Balkonhoehle - Look at Myopia Traverse #2
Fri 12 Jul 2019
Nat Dalton
Nat Dalton
Trip down to top of Hangmans to have a look at Myopia traverse number 2; Nat wimped out after one small
skyhook popage, a sinking hilti and the way around the corner looking particularly wet (water
dripping running down the wall, so Aileen took up the torch and put in 2 hiltis to get round the corner
into the wet. Nat finished putting in a spit to Myopia traverse number 1 to improve it slightly and we
then headed out, leaving a drill, hangers and rope at the top of hangmans. On the way out we also moved
80m of 10mm to the top of Honeycomb ready for rerigging it. There’s a few climbs at the bottom that have
got greasy and would also do with a rope on.