76 - Guess which hole

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place: 76

Mon 31 Jul 1978    Tue 01 Aug 1978

Doug Florence Mon 31 Jul 1978 Wed 02 Aug 1978
Simon Farrow Sat 29 Jul 1978 Thu 03 Aug 1978
Tue 01 Aug 1978
Doug Florence


Simon abbed to YT. Doug put in a rebelay bolt while Simon perused the situation at YT. The previously immovable ice boulders were easily kicked down the pitch leaving only one reasonably jammed large iceberg left. A bolt was placed well out in the passage giving a fine free hang to the large chamber at the top of Saved Shaft. The Bluewater now stretches all the way from the surface to the bottom of Plugged Shaft. Dropped the Interalp at the bottom and left rapidly, my Gibbs breaking on exit. Simon.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    76 - Guess which hole
    plateau - The plateau,