204 - Steinbrückenhöhle

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place: 204

Tue 10 Aug 1999    Fri 14 Jul 2000

Duncan Collis Tue 10 Aug 1999
Mike Richardson Sat 07 Aug 1999
Wed 11 Aug 1999
Duncan Collis

Pushing down the Ariston (& on & on ...) series. Basically, it goes. Now over 200m deep, 3 qms at the bottom, one of which is a 3 s drop in a wide shaft. Surveyed & derigged. Arrived at the bottom of the 2nd pitch to the sound of rushing wateer. Sprinting exit to find 2cm diameter hailstones all over the place.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    1999#21 drawn up surveys ['pl1999', 'el1999', '1999#drawnupsurveys', 'LISTING']
Logbook trips on this date:
    204 - Steinbrückenhöhle