plateau - Prospecting Kleine Wildkogel

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Thu 12 Jul 2018    Thu 12 Jul 2018

Dickon Morris Wed 11 Jul 2018 Fri 13 Jul 2018
Jon Toft Wed 11 Jul 2018 Fri 13 Jul 2018
Thu 12 Jul 2018
Jon Toft

Prospected along side of Kleine Wildkogel along South edge heading West.

[Ed. All these are in area 1626 - checked by plotting on map 2023-10-16.]

CUCC 2018 DM01 +
Jon's phone DD 47.69781N 13.81647E
4m climb to cobble floor. Crawl under arch leads to 2m deep hading rift. Choked.

CUCC 2018 DM02 -
Jon's phone DD 47.69756N 13.81331E
8m climb in narrow shaft. 8m climb in wide rift to snow plug. Squeeze past snow plug horizontally 10m leading to small chamber w ice formations. Small window with cobble floor leading to undescended 10m pitch. Rocks rattle at bottom.

CUCC2018 DM03 +
Jon's phone DD 47.69813N 13.80967E
Large open shaft leads to snow plug, undescended. 30m? Continuation unknown.

CUCC2018 DM04 -
Jon's phone DD 47.69714N 13.80618E
Large undescended [explored 2023] open shaft. 25m? Continuation unknown, potential passage on.

CUCC2018 DM05 +
Jon's phone DD 47.69665N 13.80597E
Large open shaft. 10m. Small rift at bottom leads on another inspected 10m drop. Almost certainly chokes.

CUCC2018 DM06 2018-DM-06 -
*THIS CAVE [may be/IS] A DUPLICATE OF CUCC2018 MS03 [ 2018-ms-03 ], which was apparently explored by Becka 2 hrs earlier (or so she says)*
Jon's phone DD 47.69514N 13.80591E
[Ed. This is 30m away from 1626.p2018-ms-03, so probably is NOT the same, pending further location data.] Climb down boulder tickle 5m leads to 2m climb. Rift continues to 4m pitch into chamber, unpushed. Small passage in roof above pitch ledge to left continues 30m through narrow crawl to 4-way intersection. Unexplored further.

CUCC2018 DM07 -
Jon's phone DD 47.69429N 13.80534E
Large open shaft. In, down over snow plug 30m. 2 consecutive pitches. First 5m, 2nd unknown.
[This is Homecoming 1626-359 now]

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    plateau - Prospecting Kleine Wildkogel
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