 1880 +36 20 1623-286 Radschlaghöhle
1623.p287 412549.00 5282427.00 47.689309 13.834636 1703 0 26 1623-287 Nach Osten Gefahren Höhle
1623.p288 411768.00 5283469.00 47.698576 13.824020 1888 +40 13 1623-288 Lila Lupinenhöhle
1623.p289 410645.00 5281565.00 47.681294 13.809446 1705 0 22 1623-289 Höhle der guten Hoffnung
1623.p290 410919.19 5282680.48 47.691366 13.812871 1695 +46 8 1623-290 Fischgesicht Höhle
1623.p291 410854.11 5282759.36 47.692067 13.811987 1675 +55 24 1623-291 Glückliche Schmetterlingshöhle
1623.p292 411650.01 5283408.02 47.698011 13.822460 1885 +44 24 1623-292a Motte Höhle
1623.p293 411625.90 5283561.96 47.699393 13.822108 1866 +53 12 1623-293 Blocklufthöhle
1623.p294 411583.77 5282820.05 47.692713 13.821697 1861 +38 17 1623-294 Rhabarberhöhle
1623.p295 410830.94 5282803.93 47.692464 13.811670 1660 +64 21 1623-295 Keine Wassermelone Höhle
1623.p296 410816.75 5281680.08 47.682353 13.811710 1679 +38 26 1623-296a Doppel Gemse Höhle
1623.p296b 410796.66 5281675.65 47.682310 13.811443 1669 +48 15 1623-296b Doppel Gemse Höhle
1623.p297 412544.46 5283545.23 47.699367 13.834352 1902 +40 14 1623-297 Haizahnhöhle
1623.p298 411586.30 5283030.66 47.694608 13.821688 1865 +49 17 1623-298 Zufallsschacht
1623.p303 411078.77 5282821.35 47.692655 13.814968 1701 +48 17 1623-303 Höhle bei der Ankunft tot
1623.p304 411380.47 5282564.74 47.690388 13.819040 1785 +42 23 1623-304 Doppellochhöhle
1623.p305 411388.11 5282573.51 47.690468 13.819140 1792 +48 24 1623-305 Adidas Lederhosen Schacht
1623.p306a 411884.91 5283058.41 47.694898 13.825661 1866 +46 15 1623-306a Gollum Grotte
1623.p306b 411876.75 5283053.82 47.694856 13.825553 1866 +46 14 1623-306b Gollum Grotte
1623.p307a 411934.17 5283154.82 47.695772 13.826298 1871 +45 15 1623-307a Kleine Zelthöhle
1623.p307b 411937.29 5283143.91 47.695675 13.826342 1876 +41 25 1623-307b Kleine Zelthöhle
1623.p308a 412003.05 5283257.83 47.696708 13.827195 1890 +45 24 1623-308a Top-Camp-Bandhöhle
1623.p308b 412008.05 5283264.35 47.696768 13.827260 1893 +43 18 1623-308b Top-Camp-Bandhöhle
1623.p309 412045.70 5283288.87 47.696993 13.827757 1896 +42 31 1623-309a Fledermaus- versus Rattenhöhle
1623.p310 411118.88 5282735.48 47.691888 13.815520 1720 +43 4 1623-310 Schlüssellochhöhle
1623.p311 411062.63 5282840.83 47.692828 13.814749 1700 +49 8 1623-311 Langweiliges Loch
1623.p312 410952.11 5282872.54 47.693098 13.813270 1675 +57 21 1623-312 Bergschacht
1623.p313 410940.53 5282802.68 47.692468 13.813130 1690 +42 29 1623-313 Totes Ballonloch
1623.p314 410950.27 5282723.05 47.691753 13.813276 1695 +48 20 1623-314 Silbermottenhöhle
1623.p315 410923.28 5282725.58 47.691772 13.812916 1686 +50 14 1623-315 Mendip-Männerhöhle
1623.p316 410827.38 5282667.80 47.691239 13.811650 1687 +45 25 1623-316 Katzenaugenhöhle
1623.p317 410775.43 5282559.54 47.690258 13.810980 1696 +44 24 1623-317 Mahlstromhöhle
1623.p318 410691.34 5282655.32 47.691108 13.809840 1701 +37 26 1623-318 Tempesthöhle
1623.p319 410706.47 5282662.87 47.691178 13.810040 1698 +40 22 1623-319 Der Sturm 2
1623.p320 410583.11 5282777.68 47.692194 13.808373 1678 +50 24 1623-320 Unglückliche Gämsenhöhle
1623.p321 410419.99 5282809.57 47.692458 13.806193 1677 +43 12 1623-321 Kleiner Abfluss Höhle
1623.p322 410422.54 5282833.87 47.692677 13.806222 1669 +47 15 1623-322 Mittlerer Abfluss Höhle
1623.p323 410425.77 5282848.50 47.692809 13.806262 1668 +48 8 1623-323 Amphitheater Höhle
1623.p1976_b4 410507.60 5281128.61 47.677349 13.807705 1654 +72 29 1623-B4 CUCC 1976/B4
1623.p1998-x01 410511.99 5281843.03 47.683776 13.807617 1632 +48 16 1623-1998-X01 unknown98
1623.p2000-02 411409.28 5281823.54 47.683725 13.819574 1803 +36 14 1623-2000-02 1623-2000-02
1623.p2000-08 411470.51 5282543.53 47.690210 13.820244 1815 +41 20 1623-2000-08 Grabenkrieghöhle
1623.p2001-02 411537.73 5282691.75 47.691552 13.821109 1810 +50 29 1623-2001-02 1623-2001-02
1623.p2001-03 411494.72 5282685.68 47.691492 13.820538 1803 +57 22 1623-2001-03 1623-2001-03
1623.p2002-03 411346.11 5282455.13 47.689398 13.818604 1795 +43 26 1623-2002-03 Igelhöhle
1623.p2002-06 411560.89 5282816.43 47.692677 13.821393 1861 +37 9 1623-2002-06 Eiercremehöhle
1623.p2002-07 411507.68 5282834.70 47.692834 13.820680 1829 +56 14 1623-2002-07 Quarries
1623.p2002-08 411484.37 5282811.79 47.692625 13.820374 1816 +60 22 1623-2002-08 1623-2002-08
1623.p2002-buc-01 411802.67 5282574.26 47.690532 13.824663 1865 +46 11 1623-2002-BUC-01 1623-2002-BUC-01
1623.p2002-w-02 411391.37 5280808.74 47.674593 13.819542 1652 +77 26 1623-2002-W-02 1623-2002-W-02
1623.p2004-02 410756.56 5281861.12 47.683973 13.810871 1646 +47 23 1623-2004-02 1623-2004-02
1623.p2004-07 410609.96 5282165.15 47.686688 13.808856 1651 +53 22 1623-2004-07 1623-2004-07
1623.p2004-08 410648.45 5282128.75 47.686365 13.809376 1648 +55 15 1623-2004-08 1623-2004-08
1623.p2004-13 412004.12 5281819.70 47.683771 13.827499 1664 +70 10 1623-2004-13 1623-2004-13
1623.p2004-14 411247.75 5282592.44 47.690619 13.817266 1756 +54 19 1623-2004-14 Doktorarbeitloch
1623.p2004-18 411431.06 5282951.82 47.693877 13.819635 1819 +56 27 1623-2004-18 Eiskeller
1623.p2005-01 412348.37 5282616.28 47.690984 13.831925 1717 +70 17 1623-2005-01 1623-2005-01
1623.p2005-02 411971.65 5282384.20 47.688845 13.826953 1755 +89 24 1623-2005-02 1623-2005-02
1623.p2005-03 412270.53 5282571.13 47.690567 13.830897 1684 +90 16 1623-2005-03 1623-2005-03
1623.p2005-06 412025.50 5282986.43 47.694270 13.827549 1900 +32 24 1623-2005-06 L Shaft
1623.p2005-91 410746.41 5281870.12 47.684052 13.810734 1648 +45 21 1623-2005-91 1623-2005-91
1623.p2005-92 410617.07 5281744.87 47.682908 13.809037 1635 +46 23 1623-2005-92 1623-2005-92
1623.p2005-93 410588.84 5281751.52 47.682964 13.808660 1632 +49 9 1623-2005-93 1623-2005-93
1623.p2005-94 410612.27 5281756.33 47.683010 13.808971 1635 +46 22 1623-2005-94 1623-2005-94
1623.p2005-95 410606.12 5281760.27 47.683045 13.808888 1635 +46 20 1623-2005-95 1623-2005-95
1623.p2005-96 410591.23 5281806.64 47.683460 13.808680 1634 +47 13 1623-2005-96 Schlotschacht
1623.p2005-97 410654.59 5281928.82 47.684568 13.809499 1636 +49 16 1623-2005-97 Genutetschacht
1623.p2005-98 410643.53 5281929.65 47.684574 13.809352 1636 +50 14 1623-2005-98 (Hanger Pot)
1623.p2005-99 410610.15 5281890.73 47.684219 13.808915 1629 +54 13 1623-2005-99 Ohne Mantel Höhle
1623.p2006-70 410673.15 5281619.42 47.681787 13.809810 1651 +46 29 1623-2006-70 Cairn Cave
1623.p2006-71 410765.78 5281988.05 47.685116 13.810968 1647 +51 17 1623-2006-71 1623-2006-71
1623.p2006-72 410582.11 5281115.86 47.677245 13.808700 1701 +48 21 1623-2006-72 Mystery Plus Cave
1623.p2006-73 410677.40 5281792.02 47.683340 13.809831 1643 +43 18 1623-2006-73 Ice Curtain Cave
1623.p2007-01 411664.58 5282523.23 47.690054 13.822834 1861 +35 4 1623-2007-01 1623-2007-01
1623.p2007-02 411610.07 5282545.40 47.690246 13.822103 1846 +36 23 1623-2007-02 1623-2007-02
1623.p2007-04 411737.22 5282692.65 47.691588 13.823767 1869 +30 33 1623-2007-04 Slippery Hole
1623.p2007-05 411916.33 5281860.89 47.684130 13.826321 1758 +47 21 1623-2007-05 1623-2007-05
1623.p2007-06 411784.26 5282182.69 47.687007 13.824497 1810 +35 24 1623-2007-06 1623-2007-06
1623.p2007-07 411775.60 5282477.85 47.689661 13.824322 1873 +36 18 1623-2007-07 1623-2007-07
1623.p2007-12 411651.95 5282819.47 47.692717 13.822605 1783 +142 15 1623-2007-12 Rosa Waffelkeks Höhle
1623.p2007-70 410673.59 5282017.39 47.685367 13.809734 1641 +48 34 1623-2007-70 Spit Pot
1623.p2007-72 410683.33 5281746.99 47.682936 13.809919 1646 +42 12 1623-2007-72 Batter Pot
1623.p2007-neu 410677.57 5280283.64 47.669771 13.810142 1680 +42 17 1623-2007-NEU-01 Nachbarschacht vom Grießkogel
1623.p2009-01 411672.13 5283107.01 47.695306 13.822816 1888 +28 14 1623-2009-01 Affenjagdhoehle
1623.p2009-02 411710.24 5283159.19 47.695781 13.823313 1872 +39 18 1623-2009-02 Schneehühnhöhle
1623.p2009-03 411735.28 5283114.66 47.695384 13.823656 1887 +33 13 1623-2009-03 1623-2009-03
1623.p2010-04 411603.83 5283558.44 47.699358 13.821814 1860 +56 25 1623-2010-04 1623-2010-04
1623.p2010-06 411505.30 5283074.25 47.694989 13.820600 1849 +54 17 1623-2010-06 1623-2010-06
1623.p2010-07 411507.78 5283077.02 47.695014 13.820632 1892 +11 15 1623-2010-07 Brunnen G schacht
1623.p2012-dd-01 411743.24 5283531.45 47.699134 13.823678 1889 +36 16 1623-2012-dd-01 1623-2012-dd-01
1623.p2012-dd-02 411758.27 5283533.12 47.699151 13.823878 1879 +51 28 1623-2012-dd-02 1623-2012-dd-02
1623.p2012-dd-03 411767.04 5283568.93 47.699475 13.823987 1879 +50 16 1623-2012-dd-03 1623-2012-dd-03
1623.p2012-dd-04 412094.65 5283598.89 47.699789 13.828347 1957 +38 17 1623-2012-dd-04 1623-2012-dd-04
1623.p2012-dd-06 412483.02 5283708.91 47.700831 13.833500 1889 +26 6 1623-2012-dd-06 Big D Höhle
1623.p2012-dd-07 412511.04 5283618.94 47.700026 13.833891 1884 +44 28 1623-2012-dd-07 1623-2012-dd-07
1623.p2012-dd-09 412441.56 5283549.44 47.699391 13.832980 1927 +35 10 1623-2012-dd-09 1623-2012-dd-09
1623.p2012-dd-10 412618.55 5283596.63 47.699840 13.835329 1886 +18 16 1623-2012-dd-10 1623-2012-dd-10
1623.p2012-dd-11 412735.49 5283594.12 47.699833 13.836887 1831 +49 4 1623-2012-dd-11 1623-2012-dd-11
1623.p2012-ft-01 411983.00 5283592.00 47.699712 13.826860 1930 +41 22 1623-2012-ft-01 1623-2012-ft-01
1623.p2012-ft-02 411928.00 5283570.00 47.699506 13.826132 1911 +42 7 1623-2012-ft-02 1623-2012-ft-02
1623.p2012-hw-01 411658.16 5283008.13 47.694415 13.822650 1902 +36 18 1623-2012-HW-01 1623-2012-HW-01
1623.p2012-hw-02 411647.07 5283100.93 47.695248 13.822483 1873 +37 32 1623-2012-HW-02 1623-2012-HW-02
1623.p2012-js-01 411320.00 5282745.00 47.692002 13.818198 1762 +56 17 1623-2012-js-01 Fruhlingsmiereschact
1623.p2012-ns-01 411513.00 5283262.00 47.696679 13.820664 1815 +80 18 1623-2012-ns-01 1623-2012-ns-01
1623.p2012-ns-02 411599.00 5283462.00 47.698490 13.821770 1876 +42 21 1623-2012-ns-02 1623-2012-ns-02
1623.p2012-ns-03 411584.00 5283502.00 47.698848 13.821562 1875 +39 21 1623-2012-ns-03 Slime Cave
1623.p2012-ns-03b 411650.00 5283408.00 47.698011 13.822460 1885 +44 24 1623-2012-ns-03 Slime Cave
1623.p2012-ns-05 411634.02 5283585.02 47.699601 13.822211 1867 +52 13 1623-2012-ns-05 1623-2012-ns-05
1623.p2012-ns-06 411643.02 5283599.01 47.699728 13.822328 1870 +52 24 1623-2012-ns-06 1623-2012-ns-06
1623.p2012-ns-07 411655.02 5283645.02 47.700144 13.822479 1876 +46 31 1623-2012-ns-07 1623-2012-ns-07
1623.p2012-ns-08 411637.02 5283686.01 47.700510 13.822231 1882 +45 14 1623-2012-ns-08 1623-2012-ns-08
1623.p2012-ns-09 411626.02 5283706.02 47.700689 13.822080 1888 +40 19 1623-2012-ns-09b Bergspitze Schacht
1623.p2012-ns-10 411555.02 5283722.01 47.700823 13.821131 1863 +57 19 1623-2012-ns-10 Kleine Baum Höhle
1623.p2012-ns-12 411568.01 5283758.02 47.701149 13.821297 1879 +32 24 1623-2012-ns-12 1623-2012-ns-12
1623.p2012-ns-14 411763.01 5283483.01 47.698701 13.823951 1888 +40 23 1623-2012-ns-14 1623-2012-ns-14
1623.p2012-ns-15 411617.02 5283515.02 47.698969 13.821999 1875 +43 16 1623-2012-ns-15 1623-2012-ns-15
1623.p2012-ok-01 411876.00 5283524.00 47.699085 13.825448 1893 +48 10 1623-2012-OK-01 1623-2012-OK-01
1623.p2012-ok-02 411904.00 5283600.00 47.699773 13.825806 1898 +42 26 1623-2012-OK-02 1623-2012-OK-02
1623.p2012-ow-01 411891.00 5283595.00 47.699726 13.825634 1903 +37 23 1623-2012-OW-01 Birth Control Chamber
