Martin Jahnke

Account short name: martin-jahnke
Number of transactions: 27

Negative amounts indicate that Martin Jahnke is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2010-08-01Food 35.04Food Tesco
2010-08-01Tackle 41.07Inglesport
2010-08-01Tackle 17.44Hilti order 2
2010-08-01Travel to Austria 43.40 (51.06 EUR)Petrol
2010-08-03Tackle 41.44Hilti order 1
2010-08-03Tackle 16.00Dry bag
2010-08-03Tackle 17.00 (20.00 EUR)B-Free mobile top up
2010-08-06Food 0.92 (1.09 EUR)Unimarkt milk powder
2010-08-06Tackle 16.06 (18.90 EUR)5kg gas (for top camp)
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -2.38 (-2.80 EUR)Kuerbiscremesuppe
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -6.71 (-7.90 EUR)Kaesespaetzle
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -1.61 (-1.90 EUR)Apfelsaft
2010-08-12Chris Densham 51.00 (60.00 EUR)Expo dinner cash payment (via Chris D)
2010-08-14Frank Tully 42.50 (50.00 EUR)for campsite bill
2010-08-21Camping Fees for Base Camp -20.40 (-3.00 BaseCampNights)Nights at Base Camp
2012-03-12Breakdown and Car Insurance -11.1121/223 of the total from Breakdown and Car Insurance (-118.00)
2012-03-12Car Wear and Tear -19.3021/223 of the total from Car Wear and Tear (-205.00)
2012-03-12Channel Crossings -10.530.60/8.60 of the total from Channel Crossings (-151.00)
2012-03-12Food -44.8921/223 of the total from Food (-476.79)
2012-03-12Fuel in Austria -14.8421/223 of the total from Fuel in Austria (-157.68)
2012-03-12Spud Hut Fees -7.4621/223 of the total from Spud Hut Fees (-79.22)
2012-03-12Tackle -26.3721/223 of the total from Tackle (-280.07)
2012-03-12Toll Road -8.671/10 of the total from Toll Road (-86.70)
2012-03-12Travel back from Austria -6.060.20/7.80 of the total from Travel back from Austria (-236.38)
2012-03-12Travel to Austria -55.891.00/9.40 of the total from Travel to Austria (-525.38)
2012-03-12VFHO -13.2821/223 of the total from VFHO (-141.03)
Grand total:72.37

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Processed at 21:43 on 2012-03-12.