258 - a bTunnockschacht: Max Pleasure2 ??
[2007-258-23C, 2007-258-27B needs adding to description - Wookey and Becka Lawson]

Fine walking passage heading steadily up-dip. Strong outward draft. Goes 180m to Starfish junction, via a few boulders to clamber over. After 130m a shelf forms on LH wall after floor canyon disappears under LH wall. The shelf is the main way on and rises slowly above floor level until you are traversing past a large hole on the R. This connects under RH wall to Star Light passage. Crawls on LH side at shelf level 30m south of Starfish Junction have [2007-258-22-C] parallel to main passage and [2007-258-28-B] in back corner behind pillars. [2007-258-31-B] is a climb up on L in cross-rift 10m south of Starfish Junction. [2007-258-94-X] is a high (20m+) aven at the same point.

Starfish Junction has 4 large passages meeting at a large boulder and is a distinctive spot. Ahead (North) Max Pleasure continues, The right fork is Flying High. The 4th passage is Star Light passage. Including the higher and lower-level connections this is a complex junction.

Max Pleasure north of Starfish Junction initially opens into a High chamber with a drafting (inwards) passage off on the L ( Just for a Laugh). The chamber merges back into walking passage after 40m. 10m along a soil slope comes in from the right wall, choked to the left, and a low crawl [2007-258-71-B] to the right. The passage slopes gently down until it meets a larger one with the way on going gently up-dip to the right. There is a large boulder at the junction. The continuation of the larger passage on the left is choked with soil.

Past a pillar the passage opens up into a high wide chamber with a deep canyon in the floor, largely covered by boulders. At the start of the chamber a rapidly-lowering passage goes back right for 8m before being choked with sand. At the far end of the chamber you step over the canyon [2007-258-67-B] and have to clamber over some very nice flowstone to proceed. The obvious way on is walking passage but in fact the passage goes at two levels here - you can also climb down below the flowstoned chockstone and follow the canyon upstream to get to the same chamber.

Following the obvious higher level brings you into another chamber with a deep hole in the floor [2007-258-72-A] , mostly blocked by a large jammed boulder. Traversing around the left hand side reaches a 3m climb down to the far side of the hole. This is Petticoat Junction where there is a choice of left towards Let's get Naked or ahead across rocks and uphill to Hedonism Highway.

Just for a Laugh

[Needs Description - Julian Todd and Becka Lawson and Martin Green and Aaron Curtis] [2007-258-32-B] [2007-258-29-B] [2007-258-30-X] [2007-258-56-A] [2007-258-54-C] [2007-258-52-C] [2007-258-55-C] [2007-258-53-D] [2007-258-57-C]

Damp Squib

A 12m pitch descends to a boulder floored chamber with a narrow rift going along a down from one side [2009-40B], a small window opens to a parallel shaft, with water coming in from an aven above. The shaft goes down a further 12m, with some passage going off that quickly becomes too small.

Star Light passage

[2007-258-64-B] [2007-258-101-X] [2007-258-58-C] [2007-258-59-C] [2007-258-60-X]

Hedonism Highway

Very high rocky passage uphill with monster draft (considering passage size) blowing out. This whole passage is formed on a bedding plane sloping at about 25 degrees from horizontal, so everywhere is walkable but quite steeply sloping. A tricky c2 over a block reaches a sandy hading chamber. Going across to the left reaches a very wide, bedding-aligned area with a choice of routes upwards either side of a pillar. [2007-258-70-A] is a passage off to the left. At the top of the wide bit the passage reverts to a phreas with a deep canyon which is largely inaccessibly-narrow. It is at least 8m deep and there are a couple of points one could get in [2007-258-95-C].

Climbing over a large boulder the passage widens due to a junction. The passage goes off left upwards [2007-258-69-A], as does the canyon, and another goes off left downwards [2007-258-68-A]. The passage continues steeply up-dip and gets bouldery. There are a couple of huge dropped sections of rock that have been undercut and split from the roof. On the left is a small alcove passage. Next a small cross-passage roof tube. Neither of these go. The draught remains strong, blowing out. The passage turns 90 left to go along the dip. A strongly draughting small passage comes in from the right at the corner [2007-258-82B]. Hedonism highway gets boulderier and closes down over the next 60m, ending in a choke and a solution tube filled with rocks [2007-258-81C]. This point may be quite close to the surface.

[68,69,70 need ticking off and rocky road survey north of hedonism highway described - Becka Lawson and Steve Jones and Julian Todd][2008-258-40-A] [Rocky road survey east of hedonism highway described - Becka Lawson and Steve Jones and Julian Todd][2008-258-41-B][2008-258-42-C][2008-258-43-C][2008-258-44-C][2008-258-45-B]

Taking the smaller northerly passage at Petticoat Junction leads into passage of varying character. It starts with deep dark soily deposits. Awkward small passage on L connects back to the climb just before Petticoat Junction. The draught is still strong and inwards. Crossing a soily crater leads to a sloping c3 up a wide, high rift, then along 10m of narrow joint-controlled passage to another sudden change of character. Ahead is a tight passage which draughts out and becomes a dig after 10m [2007-258-73-D]. The way on is the very wide phreatic passage sloping steeply down to the east [surely this should be west - Andrew Atkinson or Wookey or Dog Becka Lawson]. The small central canyon of this passage goes under the RH wall [surely this should be LH - Andrew Atkinson or Wookey or Dog Becka Lawson] to the west [2007-258-74-C].

The passage zigs and zags sharply past a crawl off on the L [2007-258-*26*old number-C] for 20m to merge into nice straight passage sloping gently down-dip. [Can not see zig zag nor the qm - Andrew Atkinson or Wookey or Dog Becka Lawson] After 35m it steepens and a small canyon forms, reaching a 3m deep drippy pot after another 25m. A c2 gets to the floor and a delicate and slightly damp c3 gets back into the continuing passage.

Here the passage is wide and sandy and forks: off on the right is Let's get Naked (draughting out). Down to the left it descends steeply and crossword passage goes off on the Left. 10m beyond is [2007-258-75-C] on the L then a gravelly bit with an aven above [2007-258-78-X]. The passage continues to descend down-dip until it suddenly chokes (3m dia!) with mud and rocks. This would be a top dig site in the UK [2007-258-77-D]. On the L is a large (8m dia?) chibble-floored pothole which can also be overlooked from a balcony, reached via a passage on the L; that passage has a small QM [2007-258-76-C]. On the far side of the hole a crawl heads off, unsurveyed, continuing down-dip for quite some distance (30m?) hole.[2007-258-*31-C]

[Futher description of 'too much' required - Aaron Curtis and Olly Madge and Julian Todd] [2008-258-38-C] [2008-258-39A]

Crossword Passage

High canyon passage initially rises gently then up more steeply. There is a hole in the roof [2007-258-97-X] here. Now progress is either a traverse to look out over a pitch past a huge wedged boulder, or progress at floor-level to look out below the boulder. Probably about a P12 [2007-258-93-B]. This passage draughts in.

Let's get Naked

Very sandy, low, wide passage curves round to the R. [2007-258-99-C] goes off to L at lowest point. Clambering up over boulders with freezing draught in your face (out of cave) reaches a aven, which we partially climbed and it appears not to go, but there seems to be a drauft defecit beyond. Ahead the passage rapidly shrinks to a narrow rift which can be climbed (c4). [Let's get naked continues - Julian Todd and Becka Lawson] [2007-258-79-X] [2007-258-85-C] [2007-258-83-C] [2007-258-102-C]


[Needs description - Ollie Stevens and Becka Lawson]