1623.p2012-ow-07 411898.90 5283590.67 47.699688 13.825740 1940 0 29 1623-2012-OW-7 1623-2012-OW-7
1623.p2013-03 411536.44 5283255.92 47.696627 13.820978 1826 +69 21 1623-2013-03 AntsInYourPants
1623.p2013-06 411324.00 5283211.00 47.696194 13.818156 1785 +34 18 1623-2013-06a 1623-2013-06
1623.p2013-bl-01 411372.21 5283435.43 47.698220 13.818753 1859 0 11 1623-2013-BL-01 Dwarf Death-wish hole
1623.p2013-cucc-01 411390.65 5283363.04 47.697571 13.819013 1825 +28 18 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1623.p2013-cucc-01-dup 411397.91 5283374.88 47.697679 13.819108 1823 +30 19 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1623.p2013-cucc-01b 411372.21 5283435.43 47.698220 13.818753 1828 +31 11 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1623.p2013-cucc-pit 411401.76 5283507.78 47.698875 13.819132 1840 +36 28 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1623.p2013-cucc-shelter1 411414.00 5283472.52 47.698559 13.819302 1831 +48 17 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1623.p2013-cucc-slope 411366.99 5283518.53 47.698967 13.818667 1844 +32 17 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1623.p2014-bl888 411312.09 5283445.08 47.698298 13.817950 1846 0 25 1623-2014-BL888 Silber Fisch Hoehle
1623.p2014-np-01 411763.58 5283475.45 47.698633 13.823960 1928 0 19 1623-2014-NP-01 1623-2014-NP-01
1623.p2016-01 411654.00 5283648.00 47.700171 13.822465 1883 +44 30 1623-2012-ns-07 1623-2012-ns-07
1623.p2016-03 411570.00 5283762.00 47.701185 13.821322 1867 +44 20 1623-2012-ns-12 1623-2012-ns-12
1623.p2016-04 411557.00 5283720.00 47.700805 13.821158 1878 +42 21 1623-2012-ns-10 Kleine Baum Höhle
1623.p2017-21 410573.45 5282783.42 47.692244 13.808243 1673 +55 13 1623-2017-21 1623-2017-21
1623.p2017-22 410594.17 5282779.35 47.692211 13.808520 1731 0 27 1623-2017-22 1623-2017-22
1623.p2017-aa-01 411410.99 5282957.01 47.693921 13.819367 1875 0 22 1623-2017-AA-01 1623-2017-AA-01
1623.p2017-ams-01 410694.67 5282769.21 47.692133 13.809861 1688 +42 31 1623-2017-AMS-01 Delicate Bridge Cave
1623.p2017-ams-02 410524.24 5282878.22 47.693090 13.807568 1727 0 18 1623-2017-AMS-02 Elusive pit
1623.p2017-nr-01 411811.10 5283441.94 47.698338 13.824600 1930 0 31 1623-2017-NR-01 1623-2017-NR-01
1623.p2017-nr-02 411873.93 5283527.69 47.699118 13.825420 1941 +0 14 1623-2017-NR-02 1623-2017-NR-02
1623.p2017-ntu-01 411520.98 5282904.98 47.693468 13.820843 1897 +0 19 1623-2018-NTU-02 1623-2018-NTU-02
1623.p2018-aa-01 411271.00 5282705.00 47.691635 13.817553 1803 0 25 1623-2018-aa-01 Achte auf die Lücke
1623.p2018-ad-01 412651.60 5283581.65 47.699709 13.835772 1864 +40 26 1623-2018-ad-01 1623-2018-ad-01
1623.p2018-ad-01_exif 412654.14 5283580.72 47.699701 13.835806 1862 +41 28 1623-2018-ad-01 1623-2018-ad-01
1623.p2018-ms-01 410688.18 5283025.99 47.694442 13.809722 1746 -3 23 1623-2018-MS-01 1623-2018-MS-01
1623.p2018-ntu-01 411579.00 5282737.00 47.691965 13.821650 1834 +41 20 1623-2018-NTU-01 1623-2018-NTU-01
1623.p2018-pf-01 411526.00 5282885.00 47.693289 13.820914 1859 +36 13 1623-2018-pf-01 1623-2018-pf-01
1623.p2018-pf-02 411536.00 5282897.00 47.693399 13.821045 1867 +28 29 1623-2018-pf-02 1623-2018-pf-02
1623.p2018-pf-03 411530.00 5282893.00 47.693362 13.820966 1858 +37 22 1623-2018-pf-03 1623-2018-pf-03
1623.p2022-hh-01 410836.95 5282557.49 47.690248 13.811800 1756 0 31 1623-2022-HH-01a 1623-2022-HH-01
1623.p2022-hh-02 411092.21 5282709.20 47.691648 13.815170 1763 0 33 1623-2022-HH-02a 1623-2022-HH-02
1623.p2022-hh-03 410878.41 5282617.99 47.690798 13.812340 1741 0 26 1623-2022-HH-03 1623-2022-HH-03
1623.p2022-hh-04 410839.08 5282598.58 47.690618 13.811820 1748 0 25 1623-2022-HH-04a 1623-2022-HH-04
1623.p2022-hh-05 410836.95 5282557.49 47.690248 13.811800 1756 0 31 1623-2022-HH-05a 1623-2022-HH-05
1623.p2022-hh-06 410820.30 5282548.85 47.690168 13.811580 1747 0 13 1623-2022-HH-06 1623-2022-HH-06
1623.p2022-hh-07 410767.38 5282426.27 47.689058 13.810900 1739 0 17 1623-2022-HH-07a 1623-2022-HH-07
1623.p2022-hh-08 410654.82 5282428.00 47.689058 13.809400 1735 0 15 1623-2022-HH-08 1623-2022-HH-08
1623.p2022-hh-09 410637.51 5282376.02 47.688588 13.809180 1733 0 26 1623-2022-HH-09 1623-2022-HH-09
1623.p2022-hh-10 410663.47 5282306.70 47.687968 13.809540 1726 0 16 1623-2022-HH-10 1623-2022-HH-10
1623.p2022-hh-11 410772.28 5282158.29 47.686648 13.811020 1707 0 26 1623-2022-HH-11 1623-2022-HH-11
1623.p2022-hh-12 410833.80 5282107.32 47.686198 13.811850 1718 0 26 1623-2022-HH-12 1623-2022-HH-12
1623.p2022-kb-01 411785.43 5283481.23 47.698688 13.824250 1928 0 13 1623-2022-KB-01 1623-2022-KB-01
1623.p2023-ash-01 410445.29 5281611.16 47.681681 13.806776 1695 0 14 1623-2023-ASH-01a 1623-2023-ASH-01
1623.p2023-ash-02 410441.35 5282193.84 47.686922 13.806604 1722 0 13 1623-2023-ASH-02a 1623-2023-ASH-02
1623.p2023-ash-03 410361.84 5282548.12 47.690098 13.805472 1728 0 1 1623-2023-ASH-03a 1623-2023-ASH-03
1623.p2023-ash-04 410338.12 5282733.02 47.691758 13.805118 1721 0 28 1623-2023-ASH-04a 1623-2023-ASH-04
1623.p2023-ash-06 411941.90 5283159.82 47.695818 13.826400 1916 0 18 1623-2023-ASH-06a 1623-2023-ASH-06
1623.p2023-ash-07 411971.48 5283234.41 47.696493 13.826779 1926 0 20 1623-2023-ASH-07a 1623-2023-ASH-07
1623.p2023-ash-10 411862.68 5283453.60 47.698450 13.825285 1941 0 22 1623-2023-ASH-10a 1623-2023-ASH-10
1623.p2023-ash-11 411879.49 5283473.69 47.698633 13.825505 1941 0 7 1623-2023-ASH-11a 1623-2023-ASH-11
1623.p2023-ash-12 411725.07 5283375.99 47.697733 13.823467 1916 0 7 1623-2023-ASH-12 1623-2023-ASH-12
1623.p2023-ash-13 411784.19 5283330.51 47.697332 13.824264 1910 0 13 1623-2023-ASH-13 1623-2023-ASH-13
1623.p2023-ash-14 411797.71 5283331.20 47.697340 13.824444 1910 0 24 1623-2023-ASH-14 1623-2023-ASH-14
1623.p2023-bl-10 410805.07 5282828.10 47.692678 13.811320 1724 -2 17 1623-2023-BL-10 1623-2023-BL-10
1623.p2023-bl-11 410850.64 5282814.06 47.692558 13.811930 1723 -2 30 1623-2023-BL-11 1623-2023-BL-11
1623.p2023-ebh-01 411433.95 5282774.02 47.692278 13.819710 1764 +89 18 1623-2023-EBH-01 1623-2023-EBH-01
1623.p2023-ebh-02 411452.79 5282779.29 47.692328 13.819960 1794 +69 14 1623-2023-EBH-02 1623-2023-EBH-02
1623.p2023-ft-01 410786.26 5282580.50 47.690448 13.811120 1694 +44 26 1623-2023-ft-01a Sinnlose Höhle
1623.p2023-hbrw-05 410548.38 5282803.03 47.692417 13.807905 1676 +52 20 1623-2023-hbrw-05 Rose Blumen Höhle
1623.p2023-js-01 410531.91 5282830.08 47.692658 13.807680 1726 0 21 1623-2023-JS-01 Sunglasses disapointment
1623.p2023-js-02 410583.08 5282594.73 47.690548 13.808410 1745 -7 21 1623-2023-JS-02 1623-2023-JS-02
1623.p2023-js-03 410619.01 5282588.62 47.690498 13.808890 1742 -2 9 1623-2023-JS-03 Gardeners'World
1623.p2023-jw-02 411084.11 5282739.01 47.691915 13.815056 1820 -63 20 1623-2023-JW-02 1623-2023-JW-02
1623.p2023-jw-03 411155.99 5282806.05 47.692528 13.816000 1755 +12 26 1623-2023-JW-03 1623-2023-JW-03
1623.p2023-mg-05 411140.00 5282741.82 47.691948 13.815800 1773 -10 26 1623-2023-mg-05 1623-2023-mg-05
1623.p2023-mg-06 411153.64 5282750.51 47.692028 13.815980 1769 +5 22 1623-2023-MG-06 1623-2023-MG-06
1623.p2023-mm-01 410567.74 5282817.30 47.692548 13.808160 1722 +6 23 1623-2023-MM-01 1623-2023-MM-01
1623.p2023-mm-02 410538.11 5282598.76 47.690578 13.807810 1736 +2 24 1623-2023-mm-02 CliffRichards
1623.p2024-nd-01 411397.68 5283398.20 47.697888 13.819100 0 +1853 28 1623-2024-ND-01a Ice Pyramid
1623.p-gassischacht 410682.41 5280322.53 47.670122 13.810198 1680 +55 28 1623-259 Gassischacht
1623.p-rentner 409876.50 5279830.25 47.665582 13.799567 1606 0 31 1623-RNT-01 Rentner-Express
1623.pla25 412554.31 5283738.74 47.701109 13.834444 1898 0 22 1623-170 LUSS/LA25
1623.pla26 412595.09 5283676.43 47.700554 13.835000 1884 0 27 1623-LA26 LUSS/LA26
1623.pla27 412637.73 5283737.48 47.701109 13.835556 1885 0 13 1623-LA27 LUSS/LA27
1623.pla30 412745.57 5283982.87 47.703331 13.836944 1849 0 15 1623-LA30 LUSS/LA30
1623.pla35 412574.70 5283707.53 47.700831 13.834722 1884 0 13 1623-LA35 LUSS/LA35
1623.pla37 412637.27 5283706.59 47.700831 13.835556 1878 0 7 1623-LA37 LUSS/LA37
1623.pla38 412490.88 5283678.00 47.700554 13.833611 1927 0 25 1623-LA38 LUSS/LA38
1623.pla40 412496.00 5284017.52 47.703609 13.833611 1881 0 15 1623-LA40 LUSS/LA40
1623.pmi5 411403.86 5281579.92 47.681532 13.819552 1764 +51 14 1623-1999-X01 1623-1999-X01
1623.pquarriesd 411484.34 5282819.30 47.692693 13.820372 1823 +53 18 1623-2002-FB-01 XX
1623.pwk12 410522.29 5281189.95 47.677903 13.807888 1667 +58 11 1623-1996WK12 1623-1996WK12
1623.t101 410461.84 5281853.68 47.683865 13.806947 1630 +52 17 1623-101main Plateau Schacht 101
1623.t102 410429.45 5281869.80 47.684006 13.806512 1628 +53 28 1623-102 Plateau Schacht 102
1623.t103 410439.30 5281878.75 47.684088 13.806641 1629 +53 20 1623-103 Plateau Schacht 103
1623.t147 411107.52 5281340.10 47.679334 13.815653 1774 +47 23 1623-147 Schwa Höhle 147
1623.t156 410922.05 5281225.09 47.678274 13.813206 1794 +40 16 1623-156 Schwa Schacht 156
1623.t159 410227.22 5281379.93 47.679571 13.803919 1647 +53 24 1623-159 Winded Hole
1623.t171 410335.19 5281531.01 47.680945 13.805326 1631 +63 19 1623-171a Plateau Höhle 90/1
1623.t173 410428.64 5281957.14 47.684791 13.806483 1637 +52 22 1623-173 Plateau Schacht 90/3
1623.t189 410389.50 5281459.99 47.680314 13.806064 1627 +62 11 1623-189 Plateau Schacht 189
1623.t190 410406.64 5281493.08 47.680614 13.806285 1626 +63 19 1623-190 Glitterstompf
1623.t197 410442.75 5281485.00 47.680546 13.806768 1639 +51 13 1623-197 Bemoost Tropfen Höhle
1623.t198 410399.45 5281391.25 47.679697 13.806211 1631 +62 15 1623-198 Fuchshöhle
1623.t200 410346.84 5282002.73 47.685190 13.805384 1644 +56 4 1623-200 Verlorener Rucksack Schacht
1623.t204d 411315.33 5282816.43 47.692644 13.818121 1772 +55 12 1623-204d Steinbrückenhöhle
1623.t210 410484.15 5281602.27 47.681607 13.807296 1626 +62 9 1623-210 Fettsack und Faulpelz höhle
1623.t243 411279.29 5282859.76 47.693028 13.817632 1761 +49 23 1623-243 GNDN Höhle
1623.t245 411250.15 5282766.31 47.692184 13.817263 1735 +65 21 1623-245 Weizeneishöhle
1623.t249 411355.74 5282405.91 47.688956 13.818743 1796 +49 22 1623-249 Artischockehöhle
1623.t251 411259.43 5282875.83 47.693170 13.817364 1752 +58 10 1623-251 In Ihrer Gesichtshöhle
1623.t253a 411270.03 5282599.06 47.690682 13.817562 1760 +50 21 1623-253a Rundreisehöhle
1623.t253b 411303.47 5282609.15 47.690777 13.818005 1767 +50 22 1623-253b Rundreisehöhle
1623.t255 411486.27 5282527.57 47.690068 13.820457 1815 +50 25 1623-255 Brecheisenhöhle
1623.t273 411322.11 5283281.90 47.696832 13.818117 1766 +56 6 1623-273 Ferkelhöhle
1623.t2002-08 411485.87 5282808.13 47.692592 13.820395 1820 +56 26 1623-2002-08 1623-2002-08
1623.t2006-06 410870.03 5281699.81 47.682537 13.812416 1693 +56 26 1623-2006-06 Bogenhöhle
1623.t2010-02 411622.17 5283227.48 47.696383 13.822126 1859 +45 6 1623-2010-02 zigzag cave
1624.1.1-0 416725.51 5282264.54 47.688399 13.890312 1854 XX nan 1624-1 Ohrhöhle
1624.120.1-0 417966.44 5282593.85 47.691520 13.906783 1807 XX nan 1624-120 HS-Nebenhöhle
1624.122.1-0 417972.39 5282591.72 47.691502 13.906863 1805 XX nan 1624-122 1624-122
1624.138.1-0 417099.27 5282162.52 47.687529 13.895311 1815 XX nan 1624-138 Unterhosenhöhle (pants)
1624.162.1-0 416635.42 5282306.47 47.688765 13.889104 1832 XX nan 1624-162 Osteologinnenhöhle
