107 - derigging trip

1978 calendar page     full logbook     logbook report

place: 107

Wed 16 Aug 1978    Sat 19 Aug 1978

Andy Waddington Wed 16 Aug 1978
Ben Millingen Mon 14 Aug 1978
John Bowers Mon 14 Aug 1978
Mike Shearme Tue 15 Aug 1978
Nicky Davies Tue 15 Aug 1978
Sat 19 Aug 1978
Nicky Davies


Leaving Andy and Mike to come down on a piccying trip in their own sweet time, the deriggers of the party descended intrepidly down the cave to the bottom of the big shaft. Leaving Ben to disappear and pollute yet another recess with his yards of bog paper and other matter, John and myself continued resolutely down the narrow rift to derig the bottom ladders. This was just about completed, and we were beginning to remark on the sheer efficiency of the operation when a small doubt began tp filter through John's cold-benumbed brain. Where was the hammer ?

The pitch was hastily rerigged, hammer was retrieved, and derigging continued. Andy and Mike made an appearance on the ledge at the top of the 110' pitch and tackle hauling up the shaft was done, passing tackle on to Andy and Mike, to ferry up the rift.

Most of the tackle was up the rift by the time that the whole cave was resounding with John's frustrated Yells and Screams, as he swore at carbide and tackle, stuck halfway up the rift with no lights. Tackle hauling continued apace, with Andy ferrying several times up the ninety foot, oblivious of the horrendous and daunting wear in the middle of the rope, noticed later by Ben.

John, Andy and myself sneaked up out of the pot before Ben and Mike had even realised that they had been left to deal with the remaining tackle at the bottom of the entrance pitch. While we enjoyed the warm sunshine, Ben sweated and swore, emerging some hours later as the sun was sinking. Nicky.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    107 - derigging trip
    Eislufthöhle - derigging trip