Homecoming - Goosebox -> Lassitude Chambers

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place: Homecoming

Thu 20 Jul 2023    Sat 22 Jul 2023

Becka Wed 19 Jul 2023 Mon 24 Jul 2023
Sarah Wed 19 Jul 2023 Sun 30 Jul 2023
Thu 20 Jul 2023

Managed to get underground before noon (!) at about 11:40am, Becka had gone via fishface to pick up her caving kit and some drill batteries. We got to the bottom of Grom,it without incidence and sorted through the drill and drill accessories that had been stashed there. They were in a holey tackle bag with no dry bag so drill was extremely dirty. We repurposed Adams sainsbury's bag to Hobnob hallway, dead flies to the pushing front. We dropped to a large ledge near where I had run out of bolts on a previous trip. I drilled up whilst Becka and Adam layered up. I descended to my previous single bolt rebelay and turned into a Y hand. I abseiled around 1 further sm and put in another rebelay. Here, the initial rift meets a perpendicular canyon with a small waterfall coming in from the side. I descended another 10m and peeked around the corner finally spotting the bottom of the pitch with my spot. I rigged a final rebelay and reached the bottom.

Calling up to Becka and Adam, they began surveying down I paced around to keep warm. When the others arrived, I layered up (Becka had brought my things). Becka surveyed the chamber we'd dropped into (waterfall on the right, a streamway in a out-down canyon, a chamber up to the left). The left led to some phreas above the canyon - a promising lead but would require a rope traverse. Becka and I climbed down into the canyon to survey the streamway (Adam had hiking boots rather than wellies so would have gotten very wet feet!). We surveyed until we reached a ~8m small cascade (honestly not very wet, even your feet would be fine), which would require ~2 bolts and ~10m of rope. Left it as a lead. Becka and I tweaked the rigging on the way out, then we headed out of the cave.

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