1624.170.1-0 416769.03 5282149.62 47.687371 13.890914 1772 XX nan 1624-170 Dreiganghöhle
1624.190.1-0 416592.21 5282529.38 47.690764 13.888485 1819 XX nan 1624-190 Schweigende Höhle
1626.2.Kein-Problem-Schacht.1.7a 409472.85 5285217.74 47.713989 13.793074 1898 +47 4 1626-2 Kein-Problem-Schacht
1626.3.Toti-Eisloch.1.3 411215.66 5285177.63 47.713871 13.816312 1820 +61 4 1626-3 Toti-Eisloch
1626.5.Nagelsteghoehle.1.O 406671.80 5281628.55 47.681304 13.756506 865 +29 20 1626-5 Nagelsteghöhle
1626.7.Mittereckhoehle.10.7 407960.34 5287111.74 47.730813 13.772513 1145 +115 11 1626-7 Mittereckhoehle
1626.8.Hauptgruppe.1.8 409886.31 5285089.76 47.712896 13.798611 1949 +54 28 1626-8 1626-8
1626.9.Hauptgruppe.1.1 409251.31 5286967.68 47.729700 13.789756 1440 +98 7 1626-9 1626-9
1626.10.Aussenvermessung.A0 407407.53 5286552.35 47.725702 13.765261 1460 -162 14 1626-10 Eisbodentichter
1626.13.Fliegenschacht.1.1 408525.66 5284282.51 47.705443 13.780645 1749 -10 24 1626-13 Fliegenschacht
1626.16.Eingangsteil.1.1 409491.27 5285941.25 47.720500 13.793169 1702 +82 25 1626-16 1626-16
1626.27.Aussenvermessung.1.A2 408382.20 5284752.41 47.709649 13.778634 1693 +42 26 1626-27 1626-27
1626.29.Sonnscheinhoehle.1.2 408260.82 5284580.12 47.708082 13.777053 1660 +52 15 1626-29 Sonnscheinhoehle
1626.33.Horizontalteil.1.2 411207.86 5285141.35 47.713543 13.816216 1815 +68 14 1626-33 Horizontalteil
1626.40.Fritzlhoehle.1.1 408429.83 5283834.42 47.701398 13.779462 1616 +52 11 1626-40 Fritzlhoehle
1626.46.46a-Eingangshalle.1.11 409770.13 5286860.32 47.728807 13.796696 1249 -24 16 1626-46 Neue_Plagitzerhoehle
1626.49.Felsbogenhoehle.1.2 409416.40 5285977.46 47.720815 13.792163 1671 +55 20 1626-49 Felsbogenhoehle
1626.50.1956.1.2 409764.97 5285487.80 47.716460 13.796911 1876 +48 26 1626-50 Ahnenschacht
1626.52.Grushoehle.1.15 409434.82 5285968.82 47.720740 13.792411 1665 +61 0 1626-52 Grushoehle
1626.55.Altausseerteil.100.3 407650.15 5283825.05 47.701203 13.769074 1521 +81 21 1626-55n Raucherkarhöhle
1626.55.Fensterhalle-Gigantendom.12.I 407766.61 5283855.48 47.701493 13.770619 1562 +53 23 1626-55a Raucherkarhöhle
1626.71.Zick-Zack-Schacht.1.2 408897.46 5286226.07 47.722979 13.785193 1638 +48 8 1626-71a Zick-Zack-Schacht
1626.101.Mike-Luckwill-Schacht.7 408758.69 5286095.76 47.721787 13.783371 1746 -23 24 1626-101 Mike-Luckwill-Schacht
1626.102.Kameradschaftshoehle.0 408099.02 5284297.67 47.705519 13.774956 1646 +14 0 1626-102 Kameradschaftshoehle
1626.111.Wehrkogelhoehle.1.1b 410024.83 5285506.19 47.716661 13.800372 1855 +24 0 1626-111 Wehrkogelhoehle
1626.118.Ottoloch_H2.1.1 409910.44 5286058.04 47.721610 13.798733 1637 +49 24 1626-118 Ottoloch H2
1626.120.Ahnengang.1.A21 409071.28 5285377.33 47.715368 13.787688 1446 +469 1 1626-120d Feuertalsystem
1626.120.Feuertal-Eishoehle.22.E-7 409113.79 5285617.35 47.717534 13.788204 1715 +66 16 1626-120a Feuertalsystem
1626.154.Flaschenschacht.1.A1 409201.65 5285614.02 47.717516 13.789376 1725 +58 26 1626-154 Flaschenschacht
1626.155.Schneekirchl.1.AP 409135.00 5285528.75 47.716740 13.788506 1762 +50 10 1626-155 Schneekirchl
1626.187.Christbaumloch.1.1 409479.79 5285210.29 47.713923 13.793168 1906 +40 14 1626-187 Christbaumloch
1626.202.Ab_in_den_Sueden.1.7aa 408328.83 5283843.31 47.701464 13.778114 1572 +91 10 1626-202 Ab_in_den_Sueden
1626.203.Wildkar-Hoehle.1.1a 408338.11 5284465.27 47.707060 13.778107 1609 +56 27 1626-203 Wildkar-Hoehle
1626.205.Aussenvermessung.1.A9 408374.25 5284625.28 47.708505 13.778555 1680 +50 25 1626-205 1626-205
1626.207.Innenvermessung.1.1 408157.03 5284367.75 47.706157 13.775714 1593 +50 22 1626-207 1626-207
1626.257.Einstiegsschacht.1.1 409259.13 5284543.53 47.707894 13.790365 1689 +108 21 1626-257 Einstiegsschacht
1626.361.1.0 411223.50 5285775.40 47.719249 13.816295 1800 +55 9 1626-361 Hübel-Höhle
1626.LA11.0 412877.08 5284354.75 47.706695 13.838622 1839 +24 25 1626-LA11 Lungehöhle
1626.casino.0 412125.45 5284334.16 47.706407 13.828609 1930 +23 33 1626-casino-01 Casino
1626.lou-toti.LT-Eingang.1 411208.93 5285143.77 47.713565 13.816229 1825 +59 15 1626-loutoti-01 Loutotihoehle
1626.p354langustl 411333.45 5285045.31 47.712696 13.817909 1870 +55 25 1626-354 LangGustl
1626.p359 410359.12 5283013.94 47.694288 13.805340 1683 +45 19 1626-359 Heimkommenhöhle
1626.p2013-cucc-01cp 411388.75 5283507.06 47.698866 13.818959 1843 +33 21 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-2s-drop 410913.47 5283492.28 47.698668 13.812629 1820 +34 19 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-12mpit 410948.52 5283308.54 47.697020 13.813133 1815 -2 30 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-20mpit 411071.38 5283674.87 47.700332 13.814696 1862 +44 17 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-DraftHole 411161.79 5283647.93 47.700102 13.815906 1856 +31 28 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-draft2pit 411212.80 5283415.85 47.698022 13.816633 1779 +54 23 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-draft3pit 411210.58 5283358.90 47.697509 13.816615 1769 +50 28 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-draftyholes 411175.72 5283411.65 47.697979 13.816140 1787 +48 20 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-goodpit 410983.50 5283400.78 47.697855 13.813580 1796 +38 16 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-goodpit-DUP 410969.31 5283392.08 47.697774 13.813393 1797 +37 12 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-lineofpits 410920.04 5283472.14 47.698488 13.812720 1808 +46 19 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-pitarea 411305.69 5283550.84 47.699249 13.817843 1828 +32 32 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-rift 411292.70 5283551.12 47.699250 13.817670 1835 +25 24 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-setofsnowholes 410942.08 5283520.66 47.698927 13.813004 1848 +21 19 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-snowplug 411232.68 5283596.41 47.699649 13.816861 1833 +39 16 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-snowplug2 410922.95 5283468.07 47.698452 13.812760 1813 +41 21 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2013-cucc-stotp20 411061.32 5283672.08 47.700306 13.814562 1864 +42 27 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2014-777 411291.68 5283582.46 47.699531 13.817650 1830 +41 9 1623-2014-777 1623-2014-777
1626.p2014-ms-01 411143.14 5283524.34 47.698988 13.815682 1802 +60 14 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2014-ms-02 411164.25 5283575.88 47.699455 13.815953 1816 +58 20 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2014-ms-03 411104.82 5283602.15 47.699683 13.815156 1819 +57 28 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2014-ms-04 411068.30 5283670.93 47.700296 13.814655 1857 +49 21 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2014-ms-05 410887.76 5283458.83 47.698364 13.812293 1806 +36 22 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2014-ms-06 410919.61 5283266.16 47.696635 13.812757 1764 +49 22 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2014-ms-07 411097.19 5283340.34 47.697327 13.815108 1784 +44 20 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
1626.p2018-ad-02 410563.23 5283499.47 47.698684 13.807960 1794 +55 19 1626-2018-AD-02 Garlic Cave
1626.p2018-ad-03 410567.88 5283517.44 47.698847 13.808018 1849 0 27 1626-2018-ad-03 Crushed Garlic (Loveshack)
1626.p2018-dm-01 411200.22 5283392.32 47.697808 13.816470 1778 +45 24 1626-2018-DM-01 1626-2018-DM-01
1626.p2018-dm-02 410962.70 5283368.16 47.697558 13.813310 1785 +49 24 1626-2018-DM-02 1626-2018-DM-02
1626.p2018-dm-03 410690.57 5283435.70 47.698128 13.809670 1786 +48 12 1626-2018-DM-03 1626-2018-DM-03
1626.p2018-dm-04 410427.03 5283329.71 47.697138 13.806180 1759 +48 18 1626-2018-DM-04 Bunderstruck Höhle
1626.p2018-dm-05 410410.43 5283275.49 47.696648 13.805970 1742 +53 28 1626-2018-DM-05 1626-2018-DM-05
1626.p2018-dm-06 410403.34 5283107.74 47.695138 13.805910 1702 +45 22 1626-2018-DM-06 1626-2018-DM-06
1626.p2018-ms-02 410635.00 5283186.00 47.695874 13.808981 1724 +41 12 1626-2018-ms-02 Blitz Baum Schacht
1626.p2018-ms-02_2 410628.05 5283181.32 47.695831 13.808889 1768 -3 13 1626-2018-ms-02 Blitz Baum Schacht
1626.p2018-ms-03 410378.93 5283126.02 47.695299 13.805581 1707 +51 23 1626-2018-ms-03 1626-2018-ms-03
1626.p2018-ms-04 410250.64 5283026.73 47.694388 13.803892 1680 +51 32 1626-2018-ms-04 Zufall höhle
1626.p2018-pw-01 410471.76 5283456.49 47.698285 13.806750 1832 0 13 1626-2018-pw-01 Trois Dents
1626.p2018-pw-02 410625.96 5283381.86 47.697635 13.808820 1816 0 12 1626-2018-pw-02 1626-2018-pw-02
1626.p2018-pw-03 410652.95 5283388.67 47.697700 13.809178 1816 0 24 1626-2018-pw-03 VMKBAH höhle
1626.p2018-tk-01 410593.71 5283350.67 47.697350 13.808397 1805 0 17 1626-2018-tk-01 1626-2018-tk-01
1626.p2018-tk-02 410648.74 5283375.02 47.697577 13.809125 1816 0 27 1626-2018-tk-02 1626-2018-tk-02
1626.p2023-BL-01 410662.75 5283627.33 47.699848 13.809260 1852 +46 27 1626-2023-BL-01 1626-2023-BL-01
1626.p2023-BL-02 410815.10 5283677.24 47.700318 13.811280 1858 +48 24 1626-2023-BL-02 1626-2023-BL-02
1626.p2023-BL-03 410911.63 5283854.73 47.701928 13.812530 1915 +39 28 1626-2023-BL-03 1626-2023-BL-03
1626.p2023-BL-04 410597.54 5283486.05 47.698568 13.808420 1805 +44 18 1626-2023-BL-04a Boulder block cave
1626.p2023-BL-04b 410616.79 5283469.08 47.698418 13.808680 1805 +46 28 1626-2023-BL-04b Boulder block cave
1626.p2023-BL-05 410418.55 5283461.01 47.698318 13.806040 1833 -5 18 1626-2023-BL-05 1626-2023-BL-05
1626.p2023-BL-06 410379.23 5283490.52 47.698578 13.805510 1836 -1 9 1626-2023-BL-06 1626-2023-BL-06
1626.p2023-BL-07 410181.22 5283498.02 47.698618 13.802870 1779 +2 5 1626-2023-BL-07 1626-2023-BL-07
1626.p2023-BL-08 410526.54 5283846.20 47.701798 13.807400 1893 -6 13 1626-2023-BL-08 1626-2023-BL-08
1626.p2023-BL-09 410178.48 5283514.74 47.698768 13.802830 1723 +58 12 1626-2023-BL-09 1626-2023-BL-09
1626.p2023-BuzzardHole 410640.03 5283770.31 47.701131 13.808928 1960 +12 23 1626-2023-BZ-01 Buzzard Hole
1626.p2023-ww-01 410650.26 5284147.55 47.704526 13.808987 1909 +1 7 1626-2023-ww-01 Ancient Technology
1626.pE02 411607.32 5284186.30 47.705007 13.821734 1895 +41 18 1626-E02 Fliffies (E09?)
1626.pE09 411503.02 5284311.53 47.706119 13.820318 1910 +37 14 1626-E09 Roehre Höhle (E09)
1626.pE28 411110.79 5283601.03 47.699673 13.815236 1830 +46 29 1626-E28 Alladin mit der Wunderlampe
1626.pla12 412835.87 5284386.24 47.706972 13.838067 1888 -22 18 1626-LA12 Sternloch
1626.pla34 413103.59 5284224.62 47.705554 13.841667 1853 0 17 1626-la34 Rätselhöhle
1626.pla34_arge 413041.00 5284167.05 47.705028 13.840844 1835 +11 25 1626-la34 Rätselhöhle
1626.upsidedown.8 411239.71 5283737.24 47.700917 13.816926 1860 +46 8 1626-upside-down-01 Upside-down
1627.702.1-0 416555.62 5282781.13 47.693024 13.887950 1779 XX nan 1627-702 Eisrohrschach
1627.703.1-0 416853.52 5282676.51 47.692122 13.891939 1789 XX nan 1627-703 Al herrenhöhle
1627.706.1-0 416380.92 5282607.91 47.691443 13.885655 1784 XX nan 1627-706 Unaussprechliche
1627.729.1-0 414568.23 5284521.65 47.708422 13.861128 1657 XX nan 1627-729 Lehmlabyrinth
1627.729.50-4 414603.43 5284550.03 47.708682 13.861592 1551 XX nan 1627-729b Lehmlabyrinth
1627.734.1-0 415542.55 5283796.79 47.702029 13.874255 1696 XX nan 1627-734 Megalodon
