Altaussee - Bad Aussee

Wed 02 Aug 1978
John Bowers

Generally low cloud and ominous weather ruined Ben, John and my own's prospect of a nice peacefully energetic rest day by making everyone jack. We proceeded to Bad Aussee where we caused chaos and many puzzled looks in one car park and then parked in another. We took Bad Aussee, buying some bread and really smelly garlic sausage. I lingered hopefully outside the museum but nobody else followed which was a pity since we later discovered that it had a speleological exhibition on. Back to Altaussee for a noon pub crawl round the lake while me and Nicky went for a swim with a naked log. Back to camp for sardines and mackeral and biscuits then, as per usual. Distributed whiskey to Krauts next door. Doug.
Plummers can't spell. Andy
I washed my socks. John.

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    Altaussee - Bad Aussee