161 - More along the Purile Series.

Tue 16 Jul 1996
Brian Outram

Started by rigging pitch on other side of 'wall' noted by lummat & Sam on 15/7/96. Sling from top of wall to multi sling deviation in opposite wall - pitch ~=10m lands on side of chamber (Dead bats chamber) Climb down mud slope to climb 1m (dead bat found on mud slope) bottom of chamber funnels into pitch ~=12m 'The JOKER' which was rigged at the end of the trip and led to an impassable (5") descending rift. To the right (facing out from initial pitch was an ascending rift probably linking to the rift seen from the tube on right at the top of the pitch. Opposite side of the chamber from the pitch in was another ascending rift up cleanwashed rock - leading to an aven. Heading upslope to the left is a white mud floored tube 3m wide 1.5m high (many bat droppings evident). This soon leads to a semi funnel shaped mud slope above a round shaft ~=8m to floor - large aven above (may be bottom of shaft noted by Sam/Lummat - left at T-junction at top of Lummat folly ?) Traversing carefully to right leads to a blind pocket in the wall. Traversing straignt on leads to a continuation of horizontal tube - continuing traverse round the aven leads to a mud col where a second aven ascends.

[Sketch of stuff found on this trip inserted here]

Main passage continues to junction - straight on leads to drippy aven on right then to end where aven comes in to right and squeeze left (no utility belt required) opens out to two pitches down ~=10m may continue (?). Turning right at main junction, through passage with fine (for K'Hole) stal in roof -> passage bears left with wall traverse LHS avoiding mud river cross 'river' at limestone outcrop 'penguin falls' to RHS - comes out in chamber 'Fiveways Chamber' left leads to climb up mud slope to window over pitch and traverse to 2nd pitch. both (??'s). 2nd left (english roundabout style) leads to successively smaller passages (not all pushed), 3rd left appears to go upslope and close down, 4th is the other end of the penguin slides avoidance route, down a mud slope to 1.5x1.5m passage - pops out down climb (1.5m) to passage below penguin slides. Against RH wall (going in) at the junction is a small slot in the floor - rock drobbed accidentally down it - went a long way (2s +) - call it 'Sylvester Cobble Pot' (?).

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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - More along the Purile Series.
    161 - Surveying 95/31 (or "Anthony's attempt on the title fuckwit of the week")