1627.734.24-0 415535.47 5283792.94 47.701994 13.874161 1695 XX nan 1627-734b Megalodon
1627.736.1-0 416380.92 5282607.91 47.691443 13.885655 1784 XX nan 1627-736 Aussprechliche Höhle
1627.737.1-0 416904.41 5282726.65 47.692579 13.892608 1784 XX nan 1627-737 Kraddlerloch
1627.738.1-0 417037.08 5282804.79 47.693299 13.894360 1783 XX nan 1627-738 Q-Blumenschach
1627.739.1-0 417069.23 5282812.10 47.693369 13.894787 1770 XX nan 1627-739 Glashaus
1627.742.1-0 417784.55 5283575.64 47.700329 13.904175 1715 XX nan 1627-742 Illegaler Harem
1627.742.37-0 417620.60 5283674.59 47.701199 13.901971 1667 XX nan 1627-742b Illegaler Harem
1627.796.1-0 416270.18 5282852.26 47.693627 13.884133 1741 XX nan 1627-796 Schaumal-Bärenhöhle
1627.798.0-0 415337.06 5283724.25 47.701350 13.871530 1645 XX nan 1627-798b 1627-798
1627.798.1-0 415308.31 5283737.83 47.701468 13.871145 1635 XX nan 1627-798 1627-798
entrances.waypoints.1623.233.1 411506.75 5283926.49 47.702656 13.820446 1894 +38 16 1623-233 Betthupferle
entrances.waypoints.1623.2023-mg-03.9 411086.99 5282714.81 47.691698 13.815099 1722 +35 29 1623-2023-mg-03c Kalte Salamanderhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.2023-mg-03.11 411074.58 5282699.52 47.691559 13.814937 1724 +39 19 1623-2023-mg-03b Kalte Salamanderhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.2023-mg-03.tag 411075.56 5282693.13 47.691501 13.814951 1725 +38 15 1623-2023-mg-03a Kalte Salamanderhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.2023-ok-01 410308.40 5283180.35 47.695778 13.804630 1763 0 26 1623-2023-OK-01 The Bees Knees
entrances.waypoints.1623.bs16 412433.18 5283987.23 47.703328 13.832780 1900 -10 19 1623-BS16 BS16
entrances.waypoints.1623.bs19 412516.92 5284017.10 47.703608 13.833890 1880 +1 28 1623-BS19 1623-BS19
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02.p2002-10 411935.60 5282804.38 47.692620 13.826388 1900 -13 22 1623-2002-10 1623-2002-10
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02.p2002-ad-01 411799.72 5282809.30 47.692646 13.824576 1860 +45 19 1623-2002-AD-01 1623-2002-AD-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02.p2002-ad-02 411843.02 5282823.37 47.692778 13.825150 1857 +32 25 1623-2002-AD-02 1623-2002-AD-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02.p2002-ad-03 411813.64 5282991.98 47.694291 13.824725 1878 +39 25 1623-2002-AD-03 1623-2002-AD-03
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02.p2002-ad-04 411790.93 5283005.47 47.694409 13.824420 1902 +34 24 1623-2002-AD-04 Klippenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02.p2002-x09 411779.63 5282618.75 47.690929 13.824347 1900 +10 17 1623-2002-X09 1623-2002-X09
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02.p2002-x09b 411921.11 5282781.70 47.692414 13.826199 1900 -20 17 1623-2002-XB09 X09B
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02.p2002-x15 411408.30 5283439.65 47.698263 13.819233 1800 +72 26 1623-2002-X15 1623-2002-X15
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02.p2002-x16 411292.73 5283273.15 47.696749 13.817727 1800 +3 17 1623-2002-X16 1623-2002-X16
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02.p2002-x17 411332.63 5283222.30 47.696297 13.818269 1800 +19 9 1623-2002-X17 1623-2002-X17
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02.p2002-x18 411303.68 5283037.93 47.694635 13.817921 1800 +39 20 1623-2002-X18 1623-2002-X18
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02.p2005-08 411977.34 5282885.48 47.693355 13.826928 1900 +6 23 1623-2005-08 1623-2005-08
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02olly.88f 411375.57 5281088.51 47.677108 13.819274 1731 +37 12 1623-88F-01 88F
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02olly.235 411366.57 5281077.51 47.677008 13.819157 1727 +41 13 1623-235 Schaukelfelsbrockenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02olly.236 411249.57 5280918.51 47.675561 13.817631 1752 +45 26 1623-236 Moostunnelhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02olly.237 411277.58 5280920.51 47.675583 13.818003 1777 +10 9 1623-237a Dreieingangabdrosselnhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02olly.2001-06 411360.57 5280977.51 47.676107 13.819097 1735 +19 17 1623-2001-06 Erbärmlichbaumhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02olly.2001-07 411269.57 5280992.51 47.676230 13.817882 1749 +41 15 1623-2001-07 Hoffnungschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02olly.2001-08 411299.57 5280906.51 47.675460 13.818299 1748 +39 33 1623-2001-08 Schneeoberlichtschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02olly.2001-09 411302.57 5280878.51 47.675209 13.818345 1727 +42 23 1623-2001-09 Funkberaterschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02olly.2001-10 411319.57 5280834.51 47.674815 13.818580 1722 +39 7 1623-2001-10 Großarbeithöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02olly.2001-11 411320.57 5280812.51 47.674617 13.818598 1703 +58 17 1623-2001-11 Schnürsenkelschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02olly.2001-12 411331.57 5280801.50 47.674520 13.818747 1686 +65 24 1623-2001-12 Unnotiggewohnlichkeitschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02olly.2002-ob-01 411373.75 5280946.63 47.675831 13.819279 1700 +48 19 1623-2002-OB-01 1623-2002-OB-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02olly.2002-w-01 411442.75 5281040.13 47.676682 13.820179 1700 +38 20 1623-2002-W-01 1623-2002-W-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps02olly.hfg-ka88 411321.57 5280980.51 47.676129 13.818577 1726 +48 6 1623-HFG-KA88 1623-HFG-KA88
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps03.2003-07 411767.92 5282027.06 47.685605 13.824311 1775 +46 20 1623-2003-07 1623-2003-07
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x11 411561.35 5282558.45 47.690357 13.821451 2000 -131 15 1623-2003-X11 1623-2003-X11
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x12 411486.30 5282509.06 47.689902 13.820461 2000 -135 29 1623-2003-X12 1623-2003-X12
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x13 411442.69 5282434.01 47.689221 13.819895 2000 -136 18 1623-2003-X13 1623-2003-X13
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x14 411478.88 5282443.23 47.689309 13.820376 2000 -136 27 1623-2003-X14 Knochenloch
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x15 411573.36 5282233.22 47.687433 13.821677 2000 -74 21 1623-2003-X15 Gipfelschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x16 411645.64 5282432.65 47.689236 13.822600 2000 -103 17 1623-2003-X16 1623-2003-X16
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x17 411709.81 5282580.25 47.690573 13.823425 2000 -95 10 1623-2003-X17 1623-2003-X17
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps03_bis.p2003-x18 411443.73 5282621.97 47.690912 13.819871 2000 -150 19 1623-2003-X18 1623-2003-X18
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps04.p2004-10 411294.82 5282967.34 47.693998 13.817817 1800 +15 27 1623-2004-10 1623-2004-10
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps04.p2004-12 412001.08 5281959.49 47.685029 13.827431 1704 +47 5 1623-161h Kaninchenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps04.p2004-16 411394.30 5282881.00 47.693235 13.819160 1831 +43 24 1623-2004-16 1623-2004-16
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps04.p2004-17 411394.83 5282905.99 47.693460 13.819162 1834 +41 32 1623-2004-17 1623-2004-17
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps04.p2004-21 411283.35 5282836.39 47.692819 13.817691 1760 +45 17 1623-2004-21 1623-2004-21
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps06.2006-01 411135.74 5282155.62 47.686674 13.815863 1773 +45 29 1623-2006-01 1623-2006-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps06.2006-02 410932.32 5281856.02 47.683951 13.813214 1707 +47 24 1623-2006-02 1623-2006-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps06.2006-03 410927.15 5281848.13 47.683880 13.813147 1706 +48 22 1623-2006-03 1623-2006-03
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps06.2006-05 411385.40 5283072.18 47.694954 13.819003 1801 +54 14 1623-2006-05 1623-2006-05
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps06.2006-07 411945.35 5282886.16 47.693357 13.826501 1868 +38 31 1623-2006-07 Infrared Spectrometer
entrances.waypoints.1623.gps98.1996_05 410236.23 5282547.90 47.690079 13.803798 0 +1713 25 1623-1996-05 1623-1996-05
entrances.waypoints.1623.haldenloch.eingang.0 411659.40 5284097.19 47.704212 13.822446 1876 +64 28 1623-HLD-01 Haldenloch
entrances.waypoints.1623.p1 409505.08 5278479.92 47.653382 13.794900 794 +19 22 1623-1 Liägerhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p18 409035.76 5279028.00 47.658247 13.788538 1440 +42 0 1623-18 Gaisofen im Ammerei
entrances.waypoints.1623.p31 410200.45 5279988.45 47.667050 13.803848 1582 +45 16 1623-31 Elchhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p36 410476.72 5281151.05 47.677547 13.807289 1659 +59 6 1623-36 Schachtgruppe I - V
entrances.waypoints.1623.p40a 411278.13 5280630.13 47.672971 13.818070 1689 +40 8 1623-40a Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p40f 411414.94 5280969.95 47.676047 13.819823 1688 +35 14 1623-40f Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p40g 411232.69 5280461.57 47.671448 13.817499 1646 +60 25 1623-40g Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p40h 411419.95 5280883.02 47.675265 13.819907 1647 +48 8 1623-40h Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p40s 411389.98 5280822.70 47.674719 13.819520 1651 +77 17 1623-40s Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p41b 410676.08 5280201.35 47.669031 13.810139 1635 +33 18 1623-41b Stellerweghöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p75 410488.36 5281122.61 47.677292 13.807450 1654 +64 25 1623-75 Wisenthöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p76 410712.55 5281875.90 47.684100 13.810282 1647 +40 22 1623-106 Eislufthöhle(106)
entrances.waypoints.1623.p76a 410721.33 5281881.31 47.684150 13.810398 1646 +41 26 1623-76a Eislufthöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p76b 410720.98 5281885.70 47.684189 13.810392 1647 +39 25 1623-76b Eislufthöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p78b 410532.45 5280362.24 47.670458 13.808193 1660 +46 25 1623-78b Schwaben(schacht)höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p78d 410550.40 5280608.09 47.672672 13.808382 1666 +50 23 1623-78d Schwaben(schacht)höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p78e 410602.97 5280371.65 47.670553 13.809130 1682 +47 25 1623-78e Schwaben(schacht)höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p80 410589.19 5281412.73 47.679916 13.808734 1666 +49 18 1623-80 Schwa Schacht 80
entrances.waypoints.1623.p81 410666.43 5281499.97 47.680712 13.809745 1657 +57 23 1623-81 Schwa Höhle 81
entrances.waypoints.1623.p82 410706.95 5281521.69 47.680913 13.810280 1658 +49 27 1623-82 Bräuninghöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p83 410775.67 5281637.83 47.681967 13.811172 1672 +45 16 1623-83 Schwa Schacht 83
entrances.waypoints.1623.p85 410691.95 5281506.43 47.680773 13.810083 1657 +57 15 1623-85 Schwa Höhle 85
entrances.waypoints.1623.p87 410797.03 5280087.37 47.668022 13.811773 1543 +74 12 1623-87a Schacht 87 neben Stögerweg
