Juliet Morse

Account short name: juliet-morse
Number of transactions: 15

Negative amounts indicate that Juliet Morse is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -2.38 (-2.80 EUR)Leberknoedelsuppe
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -6.20 (-7.30 EUR)Blunzngroestl
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -3.23 (-3.80 EUR)Apfelstrudel with vanilla sauce
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -2.72 (-3.20 EUR)Weizen
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -2.46 (-2.90 EUR)Goesser
2010-08-18Tackle 14.02 (16.50 EUR)Top camp gas bottle
2010-08-21Bier in the Spud Hut -11.47 (-15.00 BottledGoesser)Bottled bier in the spud hut
2010-08-21Camping Fees for Base Camp -61.20 (-9.00 BaseCampNights)Nights at Base Camp
2012-03-12Breakdown and Car Insurance -7.4014/223 of the total from Breakdown and Car Insurance (-118.00)
2012-03-12Car Wear and Tear -12.8614/223 of the total from Car Wear and Tear (-205.00)
2012-03-12Food -29.9314/223 of the total from Food (-476.79)
2012-03-12Fuel in Austria -9.8914/223 of the total from Fuel in Austria (-157.68)
2012-03-12Spud Hut Fees -4.9714/223 of the total from Spud Hut Fees (-79.22)
2012-03-12Tackle -17.5814/223 of the total from Tackle (-280.07)
2012-03-12VFHO -8.8514/223 of the total from VFHO (-141.03)
Grand total:-167.12

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Processed at 21:43 on 2012-03-12.