Loser plateau

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Thu 16 Jul 1998    Sat 18 Jul 1998

Brian Outram Tue 14 Jul 1998 Sat 18 Jul 1998
Wookey Wed 15 Jul 1998 Sat 18 Jul 1998
Fri 17 Jul 1998
Brian Outram

Went up to Vord to tag hole Brian found '98-02'. Put tag on but later found that Wads had beaten us to it & cave was already tagged '98-01'.

Then checked out other [???] shaft Brian had previously bolted & 'significant 300m cave'. Found it had been tagged 'TBH CUCC 1987 01' by Wads since Brian & Kate had found it. Checked out & found to be more like 90m long.

Then went to top of Vord and surveyed back down to include TBH, 156 & 98-01.

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    Loser plateau