204 - Final CSB thermistor trip

2007 calendar page     full logbook     logbook report

place: 204

Tue 14 Aug 2007    Wed 15 Aug 2007

Aaron Curtis Mon 13 Aug 2007 Wed 15 Aug 2007
Pete Harley Wed 08 Aug 2007 Wed 15 Aug 2007
Tue 14 Aug 2007
Pete Harley

Hauled datalogger and thermistor out of CSB [Chocolate Salty Balls], along with a tackle sack of rope left from earlier derig. Aaron reprogrammed CSB logger to log for coming year (recording once per hour, memory fills in 387 days). Plunged back down E, replaced the CSB logger and Pete derigged E on the way out.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2007#58 ['elevation', 'plan']
    2007#63 ['63notes3', '63plan1', '63notes2', '63notes4', '63elev1', '63notes1']
    2007#65 []
    2007#91 connection ['1623-82-toplevel', '1623-82-85conn']
    2007#92 surface 85 and 82 to 148 ['85+82to148']
    2007#96 surface ['austria2007notes-0014-82-to-85']
    2007#97 More of 1623/81, Connection to 1623/148 ['1623-81-148conn', 'austria2007notes-0016-81more', 'austria2007notes-0008-81mo…
    2013#06 Just For A Laugh ['cave018']
Logbook trips on this date:
    258 - Maximum Pleasure survey in Tunnockschacht
    82 - 81b and 82
    258 - Rigging Guide for Tunnockshacht entrance
    204 - Final CSB thermistor trip