The initial cave id, e.g. 2018-dm-07, is chosen by the discoverers the same day as the discovery and usually on the plateau at the cave entrance. Its very first mention in the troggle system would be in one or more of:
Logbooks and wallets are entirely managed by troggle, so a single edit to the troggle 'cave name alias list'
at /cave_data/cavealiases.txt is enough.
e.g. ("1626-2018-dm-07", "1626-356"),
See Cave Aliases below for full examples.
more here..
more here..
Cave alias names can be edited by any logged-in user using an online form: /cave_data/cavealiases.txt
However, if you make a formatting mistake, all of troggle will break instantly.
When a lot are being done, as Becka did in 2024 when she got the new kataster numbers 1623-303 to 1623-316, it is a good idea to cross check (or to edit with a macro) the output from git, e.g.
# rename caves-1623/{2023-ASH-15/2023-ASH-15.svx => 303/303.svx} (94%)
# rename caves-1623/{2023-mg-02/2023-mg-02.svx => 304/304.svx} (90%)
# rename caves-1623/{2023-mg-01/2023-mg-01.svx => 305/305.svx} (94%)
# rename caves-1623/{2023-ASH-17/2023-ASH-17.svx => 306/306.svx} (94%)
# rename caves-1623/{2023-ASH-05/2023-ASH-05.svx => 307/307.svx} (89%)
# rename caves-1623/{2023-ASH-08/2023-ASH-08.svx => 308/308.svx} (93%)
# rename caves-1623/{2023-ASH-09/2023-ASH-09.svx => 309/309.svx} (94%)
# rename caves-1623/{2023-mg-04/2023-mg-04.svx => 310/310.svx} (91%)
# rename caves-1623/{2023-ASH-16/2023-ASH-16.svx => 311/311.svx} (93%)
# rename caves-1623/{2023-RAWDB-02/2023-RAWDB-02.svx => 312/312.svx} (92%)
# rename caves-1623/{2023-RAWDB-01/2023-RAWDB-01.svx => 313/313.svx} (92%)
to ("2023-ASH-15", "1623-303"),
("2023-mg-02", "1623-304"),
("2023-mg-01", "1623-305"),
("2023-ASH-17", "1623-306"),
("2023-ASH-05", "1623-307"),
("2023-ASH-08", "1623-308"),
("2023-ASH-09", "1623-309"),
("2023-mg-04", "1623-310"),
("2023-ASH-16", "1623-311"),
("2023-RAWDB-02", "1623-312"),
("2023-RAWDB-01", "1623-313"),
We also use this alias file to cope with cavers using variant spellings for cave names in wallets and logbooks, e.g. ("balcony", "1623-264"),
("balkon", "1623-264"),
("balconhoehle", "1623-264"),
("balkonhoehle", "1623-264"),
("balkonhohle", "1623-264"),
("balconhohle", "1623-264"),
("Balkon Hoehle", "1623-264"),
Some troggle pages will use a new alias immediately, others (most, in fact) will not take any notice until after a DatabaseReset is done.