Balkonhöhle - pushing in Northern Pitstop

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place: Balkonhöhle

Sun 31 Jul 2022    Sun 31 Jul 2022

Anthony Day Fri 29 Jul 2022 Thu 04 Aug 2022
Chris Densham Wed 27 Jul 2022 Fri 05 Aug 2022
Hannah Collings Fri 29 Jul 2022 Mon 01 Aug 2022
Harry Kettle Fri 29 Jul 2022 Mon 01 Aug 2022
Sun 31 Jul 2022
Anthony Day

A fairly efficient start saw us heading underground by 10:00. Straightforward navigation to the seing off Mongol Rally. A combination of the survey and a passage description on arry's phone enabled navigation through to Northern Pitstop. We overshot the 6m pitch. When we found it, we decided some bolts weren't in order, so out came the drill to install a proper rig (about 10m rope, Y hang, bolt deviation and thread devisation). Shortly after we got to the traverse round a wet pitch and a 5m up pitch which was universally declared to be horrible. More wandering through the maze led to the pushing front in the far north west - three parallel phreatic tubes. Harry and Anthony took the left hand one while Chris and hannah went right. As expected, all the tubes connected in a maze of rock pillars that later inspired the name, Erecktheim. Progress continued in well-proportioned passage thouggh the complexity did not abate. Found a couple of pitch leads, and eventually called it a day at a continuing phreatc passage at the top of a loose climb. Headed out with a few route finding mishaps. The youth zipped out at a lightning pace whilst the veterans were somewhat more sedate.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2022#01 erechtheion1 ['notes2', 'notes1', 'plan2', 'plan4', 'plan6', 'plan3', 'plan1', 'plan5']
    2022#02 erechtheion2 ['notes2', 'notes1']
    2022#03 erechtheion3 ['notes1', 'survey']
Logbook trips on this date:
    Balkonhöhle - hilti a plenty
    Balkonhöhle - pushing in Northern Pitstop
    Balkonhöhle - Hilti-a-plenty NO SPANNERS
    Expo - live webcam