entrances.waypoints.1623.p90 410212.26 5281304.95 47.678894 13.803735 1670 +54 22 1623-90 Bräu Schacht 90
entrances.waypoints.1623.p91 410115.24 5281428.66 47.679994 13.802417 1640 +64 33 1623-91 Bräu Schacht 91
entrances.waypoints.1623.p93 410114.18 5281451.52 47.680199 13.802398 1638 +60 24 1623-93 Bräu Schacht 93
entrances.waypoints.1623.p94 410095.35 5281497.37 47.680609 13.802138 1631 +60 10 1623-94 Bräu Schacht 94
entrances.waypoints.1623.p95 409872.66 5280423.91 47.670921 13.799393 1599 +28 16 1623-95 Bräu Schacht 95
entrances.waypoints.1623.p96 409881.21 5280449.72 47.671155 13.799502 1595 +36 18 1623-96 Bräu Schacht 96
entrances.waypoints.1623.p97 410687.14 5281983.19 47.685061 13.809922 1638 +53 15 1623-97 Schneewindschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p98 410668.70 5282306.80 47.687970 13.809610 1675 +51 19 1623-98 Plateau Schacht 98
entrances.waypoints.1623.p99 410720.56 5281846.83 47.683839 13.810395 1642 +44 25 1623-99 Plateau Schacht 99
entrances.waypoints.1623.p99ob01 410488.88 5281741.33 47.682858 13.807330 1641 +43 7 1623-1999-OB-01 1623-1999-OB-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.p99ob02 410606.56 5281707.15 47.682567 13.808905 1631 +53 19 1623-1999-OB-02 1623-1999-OB-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p100 410363.68 5281348.29 47.679305 13.805743 1640 +61 22 1623-100 Plateau Schacht 100
entrances.waypoints.1623.p101a 410468.57 5281864.75 47.683966 13.807034 1628 +54 28 1623-101a Plateau Schacht 101
entrances.waypoints.1623.p104 410769.52 5281935.97 47.684648 13.811029 1660 +36 22 1623-104 Plateau Schacht 104
entrances.waypoints.1623.p105 410731.85 5281908.26 47.684394 13.810533 1646 +48 23 1623-105 Plateau Schacht 105
entrances.waypoints.1623.p107 410773.68 5281660.68 47.682172 13.811140 1663 +54 27 1623-107 Gemshöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p108 410639.70 5281853.90 47.683892 13.809316 1635 +48 12 1623-108 Plateau Schacht 108
entrances.waypoints.1623.p109 411014.46 5280180.64 47.668891 13.814649 1597 +52 6 1623-109 Schwa-Schacht 109
entrances.waypoints.1623.p110 410874.37 5282907.97 47.693406 13.812227 1680 +40 21 1623-110 Kein Hubschrauber Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p111 410685.81 5282417.33 47.688967 13.809815 1680 +55 34 1623-111 Plateau Schacht 111
entrances.waypoints.1623.p112 410691.10 5282401.60 47.688826 13.809889 1680 +54 19 1623-112 Plateau Schacht 112
entrances.waypoints.1623.p113 411066.31 5280268.02 47.669684 13.815322 1642 +46 17 1623-113 Sonnenstrahlhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p114 410621.64 5280024.04 47.667428 13.809450 1547 +42 25 1623-114 Verlorenhohle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p116 410503.79 5280395.22 47.670751 13.807805 1663 +44 11 1623-116 Kleine Eishöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p131 412562.19 5282601.94 47.690884 13.834777 1610 +161 0 1623-131 Thomas-Eishöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p135 411230.62 5281149.91 47.677640 13.817331 1784 +46 19 1623-135 Schwa Schacht 135
entrances.waypoints.1623.p136 411194.80 5281151.48 47.677649 13.816854 1796 +45 24 1623-136a Steinschlagschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p136b 411199.43 5281168.74 47.677805 13.816912 1789 +57 22 1623-136b Steinschlagschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p136c 411203.74 5281183.11 47.677935 13.816966 1791 +55 22 1623-136c Steinschlagschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p136d 411209.13 5281183.00 47.677935 13.817038 1793 +43 23 1623-136d Steinschlagschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p138 411154.60 5281139.25 47.677534 13.816321 1795 +54 25 1623-138 Schwa Schacht 138
entrances.waypoints.1623.p139 411148.35 5281245.70 47.678491 13.816216 1827 +32 20 1623-139 Schwa Schacht 139
entrances.waypoints.1623.p141 410509.73 5280162.79 47.668661 13.807931 1623 +40 17 1623-141 Schwa Höhle 141
entrances.waypoints.1623.p148 410676.51 5281583.03 47.681460 13.809862 1653 +49 17 1623-148 Marilyn Monroe Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p150 411190.27 5280261.82 47.669646 13.816974 1602 +47 29 1623-150 Schwa Röhrhöhle 150
entrances.waypoints.1623.p151 411151.91 5280224.68 47.669306 13.816471 1599 +38 12 1623-151 Schwa Höhle 151
entrances.waypoints.1623.p152 411157.95 5280202.89 47.669111 13.816556 1592 +15 21 1623-152 Bananehöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p154 410928.17 5280912.45 47.675463 13.813351 1771 +55 25 1623-154a Schwa Schacht 154
entrances.waypoints.1623.p154b 410944.70 5280896.07 47.675317 13.813575 1763 +54 21 1623-154b Schwa Schacht 154
entrances.waypoints.1623.p156 410923.42 5281224.80 47.678272 13.813224 1794 +40 16 1623-156 Schwa Schacht 156
entrances.waypoints.1623.p157 410851.89 5281704.25 47.682575 13.812173 1684 +48 18 1623-157 Pirat Schacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p160 410151.46 5281439.01 47.680092 13.802897 1638 +60 20 1623-160 Plateau Schacht 160
entrances.waypoints.1623.p161b 411335.80 5281468.82 47.680524 13.818667 1753 +45 10 1623-161b Kaninchenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p161c 411345.76 5281480.06 47.680626 13.818798 1753 +45 8 1623-161c Kaninchenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p161e 411967.06 5281734.07 47.682996 13.827023 1660 +77 30 1623-161e Kaninchenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p161f 411941.20 5281684.77 47.682549 13.826688 1660 +53 19 1623-161f Kaninchenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p161g 411946.90 5281823.50 47.683798 13.826736 1718 +57 8 1623-161g Kaninchenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p161h 411989.95 5281957.20 47.685006 13.827283 1689 +62 11 1623-161h Kaninchenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p162 411330.80 5281231.21 47.678385 13.818649 1747 +43 3 1623-162main Schwa Höhle 162
entrances.waypoints.1623.p162b 411308.51 5281195.50 47.678061 13.818359 1754 +36 29 1623-162b Schwa Höhle 162
entrances.waypoints.1623.p164rig 410383.90 5281455.14 47.680269 13.805990 1626 +64 7 1623-164 Plateau Schacht 164
entrances.waypoints.1623.p165 411172.60 5282094.98 47.686134 13.816366 1793 +31 25 1623-165 Schwa Schacht 165
entrances.waypoints.1623.p171b 410310.47 5281564.05 47.681239 13.804990 1636 +56 25 1623-171b Plateau Höhle 90/1
entrances.waypoints.1623.p172 410326.30 5281629.70 47.681831 13.805187 1631 +61 25 1623-172 Plateau Höhle 90/2
entrances.waypoints.1623.p174 410398.95 5282057.43 47.685689 13.806067 1659 +48 9 1623-174 Plateau Schacht 90/4
entrances.waypoints.1623.p175 410546.08 5282191.86 47.686919 13.808000 1660 +54 8 1623-175 Plateau Schacht 90/5
entrances.waypoints.1623.p176 410579.21 5282249.83 47.687445 13.808429 1668 +54 25 1623-176 Plateau Schacht 90/6
entrances.waypoints.1623.p180 411447.02 5281620.44 47.681903 13.820118 1767 +40 8 1623-180 Schwa Schacht 90/10
entrances.waypoints.1623.p182 409938.81 5281861.69 47.683864 13.799978 1597 +82 8 1623-182 Bovistundpuderzuckerhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p183 409836.50 5281924.51 47.684415 13.798602 1592 +78 18 1623-183 Elchfalle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p184 409872.15 5281890.22 47.684112 13.799084 1592 +83 32 1623-184 Shiruken
entrances.waypoints.1623.p186 410597.64 5281087.97 47.676996 13.808913 1701 +48 19 1623-186 Rosenkavalierhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p188 410348.41 5281412.67 47.679882 13.805526 1629 +64 17 1623-188a Skinrip Durchgange I-VI
entrances.waypoints.1623.p191 411440.54 5281576.63 47.681508 13.820041 1764 +38 1 1623-191 Schwa Schacht 191
entrances.waypoints.1623.p193 411528.33 5281473.05 47.680588 13.821231 1744 +35 10 1623-193 Schwa Schacht 193
entrances.waypoints.1623.p194 411096.72 5282164.27 47.686747 13.815341 1763 +35 20 1623-194 Schwa Schacht 194
entrances.waypoints.1623.p196 411205.75 5282195.35 47.687041 13.816787 1791 +38 14 1623-196 Schwa Höhle 196
entrances.waypoints.1623.p202 410421.79 5280189.03 47.668885 13.806755 1636 +40 14 1623-202 Dominoschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p203 410742.84 5280524.66 47.671949 13.810962 1711 +47 30 1623-203 Sonnenscheinschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p204a 411560.09 5282623.37 47.690940 13.821421 1812 +56 3 1623-204a Steinbrückenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p204c 411531.72 5282829.93 47.692795 13.821001 1831 +54 16 1623-204c Steinbrückenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p204e 411481.39 5282788.75 47.692417 13.820339 1814 +49 20 1623-204e Steinbrückenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p204f 411490.94 5282801.96 47.692537 13.820464 1819 +57 33 1623-204f Steinbrückenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p204g 411297.32 5282929.28 47.693656 13.817858 1776 +64 22 1623-204g Steinbrückenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p204h 411320.91 5282927.31 47.693642 13.818173 1786 +53 2 1623-204h Steinbrückenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p204i 411324.33 5282923.66 47.693609 13.818219 1787 +53 7 1623-204i Steinbrückenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p206 411030.37 5280651.42 47.673128 13.814765 1698 +45 19 1623-206a Sieben-Eingangshöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p207 410208.34 5281348.37 47.679284 13.803674 1664 +48 23 1623-207 Plumpsklohöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p208 410212.37 5281363.10 47.679417 13.803724 1661 +47 26 1623-208 Quallenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p209 411203.54 5281187.68 47.677976 13.816963 1793 +53 23 1623-209 Schistock-Absturzschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p214 411590.09 5282043.16 47.685725 13.821938 1822 +34 23 1623-214 Segmenthöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p215b 411437.88 5280913.12 47.675539 13.820140 1650 +57 18 1623-215b Rufverbindungshöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p216 411404.96 5280857.75 47.675036 13.819713 1651 +44 28 1623-216 Nichts 50
entrances.waypoints.1623.p217 411400.35 5280829.19 47.674778 13.819657 1648 +39 24 1623-217 Schneepfropfenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p218 411230.55 5281284.51 47.678851 13.817303 1779 +39 5 1623-218 Hammerkopfabsturtzhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p220 410736.58 5281463.30 47.680391 13.810687 1687 +49 22 1623-220 Kennedy Alternative
