
Thu 06 Jul 2023
Honorata Bogusz

We prospected between Fischgesicht and Heimkehr entrances. We found 5 caves, which I will refer to here using the temporary number and names entered in Small drain (2023-hbrw-01) and medium drain (2023-hbrw-02) were surveyed completely and they both strecth for about 20-30m, a small stream passing through each of them.

We also found 3 new caves which seem to continue but we couldn't survey them since they all begin with large pitches:

  • Amphitheatre Hoehle (2023-hbrw-03) is the most promising cave entrance we found. We estimate the pitch it begins with to be around 40m deep. The entrance is right above Watershed - a previously explored Heimkehr passage. Presumably Amphitheatre connects into Heimkehr.
  • Ungluchliche Gemse Hoehle (2023-hbrw-04)lies practically right between the entrances to Fischgesicht and Heimkehr. It starts with an approx. 20m pitch, which prohibited survyeing the entrance. The entrance pitch is large enough to give hope that Ungluchliche Gemse Hoehle (unlucky chamois) connects to either Fischgesicht, Heimkehr, or both. We found a dead carcaa (of presumably a chamois) about 10m from the entrance, hence the name).
  • Rose Blumen Hoehle (2023-hbrw-05) lies within 30m of Ungluchliche Gemse, in lush bush with pink flowers growing to the left of the entrance. The entrance pitch is at least 20m deep and partially filled with snow which prohibited us from assessing the depth accurately.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2023#01 ["1623/305 Adidas Lederhosen Schacht 2023-MG-01", "1623/304 Doppellochhöhle 2023-MG-02"] ['notes']
    2023#03 Small Drain and Medium Drain ['2023-hbrw-01-drawing_cave_1', '2023-hbrw-01', '2023-hbrw-02-drawing_cave_1', …
    2023#04 bubble_baby_benign_bypass_bypass|Bottom of Blitzen Boulevard ['bubble_baby_benign_bypass_bypass_elevation', 'bubble_baby_benign_bypass_bypas…
    2023#06 LiquidLuck ['Fishface 5 mooseP-Model', 'Fishface 5 moose', 'Fishface 5 moose therion_p', '…
    2023#35 prospecting ['No uploaded scans or incorrect path to wallet contents']
Logbook trips on this date:
    Plateau - scoping out a route from col to Garlic Cave
    Fishface - Rigging and pitch-measuring trip
    Fishface - Surveying around Benign Bubble Baby Bypass
    Fishface - Surveying the top of liquid luck
    Homecoming - Rig faff