Anthony's journey out

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Thu 17 Aug 2006    Tue 10 Jul 2007

Anthony Day Wed 11 Jul 2007
Sat 07 Jul 2007
Anthony Day

Those who know their expo lore will be aware of the fun and games I endured whilst attempting to tow a decrepit trailer across Europe in 1995. Since then I've been pouring money into various European breakdown schemes without further incident - so I was about due for a return on my investment. Somewhere north of Hamburg I noticed that my bonnet seemed to be flapping around quite a lot. Having established that it was actually shut, I ignored the problem for 5 hours until it had clearly got worse. It turns out that the corrosion on the bit of bonnet that the catch was attached to had got so bad that it was in danger of completely unattaching itself - in which case the bonnet could spring open. At this point, I decided to make use of my breakdown cover. To make this a trad. style breakdown I didn't have a mobile with me, so I spent a nostalgic 2 hours sitting in a Gasthof - completely unaware of what (if anything) was happening reminiscing about similar experience at the side of various European motorways all those years ago. Eventually the mechanic turned up, laughed at the state of my bonnet, bolted it together through the remaining bits of good metal and gaffered it shut. Overall I was only delayed by about 2.5 hours, and made it to Austria without further incident.

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    Anthony's journey out