204 - Rig Deviated + survey On A Mission
Becka Lawson
Underground by 10am, ouch. Back through the squeezes of Rhino
Rift. We'd intended dropping the short pitch at the end of
yesterday's survey but on the way Julian suggested dropping the
Deviated Pitch. I wasn't keen, it looked like a modern chamber with
more pitches but we slung a rope down with dodgy rubs all over. At
the bottom, as expected, two more pitches, dull - but, a-ha, also a
walking passage leading off - + bigger round the corner. I went 30m
to check it went then told Julian to come down. I let him see a
little bit but the wrestled him away from stoping off down + we
surveyed in all the way down the main passage. We'd just about run
out of time at the end when Earl + Martin turned up + en mass we
jerry-rigged the pitch at the end which Julian shot down before
Earl had put in the pitch head bolt! He then poked around until
Earl had rigged it properly then Julian + I had to run out
[footnote: Fortunately, on the way in, Earl + Martin, being
well-trained riggers, had fettled Deviated Pitch so it actually did
deviate and didn't rub] in time for Julian to head down the hill in
the last of the light, drive Anthony's car down + draw up surveys
until the wee hours before heading home early the next day.
Excellent trip.
T/U 9 1/2 hrs