entrances.waypoints.1623.p222 411618.53 5281981.75 47.685177 13.822330 1807 +40 22 1623-222 Gösserhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p225 410767.38 5281392.61 47.679760 13.811111 1738 +25 19 1623-225 Jahrzehnschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p226a 410350.64 5281444.98 47.680173 13.805549 1625 +66 14 1623-226a Skaschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p226b 410360.58 5281444.43 47.680170 13.805682 1623 +67 24 1623-226b Skaschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p227 410350.34 5281448.71 47.680207 13.805545 1625 +65 13 1623-227 Faultienschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p228 409866.28 5279995.88 47.667070 13.799396 1600 +33 17 1623-228 Kleine Schnellzughöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p229 411379.87 5280815.78 47.674655 13.819387 1663 +65 13 1623-229 Weiße Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p230 411312.48 5281771.86 47.683246 13.818295 1805 +44 19 1623-230 Vergeßlichheithöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p231a 411579.16 5282645.92 47.691146 13.821671 1815 +53 28 1623-231a Traungoldhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p231b 411579.72 5282667.08 47.691336 13.821674 1815 +53 17 1623-231b Traungoldhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p231c 411597.98 5282663.01 47.691302 13.821918 1823 +58 18 1623-231c Traungoldhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p231d 411583.86 5282644.52 47.691134 13.821734 1815 +53 30 1623-231d Traungoldhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p231e 411585.59 5282631.70 47.691019 13.821759 1817 +51 24 1623-231e Traungoldhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p231f 411596.97 5282630.00 47.691005 13.821911 1819 +61 18 1623-231f Traungoldhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p231g 411589.14 5282639.80 47.691092 13.821805 1820 +60 29 1623-231g Traungoldhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p231h 411586.78 5282644.40 47.691133 13.821773 1815 +53 32 1623-231h Traungoldhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p231i 411571.58 5282655.04 47.691227 13.821568 1812 +57 20 1623-231i Traungoldhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p234a 411294.56 5282375.34 47.688673 13.817934 1784 +54 13 1623-234a Hauchhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p234b 411317.41 5282394.83 47.688851 13.818234 1792 +45 19 1623-234b Hauchhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p239 411632.75 5282426.49 47.689179 13.822429 1833 +53 25 1623-239 Rock'n'Roll Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p240 411769.47 5282053.02 47.685838 13.824326 1791 +37 25 1623-240 Gewölbeschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p241 411613.83 5282758.18 47.692160 13.822110 1844 +59 14 1623-241 Dreieckhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p242 411554.44 5282805.96 47.692582 13.821309 1835 +64 21 1623-242 Tropfelhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p244 411618.02 5282640.95 47.691106 13.822189 1831 +49 19 1623-244 Dünne Faulpelz Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p246 411701.59 5282151.47 47.686715 13.823402 1788 +69 19 1623-246 Damoclesschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p248 411821.61 5282571.85 47.690513 13.824916 1865 +46 11 1623-248 Blaudrachenschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p250 410309.70 5281602.95 47.681589 13.804972 1638 +54 19 1623-250 Schönschrifthöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p254a 411978.39 5282232.92 47.687485 13.827073 1764 +43 30 1623-254a Kindergartenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p254b 411976.84 5282241.11 47.687559 13.827051 1767 +52 32 1623-254b Kindergartenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p254c 411960.03 5282228.64 47.687444 13.826829 1769 +37 15 1623-254c Kindergartenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p256 411799.38 5282577.88 47.690564 13.824619 1865 +46 16 1623-256 Nischehöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p257 412001.61 5282944.95 47.693894 13.827239 1800 +132 26 1623-257 Daumenkinohöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p258a 411533.36 5283062.68 47.694889 13.820976 1857 +46 16 1623-258a Tunnockschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p258b 411542.46 5283059.67 47.694863 13.821098 1862 +40 25 1623-258b Tunnockschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p263 411247.10 5283324.94 47.697209 13.817108 1773 +33 20 1623-263 Clownhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p264 411833.31 5283302.53 47.697087 13.824924 1866 +50 16 1623-264 Balkonhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p267 410902.83 5281730.51 47.682818 13.812847 1700 +44 12 1623-267 Verstecktentalhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p269 410733.67 5281845.28 47.683827 13.810570 1642 +50 13 1623-269 Maraehöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p270 410474.78 5281570.58 47.681320 13.807177 1630 +59 28 1623-270 Tote Gemse Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p271 410678.15 5282010.54 47.685306 13.809796 1641 +50 28 1623-271a Korokorohöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p271c 410680.69 5281979.38 47.685026 13.809836 1640 +52 22 1623-271c Korokorohöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p272 411995.00 5283601.00 47.699794 13.827018 1938 +33 17 1623-272 Zweite Kugel Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p274 411378.06 5283428.30 47.698156 13.818832 1822 +37 2 1623-274 Verlorener Bleistift Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p283 412332.00 5283988.00 47.703322 13.831431 1879 +31 21 1623-283 Organhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p285 411448.96 5282618.08 47.690878 13.819942 1790 +60 16 1623-285 Geknackter Packsackhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p286 412395.04 5283935.93 47.702862 13.832282 1880 +36 20 1623-286 Radschlaghöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p287 412549.00 5282427.00 47.689309 13.834636 1703 0 26 1623-287 Nach Osten Gefahren Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p288 411768.00 5283469.00 47.698576 13.824020 1888 +40 13 1623-288 Lila Lupinenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p289 410645.00 5281565.00 47.681294 13.809446 1705 0 22 1623-289 Höhle der guten Hoffnung
entrances.waypoints.1623.p290 410919.19 5282680.48 47.691366 13.812871 1695 +46 8 1623-290 Fischgesicht Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p291 410854.11 5282759.36 47.692067 13.811987 1675 +55 24 1623-291 Glückliche Schmetterlingshöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p294 411583.77 5282820.05 47.692713 13.821697 1861 +38 17 1623-294 Rhabarberhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p295 410830.94 5282803.93 47.692464 13.811670 1660 +64 21 1623-295 Keine Wassermelone Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p296 410816.75 5281680.08 47.682353 13.811710 1679 +38 26 1623-296a Doppel Gemse Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p296b 410796.66 5281675.65 47.682310 13.811443 1669 +48 15 1623-296b Doppel Gemse Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p297 412544.46 5283545.23 47.699367 13.834352 1902 +40 14 1623-297 Haizahnhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p303 411078.77 5282821.35 47.692655 13.814968 1701 +48 17 1623-303 Höhle bei der Ankunft tot
entrances.waypoints.1623.p304 411380.47 5282564.74 47.690388 13.819040 1785 +42 23 1623-304 Doppellochhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p305 411388.11 5282573.51 47.690468 13.819140 1792 +48 24 1623-305 Adidas Lederhosen Schacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p306a 411884.91 5283058.41 47.694898 13.825661 1866 +46 15 1623-306a Gollum Grotte
entrances.waypoints.1623.p306b 411876.75 5283053.82 47.694856 13.825553 1866 +46 14 1623-306b Gollum Grotte
entrances.waypoints.1623.p307a 411934.17 5283154.82 47.695772 13.826298 1871 +45 15 1623-307a Kleine Zelthöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p307b 411937.29 5283143.91 47.695675 13.826342 1876 +41 25 1623-307b Kleine Zelthöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p308a 412003.05 5283257.83 47.696708 13.827195 1890 +45 24 1623-308a Top-Camp-Bandhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p308b 412008.05 5283264.35 47.696768 13.827260 1893 +43 18 1623-308b Top-Camp-Bandhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p309 412045.70 5283288.87 47.696993 13.827757 1896 +42 31 1623-309a Fledermaus- versus Rattenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p310 411118.88 5282735.48 47.691888 13.815520 1720 +43 4 1623-310 Schlüssellochhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p311 411062.63 5282840.83 47.692828 13.814749 1700 +49 8 1623-311 Langweiliges Loch
entrances.waypoints.1623.p312 410952.11 5282872.54 47.693098 13.813270 1675 +57 21 1623-312 Bergschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p313 410940.53 5282802.68 47.692468 13.813130 1690 +42 29 1623-313 Totes Ballonloch
entrances.waypoints.1623.p314 410950.27 5282723.05 47.691753 13.813276 1695 +48 20 1623-314 Silbermottenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p315 410923.28 5282725.58 47.691772 13.812916 1686 +50 14 1623-315 Mendip-Männerhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p316 410827.38 5282667.80 47.691239 13.811650 1687 +45 25 1623-316 Katzenaugenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p317 410775.43 5282559.54 47.690258 13.810980 1696 +44 24 1623-317 Mahlstromhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p318 410691.34 5282655.32 47.691108 13.809840 1701 +37 26 1623-318 Tempesthöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p319 410706.47 5282662.87 47.691178 13.810040 1698 +40 22 1623-319 Der Sturm 2
entrances.waypoints.1623.p320 410583.11 5282777.68 47.692194 13.808373 1678 +50 24 1623-320 Unglückliche Gämsenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p321 410419.99 5282809.57 47.692458 13.806193 1677 +43 12 1623-321 Kleiner Abfluss Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p322 410422.54 5282833.87 47.692677 13.806222 1669 +47 15 1623-322 Mittlerer Abfluss Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p323 410425.77 5282848.50 47.692809 13.806262 1668 +48 8 1623-323 Amphitheater Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p1976_b4 410507.60 5281128.61 47.677349 13.807705 1654 +72 29 1623-B4 CUCC 1976/B4
entrances.waypoints.1623.p1998-x01 410511.99 5281843.03 47.683776 13.807617 1632 +48 16 1623-1998-X01 unknown98
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2000-08 411470.51 5282543.53 47.690210 13.820244 1815 +41 20 1623-2000-08 Grabenkrieghöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2001-02 411537.73 5282691.75 47.691552 13.821109 1810 +50 29 1623-2001-02 1623-2001-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2001-03 411494.72 5282685.68 47.691492 13.820538 1803 +57 22 1623-2001-03 1623-2001-03
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2002-06 411560.89 5282816.43 47.692677 13.821393 1861 +37 9 1623-2002-06 Eiercremehöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2002-07 411507.68 5282834.70 47.692834 13.820680 1829 +56 14 1623-2002-07 Quarries
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2002-08 411484.37 5282811.79 47.692625 13.820374 1816 +60 22 1623-2002-08 1623-2002-08
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2002-w-02 411391.37 5280808.74 47.674593 13.819542 1652 +77 26 1623-2002-W-02 1623-2002-W-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2004-02 410756.56 5281861.12 47.683973 13.810871 1646 +47 23 1623-2004-02 1623-2004-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2004-07 410609.96 5282165.15 47.686688 13.808856 1651 +53 22 1623-2004-07 1623-2004-07
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2004-08 410648.45 5282128.75 47.686365 13.809376 1648 +55 15 1623-2004-08 1623-2004-08
