2004-19 - pushing

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place: 2004-19

Thu 05 Aug 2004    Fri 06 Aug 2004

Brian Wed 04 Aug 2004
Tony Wed 04 Aug 2004
Thu 05 Aug 2004

Very arduous and contorted route to cave. GPS essential. Surveyed in. Surveyed 2 entrances, one horizontal, one upslope vertical. Surveyed into cave via phreatic tube to crossroads: straight on, choked; right to choked chamber. Left through nice phreas with pitch shortly in floor. Bypassing this, passage continues to T-junction. Right is to choke but easily passable. Left to 2m climb to chamber. Left again to 2nd chamber and right, upslope to aven + daylight. We surveyed in the cave to what we thought was a plumb. Tony exited the cave to try to find this shaft. After much whooping and hollering he eventually succeeded and we made noodles and went home. Very arduous and contorted route back to stone bridge.

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    2004#46 ['notes2', 'notes1', 'notes3', 'elev', 'plan']
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    1623-108, 2004-02 - Descending "108" and 2004-02
    2004-19 - pushing