Expo - A series of short notes on things that could go wrong

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Sun 22 Jul 2018    Tue 24 Jul 2018

Becka Lawson Fri 20 Jul 2018 Tue 24 Jul 2018
Mon 23 Jul 2018
Becka Lawson

Blog Author: Becka

A series of short notes on things that could go wrong.

Part 1.

You don't want to find this below you.


If you do, you shouldn't just pass it and descend the 20m to the next rebelay.

Not familiar with the EDK? Look it up. Really. I insist*.

Whilst I'm on the theme: knots in the ends of ropes. We can at least all agree on that one, yes? YES?

Here's an example that failed the visual inspection. Arguably, the fault lay with the puppy that was forcing an old dog to learn a fresh trick.


Part 2 will cover keeping anchors in the rock.

No further parts are planned but we're only 1/3 through the expedition.

*Though to be fair the top hit on Google is in it's defence.

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    Expo - A series of short notes on things that could go wrong