107 - 107: Aled wants to drop a pitch, take 1

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place: 107

Sun 27 Jul 2014    Mon 28 Jul 2014

Aled Fri 25 Jul 2014 Thu 31 Jul 2014
Matt Fri 01 Aug 2014
Sun 27 Jul 2014

Mucho faffos today! Helped not in the least by Aled needing to collect gear from Top Camp first. Underground by 4:30pm!!

Matt - "No time to rig, just gimme a tour"

Gave him a tour , I did.

Got to "Too Bold for This Spit", & found David, Andrew, Jess & Sam coming up the other way! Left bag of rope & rigging gear attached to said traverse. No time to push. Headed back out feeling cheated :-(

(Also just realised Matt has already written this...)

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2014#02 Pidgeon Droppings ['notes2', 'notes1', 'plan1']
Logbook trips on this date:
    107 - Matt & Aled jolly in 107
    1623-107 - Alcove pop + Nipped down
    258 - Tunnocks - Pidgeons in Flight -> Pidgeon Droppings
    107 - 107: Aled wants to drop a pitch, take 1