Garlic - Dropped gear at garlic and setup meshtastic

Sat 13 Jul 2024

I set out to drop my gear at Garlic and setup some fixed nodes to test the meshtastic radios. We dropped the first radio at the Col, up the slope to the left as use enter the plateau. It was carefully hidden in a bunde. AT this point I set out for Garlic Cave while Jono and Isaac headed to Stone Bridge.

As we walked along, Jono and I chatted back and forth confirming the radios worked on the plateau and had the range to be useful. Finally, I arrived at Garlic Cave and dropped a fixed node above the cave and descended to look over the solar system. Meanwhile Jono setup a surface node at Stone Bridge. From inside each location, we were able to chat back and forth. No more need to leave the comfort of a sleeping bag to plan the day!

The Garlic solar system seems OK, pressing the green button enable the voltmeter and it showed about 14.5 volts.The USB A chargers are odd, the 1A ones seem to charge my phone, the 2.5A ones didn't. My cigarette adapter USB A charger worked OK, but it felt a bit fiddly in the socket. At this point I headed for the Col, hoping to find the radio we thought James lost, since we saw it reporting a position on the Col-Garlic path. After a while James emerged from Homecoming and started chatting. We learned the radio was at homecoming and was reporting its location wrong. A mystery for another day. I was at the Car park by around 2130 and Jono and Isaac mode it back a little while later.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    Garlic - Dropped gear at garlic and setup meshtastic
    homecoming - Homechundering