161 - Knossus

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place: 161

Mon 03 Aug 1992    Tue 04 Aug 1992

Andrew Atkinson Sun 02 Aug 1992 Wed 05 Aug 1992
Wookey Sun 02 Aug 1992 Wed 05 Aug 1992
Tue 04 Aug 1992
Andrew Atkinson

Having failed to find a new entrance on previous day (and narrowly avoided the thunderstorm mentioned elsewhere), we had to go in the usual way to finish the survey & derig. Did this, finding another 2 QM's & ignoring these as we had plenty to do then started mega derig with 2½ tacklebags, the drill, battery and ladder between us. Despite leaving the battery in Knossus for photos, it took 6hrs to get out - we were fucked.

Also changed Strange Upfall rope for a long enough rope (45m) & staircase 36 one as it has been used for 3 years.

Left 41m rope rigged on 3 Wise Men.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - Knossus
    Elchfalle - derig