2023-BL-05 - Prospecting W of Garlic cave

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place: 2023-BL-05

Wed 19 Jul 2023    Thu 20 Jul 2023

Becka Sun 16 Jul 2023 Thu 20 Jul 2023
Sarah Sat 15 Jul 2023 Thu 20 Jul 2023
Wed 19 Jul 2023

See Becka's track log* for route and 2023-BL-05 to 09 for 5 logged caves. Adam descended three of them on naturals but sadly they all ended immediately, as did the two horizontal areas that we logged, we also failed to circumnavigate the Flares wilks kogel which made me both sad and cross. I checked out Paul Walko's lidan hole in the bunde which turned out to be a grassy bowl with no hole whatsoever.

[Ed. But Becka's GPS track has not been uploaded to expofiles/gpslogs ]

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2023#34 Little Tent ['littletentsexytopo', 'littletent plan', 'littletent ee', 'littletent']
    2023#36 heifer ['notes_incavenotes']
    2023#39 Dead on Arrival ['deadonarrivalsexytopo', 'deadonarrival plan', 'deadonarrival ee', 'deadonarri…
    2023#40 Boring Hole ['boringholecp7', 'boringholecp7 ee', 'boringholecp7 plan', 'boringholecp7sexyt…
    2023#41 Gollum Grotto ['2023Ash17sexytopo', '2023Ash17 ee', '2023Ash17', '2023Ash17 plan']
    2023#47 Slot Cave ['2023BL05-09-2', '2023BL05-09-4', 'incavenotes-2', '2023BL05-09-5', '2023BL05-…
    2023#49 Cateyes Cave ['2023KT01 newcavesheet', '2023-kt-01_notes', 'elev', 'plan']
    2023#69 2023-RAWDB-01 Dead Balloon Hole, 02:Mountain Aven ['original-notes-1623-2023-RAWDB-02', 'plan-1623-2023-RAWDB-02', 'Wallet69-2023…
    2023#70 Cateyes Cave - 316 - 2023-kt-01 ['No uploaded scans or incorrect path to wallet contents']
Logbook trips on this date:
    Homecoming - pushing beyond death sump and the heifer
    2023-ASH-15, 2023-ASH-16 - Prospecting – dropping Boring Hole and Dead on Arrival
    Plateau - Surveying Little Tent and Gollum Grotto
    Tempest - The Tempest Diaries
    surface - Prospecting near Fishface
    2023-BL-05 - Prospecting W of Garlic cave