topcamp - derig bivvy cave

2018 calendar page     full logbook     logbook report


Sat 04 Aug 2018    Sun 05 Aug 2018

Max Weiser Fri 03 Aug 2018 Wed 08 Aug 2018
Sat 04 Aug 2018
Max Weiser

[from Callout book]

Callout 10pm

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2018#39 Tunnocks - hydra-scumoftheearth ['scumoftheearth']
    2018#40 Tunnocks - hydra-scum2 ['scum2']
    2018#70 2018#70 - George"s collection of special things - to be SPLIT UP ['-topfiles-', 'suctioncup-plan', 'mongolrally-plan', 'mudslope-plan', 'hangman…
Logbook trips on this date:
    base camp - Expo T-shirts arrived at Gasthof
    Balkon - to Grand Prix -> Camp Kraken -> Radio Silence + Scum of the Earth + Octopus Garden ->derig)
    Homecoming - derig
    Homecoming - derig team 2
    topcamp - derig bivvy cave