Tunnocks - Tunnockschacht

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place: Tunnocks

Wed 08 Aug 2007    Wed 08 Aug 2007

Aaron Curtis Tue 07 Aug 2007 Sat 11 Aug 2007
Frank Tully Mon 30 Jul 2007
Ollie Stevens Tue 07 Aug 2007 Thu 09 Aug 2007
Pete Harley Wed 01 Aug 2007 Tue 14 Aug 2007
Wed 08 Aug 2007
Pete Harley

Got underground 1pm with intention to head south. After ticking off 06-11C and 06-20C, realized our progress was cut short without any rope to descend the p9. Aaron set off to find Andy, Wook & Becka in South Tunnocks to swipe some rope. Find them he did, and returned with more than he bargained for - Big Bertha complete with drill, misc gear & rope. After much to-ing and fro-ing S to N, following objectives accomplished: Surveyed & derigged 2 pitches Duncan had dropped in N off of big chamber (now called 'Secret Squirrel' and 'Fat Rat'). Frank & Pete left to go down hill at this point. Ollie & Aaron rigged p9 in Sauerkraut; could only find one spit in wall & no naturals, so put another in as considered this a tad dodgy. Dropped 06-31A, to be surveyed next trip. Has another pitch and horizontal QMB at bottom & provisionally called the 'Pantin Sales Pitch.' Also bolted pitch into big chamber in N [traverse into Caramel Catharsis] (where Secret Squirrel begins) which had hung off impressive natural but was awkward to mount / dismount, now much better. Pete and Frank out ~7pm? Aaron and Ollie out 12pm.

T/U 7h Pete, Frank

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2007#46 ['elev1', 'elev2', 'plan2', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'plan1', 'notes3']
    2007#47 ['notes2', 'notes1', 'plan']
    2007#49 [] ['notes']
    2007#54 maxpleasure, Literal North ['plan2', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'elevation1', 'plan1-mp', 'plan1', 'plan3-mp', 'p…
Logbook trips on this date:
    2007-04 - 'Slippery Hole'
    Photo, Rig, survey, push in Tunnocks
    Tunnocks - Tunnockschacht
    Surface - shafts