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2004-13 412004.12 5281819.70 47.683771 13.827499 1664 +70 10 1623-2004-13 1623-2004-13
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2004-14 411247.75 5282592.44 47.690619 13.817266 1756 +54 19 1623-2004-14 Doktorarbeitloch
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2004-18 411431.06 5282951.82 47.693877 13.819635 1819 +56 27 1623-2004-18 Eiskeller
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2005-01 412348.37 5282616.28 47.690984 13.831925 1717 +70 17 1623-2005-01 1623-2005-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2005-02 411971.65 5282384.20 47.688845 13.826953 1755 +89 24 1623-2005-02 1623-2005-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2005-03 412270.53 5282571.13 47.690567 13.830897 1684 +90 16 1623-2005-03 1623-2005-03
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2005-91 410746.41 5281870.12 47.684052 13.810734 1648 +45 21 1623-2005-91 1623-2005-91
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2005-92 410617.07 5281744.87 47.682908 13.809037 1635 +46 23 1623-2005-92 1623-2005-92
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2005-93 410588.84 5281751.52 47.682964 13.808660 1632 +49 9 1623-2005-93 1623-2005-93
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2005-94 410612.27 5281756.33 47.683010 13.808971 1635 +46 22 1623-2005-94 1623-2005-94
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2005-95 410606.12 5281760.27 47.683045 13.808888 1635 +46 20 1623-2005-95 1623-2005-95
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2005-96 410591.23 5281806.64 47.683460 13.808680 1634 +47 13 1623-2005-96 Schlotschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2005-97 410654.59 5281928.82 47.684568 13.809499 1636 +49 16 1623-2005-97 Genutetschacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2005-98 410643.53 5281929.65 47.684574 13.809352 1636 +50 14 1623-2005-98 (Hanger Pot)
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2005-99 410610.15 5281890.73 47.684219 13.808915 1629 +54 13 1623-2005-99 Ohne Mantel Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2006-70 410673.15 5281619.42 47.681787 13.809810 1651 +46 29 1623-2006-70 Cairn Cave
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2006-71 410765.78 5281988.05 47.685116 13.810968 1647 +51 17 1623-2006-71 1623-2006-71
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2006-72 410582.11 5281115.86 47.677245 13.808700 1701 +48 21 1623-2006-72 Mystery Plus Cave
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2006-73 410677.40 5281792.02 47.683340 13.809831 1643 +43 18 1623-2006-73 Ice Curtain Cave
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2007-01 411664.58 5282523.23 47.690054 13.822834 1861 +35 4 1623-2007-01 1623-2007-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2007-02 411610.07 5282545.40 47.690246 13.822103 1846 +36 23 1623-2007-02 1623-2007-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2007-04 411737.22 5282692.65 47.691588 13.823767 1869 +30 33 1623-2007-04 Slippery Hole
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2007-05 411916.33 5281860.89 47.684130 13.826321 1758 +47 21 1623-2007-05 1623-2007-05
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2007-06 411784.26 5282182.69 47.687007 13.824497 1810 +35 24 1623-2007-06 1623-2007-06
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2007-07 411775.60 5282477.85 47.689661 13.824322 1873 +36 18 1623-2007-07 1623-2007-07
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2007-12 411651.95 5282819.47 47.692717 13.822605 1783 +142 15 1623-2007-12 Rosa Waffelkeks Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2007-70 410673.59 5282017.39 47.685367 13.809734 1641 +48 34 1623-2007-70 Spit Pot
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2007-72 410683.33 5281746.99 47.682936 13.809919 1646 +42 12 1623-2007-72 Batter Pot
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2009-01 411672.13 5283107.01 47.695306 13.822816 1888 +28 14 1623-2009-01 Affenjagdhoehle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2009-02 411710.24 5283159.19 47.695781 13.823313 1872 +39 18 1623-2009-02 Schneehühnhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2009-03 411735.28 5283114.66 47.695384 13.823656 1887 +33 13 1623-2009-03 1623-2009-03
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2010-04 411603.83 5283558.44 47.699358 13.821814 1860 +56 25 1623-2010-04 1623-2010-04
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2010-06 411505.30 5283074.25 47.694989 13.820600 1849 +54 17 1623-2010-06 1623-2010-06
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2010-07 411507.78 5283077.02 47.695014 13.820632 1892 +11 15 1623-2010-07 Brunnen G schacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-dd-01 411743.24 5283531.45 47.699134 13.823678 1889 +36 16 1623-2012-dd-01 1623-2012-dd-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-dd-02 411758.27 5283533.12 47.699151 13.823878 1879 +51 28 1623-2012-dd-02 1623-2012-dd-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-dd-03 411767.04 5283568.93 47.699475 13.823987 1879 +50 16 1623-2012-dd-03 1623-2012-dd-03
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-dd-04 412094.65 5283598.89 47.699789 13.828347 1957 +38 17 1623-2012-dd-04 1623-2012-dd-04
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-dd-06 412483.02 5283708.91 47.700831 13.833500 1889 +26 6 1623-2012-dd-06 Big D Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-dd-07 412511.04 5283618.94 47.700026 13.833891 1884 +44 28 1623-2012-dd-07 1623-2012-dd-07
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-dd-09 412441.56 5283549.44 47.699391 13.832980 1927 +35 10 1623-2012-dd-09 1623-2012-dd-09
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-dd-10 412618.55 5283596.63 47.699840 13.835329 1886 +18 16 1623-2012-dd-10 1623-2012-dd-10
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-dd-11 412735.49 5283594.12 47.699833 13.836887 1831 +49 4 1623-2012-dd-11 1623-2012-dd-11
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ft-01 411983.00 5283592.00 47.699712 13.826860 1930 +41 22 1623-2012-ft-01 1623-2012-ft-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ft-02 411928.00 5283570.00 47.699506 13.826132 1911 +42 7 1623-2012-ft-02 1623-2012-ft-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-hw-01 411658.16 5283008.13 47.694415 13.822650 1902 +36 18 1623-2012-HW-01 1623-2012-HW-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-hw-02 411647.07 5283100.93 47.695248 13.822483 1873 +37 32 1623-2012-HW-02 1623-2012-HW-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-js-01 411320.00 5282745.00 47.692002 13.818198 1762 +56 17 1623-2012-js-01 Fruhlingsmiereschact
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ns-01 411513.00 5283262.00 47.696679 13.820664 1815 +80 18 1623-2012-ns-01 1623-2012-ns-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ns-02 411599.00 5283462.00 47.698490 13.821770 1876 +42 21 1623-2012-ns-02 1623-2012-ns-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ns-03 411584.00 5283502.00 47.698848 13.821562 1875 +39 21 1623-2012-ns-03 Slime Cave
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ns-05 411634.02 5283585.02 47.699601 13.822211 1867 +52 13 1623-2012-ns-05 1623-2012-ns-05
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ns-06 411643.02 5283599.01 47.699728 13.822328 1870 +52 24 1623-2012-ns-06 1623-2012-ns-06
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ns-07 411655.02 5283645.02 47.700144 13.822479 1876 +46 31 1623-2012-ns-07 1623-2012-ns-07
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ns-08 411637.02 5283686.01 47.700510 13.822231 1882 +45 14 1623-2012-ns-08 1623-2012-ns-08
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ns-09 411626.02 5283706.02 47.700689 13.822080 1888 +40 19 1623-2012-ns-09b Bergspitze Schacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ns-10 411555.02 5283722.01 47.700823 13.821131 1863 +57 19 1623-2012-ns-10 Kleine Baum Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ns-12 411568.01 5283758.02 47.701149 13.821297 1879 +32 24 1623-2012-ns-12 1623-2012-ns-12
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ns-14 411763.01 5283483.01 47.698701 13.823951 1888 +40 23 1623-2012-ns-14 1623-2012-ns-14
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ns-15 411617.02 5283515.02 47.698969 13.821999 1875 +43 16 1623-2012-ns-15 1623-2012-ns-15
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ok-01 411876.00 5283524.00 47.699085 13.825448 1893 +48 10 1623-2012-OK-01 1623-2012-OK-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ok-02 411904.00 5283600.00 47.699773 13.825806 1898 +42 26 1623-2012-OK-02 1623-2012-OK-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2012-ow-01 411891.00 5283595.00 47.699726 13.825634 1903 +37 23 1623-2012-OW-01 Birth Control Chamber
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2013-bl-01 411372.21 5283435.43 47.698220 13.818753 1859 0 11 1623-2013-BL-01 Dwarf Death-wish hole
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2013-cucc-pit 411401.76 5283507.78 47.698875 13.819132 1840 +36 28 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2014-bl888 411312.09 5283445.08 47.698298 13.817950 1846 0 25 1623-2014-BL888 Silber Fisch Hoehle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2017-21 410573.45 5282783.42 47.692244 13.808243 1673 +55 13 1623-2017-21 1623-2017-21
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2017-22 410594.17 5282779.35 47.692211 13.808520 1731 0 27 1623-2017-22 1623-2017-22
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2018-aa-01 411271.00 5282705.00 47.691635 13.817553 1803 0 25 1623-2018-aa-01 Achte auf die Lücke
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2018-ad-01 412651.60 5283581.65 47.699709 13.835772 1864 +40 26 1623-2018-ad-01 1623-2018-ad-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2018-ms-01 410688.18 5283025.99 47.694442 13.809722 1746 -3 23 1623-2018-MS-01 1623-2018-MS-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2018-pf-01 411526.00 5282885.00 47.693289 13.820914 1859 +36 13 1623-2018-pf-01 1623-2018-pf-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2018-pf-02 411536.00 5282897.00 47.693399 13.821045 1867 +28 29 1623-2018-pf-02 1623-2018-pf-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2022-kb-01 411785.43 5283481.23 47.698688 13.824250 1928 0 13 1623-2022-KB-01 1623-2022-KB-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-ash-01 410445.29 5281611.16 47.681681 13.806776 1695 0 14 1623-2023-ASH-01a 1623-2023-ASH-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-ash-02 410441.35 5282193.84 47.686922 13.806604 1722 0 13 1623-2023-ASH-02a 1623-2023-ASH-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-ash-03 410361.84 5282548.12 47.690098 13.805472 1728 0 1 1623-2023-ASH-03a 1623-2023-ASH-03
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-ash-04 410338.12 5282733.02 47.691758 13.805118 1721 0 28 1623-2023-ASH-04a 1623-2023-ASH-04
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-ash-06 411941.90 5283159.82 47.695818 13.826400 1916 0 18 1623-2023-ASH-06a 1623-2023-ASH-06
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-ash-07 411971.48 5283234.41 47.696493 13.826779 1926 0 20 1623-2023-ASH-07a 1623-2023-ASH-07
