107 - Matt & Aled jolly in 107

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place: 107

Sat 26 Jul 2014    Sun 27 Jul 2014

Aled Fri 25 Jul 2014 Thu 31 Jul 2014
Matt Fri 01 Aug 2014
Sun 27 Jul 2014

Did a carry up to top camp with the newly arrived curries, then had a quick pootle round 107 so Matt could learn the way. Got as far as Too Bold for This Spit where met Sam David Jess and Andy. Dropped off bag of rigging gear for Aled's pushing project. Nice trip some of the rigging is a bit "rock and roll".

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2014#02 Pidgeon Droppings ['notes2', 'notes1', 'plan1']
Logbook trips on this date:
    107 - Matt & Aled jolly in 107
    1623-107 - Alcove pop + Nipped down
    258 - Tunnocks - Pidgeons in Flight -> Pidgeon Droppings
    107 - 107: Aled wants to drop a pitch, take 1