204 - 21 Bolt Salute

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place: 204

Mon 21 Jul 2003    Tue 22 Jul 2003

Earl Merson Sun 20 Jul 2003 Tue 22 Jul 2003
Julian Haines Sun 20 Jul 2003 Thu 24 Jul 2003
Mon 21 Jul 2003
Earl Merson

More bolt traverse fun! Reached the corner of the shaft and climbed into a small slot (hoping this to be a quick way to get to the large QM) but although there is a view through boulders, it didn't seem to be wise to try and get through. Back out of the slot (hmm, kneeling on one's traverse line) and three more bolts bring us to a short abseil onto the target QM's boulder slope. Julian followed across and we explore where this stoking QM goes ... Main way blocked by boulder slope, but a phreatic rift/joint area on the left leads upwards with a strong breeze. Following this breeze we climbed up for about 6m to where boulders blocked the passage, the breeze whistling through a small gap. Julian had a good look and declared that there was 'a lot of cave' around here, just we couldn't get to it. We may return with a crow bar to proddle the boulders a little. We surveyed out, measuring the top of the 70m pitch as over 20m.

T/U ??

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2003#02 ['notes2', 'notes1', '21boltsaluteelevation', '21boltsaluteplan']
Logbook trips on this date:
    204 - 204E to survey Sandpit off Helter Skelter
    204 - 21 Bolt Salute