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-ash-10 411862.68 5283453.60 47.698450 13.825285 1941 0 22 1623-2023-ASH-10a 1623-2023-ASH-10
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-ash-11 411879.49 5283473.69 47.698633 13.825505 1941 0 7 1623-2023-ASH-11a 1623-2023-ASH-11
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-ash-12 411725.07 5283375.99 47.697733 13.823467 1916 0 7 1623-2023-ASH-12 1623-2023-ASH-12
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-ash-13 411784.19 5283330.51 47.697332 13.824264 1910 0 13 1623-2023-ASH-13 1623-2023-ASH-13
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-ash-14 411797.71 5283331.20 47.697340 13.824444 1910 0 24 1623-2023-ASH-14 1623-2023-ASH-14
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-bl-10 410805.07 5282828.10 47.692678 13.811320 1724 -2 17 1623-2023-BL-10 1623-2023-BL-10
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-bl-11 410850.64 5282814.06 47.692558 13.811930 1723 -2 30 1623-2023-BL-11 1623-2023-BL-11
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-ebh-01 411433.95 5282774.02 47.692278 13.819710 1764 +89 18 1623-2023-EBH-01 1623-2023-EBH-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-ebh-02 411452.79 5282779.29 47.692328 13.819960 1794 +69 14 1623-2023-EBH-02 1623-2023-EBH-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-ft-01 410786.26 5282580.50 47.690448 13.811120 1694 +44 26 1623-2023-ft-01a Sinnlose Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-hbrw-05 410548.38 5282803.03 47.692417 13.807905 1676 +52 20 1623-2023-hbrw-05 Rose Blumen Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-js-01 410531.91 5282830.08 47.692658 13.807680 1726 0 21 1623-2023-JS-01 Sunglasses disapointment
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-js-02 410583.08 5282594.73 47.690548 13.808410 1745 -7 21 1623-2023-JS-02 1623-2023-JS-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-js-03 410619.01 5282588.62 47.690498 13.808890 1742 -2 9 1623-2023-JS-03 Gardeners'World
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-jw-02 411084.11 5282739.01 47.691915 13.815056 1820 -63 20 1623-2023-JW-02 1623-2023-JW-02
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-jw-03 411155.99 5282806.05 47.692528 13.816000 1755 +12 26 1623-2023-JW-03 1623-2023-JW-03
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-mg-05 411140.00 5282741.82 47.691948 13.815800 1773 -10 26 1623-2023-mg-05 1623-2023-mg-05
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-mg-06 411153.64 5282750.51 47.692028 13.815980 1769 +5 22 1623-2023-MG-06 1623-2023-MG-06
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-mm-01 410567.74 5282817.30 47.692548 13.808160 1722 +6 23 1623-2023-MM-01 1623-2023-MM-01
entrances.waypoints.1623.p2023-mm-02 410538.11 5282598.76 47.690578 13.807810 1736 +2 24 1623-2023-mm-02 CliffRichards
entrances.waypoints.1623.pmi5 411403.86 5281579.92 47.681532 13.819552 1764 +51 14 1623-1999-X01 1623-1999-X01
entrances.waypoints.1623.pquarriesd 411484.34 5282819.30 47.692693 13.820372 1823 +53 18 1623-2002-FB-01 XX
entrances.waypoints.1623.pwk12 410522.29 5281189.95 47.677903 13.807888 1667 +58 11 1623-1996WK12 1623-1996WK12
entrances.waypoints.1623.t101 410461.84 5281853.68 47.683865 13.806947 1630 +52 17 1623-101main Plateau Schacht 101
entrances.waypoints.1623.t102 410429.45 5281869.80 47.684006 13.806512 1628 +53 28 1623-102 Plateau Schacht 102
entrances.waypoints.1623.t103 410439.30 5281878.75 47.684088 13.806641 1629 +53 20 1623-103 Plateau Schacht 103
entrances.waypoints.1623.t147 411107.52 5281340.10 47.679334 13.815653 1774 +47 23 1623-147 Schwa Höhle 147
entrances.waypoints.1623.t156 410922.05 5281225.09 47.678274 13.813206 1794 +40 16 1623-156 Schwa Schacht 156
entrances.waypoints.1623.t159 410227.22 5281379.93 47.679571 13.803919 1647 +53 24 1623-159 Winded Hole
entrances.waypoints.1623.t171 410335.19 5281531.01 47.680945 13.805326 1631 +63 19 1623-171a Plateau Höhle 90/1
entrances.waypoints.1623.t173 410428.64 5281957.14 47.684791 13.806483 1637 +52 22 1623-173 Plateau Schacht 90/3
entrances.waypoints.1623.t189 410389.50 5281459.99 47.680314 13.806064 1627 +62 11 1623-189 Plateau Schacht 189
entrances.waypoints.1623.t190 410406.64 5281493.08 47.680614 13.806285 1626 +63 19 1623-190 Glitterstompf
entrances.waypoints.1623.t197 410442.75 5281485.00 47.680546 13.806768 1639 +51 13 1623-197 Bemoost Tropfen Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.t198 410399.45 5281391.25 47.679697 13.806211 1631 +62 15 1623-198 Fuchshöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.t200 410346.84 5282002.73 47.685190 13.805384 1644 +56 4 1623-200 Verlorener Rucksack Schacht
entrances.waypoints.1623.t204d 411315.33 5282816.43 47.692644 13.818121 1772 +55 12 1623-204d Steinbrückenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.t210 410484.15 5281602.27 47.681607 13.807296 1626 +62 9 1623-210 Fettsack und Faulpelz höhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.t251 411259.43 5282875.83 47.693170 13.817364 1752 +58 10 1623-251 In Ihrer Gesichtshöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.t253a 411270.03 5282599.06 47.690682 13.817562 1760 +50 21 1623-253a Rundreisehöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.t253b 411303.47 5282609.15 47.690777 13.818005 1767 +50 22 1623-253b Rundreisehöhle
entrances.waypoints.1623.t273 411322.11 5283281.90 47.696832 13.818117 1766 +56 6 1623-273 Ferkelhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1626.361.1.0 411223.50 5285775.40 47.719249 13.816295 1800 +55 9 1626-361 Hübel-Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1626.casino.0 412125.45 5284334.16 47.706407 13.828609 1930 +23 33 1626-casino-01 Casino
entrances.waypoints.1626.la11.0 412877.08 5284354.75 47.706695 13.838622 1839 +24 25 1626-LA11 Lungehöhle
entrances.waypoints.1626.lou-toti.lt-eingang.1 411208.93 5285143.77 47.713565 13.816229 1825 +59 15 1626-loutoti-01 Loutotihoehle
entrances.waypoints.1626.p359 410359.12 5283013.94 47.694288 13.805340 1683 +45 19 1626-359 Heimkommenhöhle
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2013-cucc-2s-drop 410913.47 5283492.28 47.698668 13.812629 1820 +34 19 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2013-cucc-12mpit 410948.52 5283308.54 47.697020 13.813133 1815 -2 30 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2013-cucc-20mpit 411071.38 5283674.87 47.700332 13.814696 1862 +44 17 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2013-cucc-draftyholes 411175.72 5283411.65 47.697979 13.816140 1787 +48 20 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2013-cucc-goodpit 410983.50 5283400.78 47.697855 13.813580 1796 +38 16 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2013-cucc-lineofpits 410920.04 5283472.14 47.698488 13.812720 1808 +46 19 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2013-cucc-pitarea 411305.69 5283550.84 47.699249 13.817843 1828 +32 32 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2014-777 411291.68 5283582.46 47.699531 13.817650 1830 +41 9 1623-2014-777 1623-2014-777
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2014-ms-01 411143.14 5283524.34 47.698988 13.815682 1802 +60 14 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2014-ms-02 411164.25 5283575.88 47.699455 13.815953 1816 +58 20 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2014-ms-03 411104.82 5283602.15 47.699683 13.815156 1819 +57 28 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2014-ms-04 411068.30 5283670.93 47.700296 13.814655 1857 +49 21 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2014-ms-05 410887.76 5283458.83 47.698364 13.812293 1806 +36 22 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2014-ms-06 410919.61 5283266.16 47.696635 13.812757 1764 +49 22 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2014-ms-07 411097.19 5283340.34 47.697327 13.815108 1784 +44 20 1623-153 Schwa Schacht 153
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-ad-02 410563.23 5283499.47 47.698684 13.807960 1794 +55 19 1626-2018-AD-02 Garlic Cave
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-ad-03 410567.88 5283517.44 47.698847 13.808018 1849 0 27 1626-2018-ad-03 Crushed Garlic (Loveshack)
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-dm-01 411200.22 5283392.32 47.697808 13.816470 1778 +45 24 1626-2018-DM-01 1626-2018-DM-01
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-dm-02 410962.70 5283368.16 47.697558 13.813310 1785 +49 24 1626-2018-DM-02 1626-2018-DM-02
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-dm-03 410690.57 5283435.70 47.698128 13.809670 1786 +48 12 1626-2018-DM-03 1626-2018-DM-03
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-dm-04 410427.03 5283329.71 47.697138 13.806180 1759 +48 18 1626-2018-DM-04 Bunderstruck Höhle
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-dm-05 410410.43 5283275.49 47.696648 13.805970 1742 +53 28 1626-2018-DM-05 1626-2018-DM-05
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-dm-06 410403.34 5283107.74 47.695138 13.805910 1702 +45 22 1626-2018-DM-06 1626-2018-DM-06
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-ms-02 410635.00 5283186.00 47.695874 13.808981 1724 +41 12 1626-2018-ms-02 Blitz Baum Schacht
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-ms-03 410378.93 5283126.02 47.695299 13.805581 1707 +51 23 1626-2018-ms-03 1626-2018-ms-03
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-ms-04 410250.64 5283026.73 47.694388 13.803892 1680 +51 32 1626-2018-ms-04 Zufall höhle
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-pw-01 410471.76 5283456.49 47.698285 13.806750 1832 0 13 1626-2018-pw-01 Trois Dents
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-pw-02 410625.96 5283381.86 47.697635 13.808820 1816 0 12 1626-2018-pw-02 1626-2018-pw-02
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-pw-03 410652.95 5283388.67 47.697700 13.809178 1816 0 24 1626-2018-pw-03 VMKBAH höhle
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-tk-01 410593.71 5283350.67 47.697350 13.808397 1805 0 17 1626-2018-tk-01 1626-2018-tk-01
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2018-tk-02 410648.74 5283375.02 47.697577 13.809125 1816 0 27 1626-2018-tk-02 1626-2018-tk-02
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2023-bl-01 410662.75 5283627.33 47.699848 13.809260 1852 +46 27 1626-2023-BL-01 1626-2023-BL-01
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2023-bl-02 410815.10 5283677.24 47.700318 13.811280 1858 +48 24 1626-2023-BL-02 1626-2023-BL-02
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2023-bl-03 410911.63 5283854.73 47.701928 13.812530 1915 +39 28 1626-2023-BL-03 1626-2023-BL-03
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2023-bl-04 410597.54 5283486.05 47.698568 13.808420 1805 +44 18 1626-2023-BL-04a Boulder block cave
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2023-bl-05 410418.55 5283461.01 47.698318 13.806040 1833 -5 18 1626-2023-BL-05 1626-2023-BL-05
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2023-bl-06 410379.23 5283490.52 47.698578 13.805510 1836 -1 9 1626-2023-BL-06 1626-2023-BL-06
entrances.waypoints.1626.p2023-bl-07 410181.22 5283498.02 47.698618 13.802870 1779 +2 5 1626-2023-BL-07 1626-2023-BL-07