161 - Cave 161

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place: 161

Mon 29 Aug 1988    Mon 29 Aug 1988

Becka Lawson Sun 28 Aug 1988 Fri 02 Sep 1988
Chris Densham Sun 28 Aug 1988 Fri 02 Sep 1988
Mon 29 Aug 1988
Becka Lawson

[Which Chris ? Assuming Densham...]

Down entrance pitch, then down parallel shaft to original 2nd pitch shaft. I descended & found you could get to this shaft through an eyehole in the original 2nd pitch shaft, so we rerigged the 2nd pitch rope into our shaft & chamber. Over the chamber (large, v. bouldery, q. few ways off) couple of small pitches, all v. loose to a pitch at the end. ~10m. Down onto a 45° boulder slope doubling under the chamber above. Small pitch probably [?] ahead, but we descended one perpendicular, still loose ~20m. Down (small carbide pool) a little rift off into streamway. Could chimney/clamber down ~8m vertically down, until sides a bit smooth to descend - needs a ladder probably Q. tight, 18' ?

[elevation labelled 'grade 0 NOT TO SCALE']

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Logbook trips on this date:
    164 - Monday 29th August
    surface - P0 (Austria point) to 161
    147 - HOLE 147
    161 - Cave 161
    161 - Monday 161