Survex File: caves-1623/295/keinwassermelone

No differences from last saved file.

underground survey length: 89.90 metres
cave primary survexfile caves-1623/295/295.svx
directory primary survexfile caves-1623/295/295
block keinwassermelone has parent block 295 (in file caves-1623/295/295.svx)
2017-07-30 ['keinwassermelone'] Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2017#25 The Dentrance ['plan2', 'notes2', 'elevation1', 'notes1', 'plan1', 'elevation2']
    2017#28 Kein Wassermelone entrance ['plan', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'notes3', 'notes4', 'elevation']
Logbook trips on this date:
    GSH - Glücklich Schmetterlingehöhle (GSH) and Kein Wassermelonhöhle (KWH) - initial exploration
    Balcony - Sloppy Seconds
    Expo - Perspective of a newcomer to expo