Team Raspberry Ripple

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Fri 18 Jul 1997    Fri 18 Jul 1997

Becka Lawson Mon 21 Jul 1997
Tony Rooke Mon 21 Jul 1997
Fri 18 Jul 1997
Becka Lawson

All v. civilised, even tho' I had shitloads of gear there was only the two of us, so it all fitted. Saw Clive et al at Dover, & Mike et al (who ignored us) & apparently Jeremy was hanging around in the melee, but we didn't see him. Did the chunnel, & Mike + Dave came along to say hi + I splashed raspberry juice all over Tony's car. Oh, and we'd all brought a litre of single malt so we were OK. We drove & swapped & drove + swapped + drove... It was horrible & v._v_ wet. At about 4am it got light, but it was still wet. We did the scenic tour north of Salzburg - Tharau, Mondsee,??, Mendre & finally [scribble] Wolfgangzee. That took an hour in the rain. So are we going to be 1st, 2nd or 3rd (asked Tony?) 2nd if we're lucky, MikeTA will have floored it + Adam's probably beat us too. We were first. Said hi to Karin, shopped in Bad Aussee & MikeTA arrived. Beers in Hildes. I crashed, but the single malt was cracked open.

two trips from all five of us to 19/9 Top Camp with our caving gear + Shit. Even managed to be dry on the 2nd.

PM - Germans dropped by for a couple of hours & a couple of beers. They've re-surveyed our original Stellerweg stuff. Gave them a whisky taster sesh then they went + we finished the 2nd crate of beer, dried our boots + sang (no ghetto blaster).

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Logbook trips on this date:
    Journey - TEAM MOMENTUM II
    Team Raspberry Ripple
    Journey - DRIVE-IN - Jon Barker, Adam Cooper + Gear in a dodgy van