Becka Lawson and Julian Todd

Account short name: becka-lawson
Number of transactions: 44

Negative amounts indicate that Becka Lawson and Julian Todd is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2010-07-01Breakdown and Car Insurance 45.00Chris D on car insurance
2010-07-01Breakdown and Car Insurance 50.00European car breakdown
2010-07-01Channel Crossings 65.00Ferry ticket (one way only as notified on email 2010-09-05)
2010-07-01Food 53.00Food from UK
2010-07-30Travel to Austria 30.45Diesel
2010-07-31Travel to Austria 41.42 (48.74 EUR)Diesel
2010-08-02Fuel in Austria 30.23 (35.57 EUR)Diesel
2010-08-05Martin Green -6.75 (-7.95 EUR)Bike lock
2010-08-07Sesh 2 -2.72 (-3.20 EUR)Bier
2010-08-07Sesh 2 -2.72 (-3.20 EUR)Bier (Julian)
2010-08-09Car Wear and Tear 50.00Two UK-Austria journeys serving Expo
2010-08-09Car Wear and Tear 15.00Three weeks serving Expo in Austria
2010-08-09Food 25.50 (30.00 EUR)Gas for Base Camp
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -2.38 (-2.80 EUR)Knoblauchsuppe (Julian)
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -2.38 (-2.80 EUR)Kuerbiscremesuppe
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -2.46 (-2.90 EUR)Side salad
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -6.97 (-8.20 EUR)Gemuseschnitzel
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -6.20 (-7.30 EUR)Blunzngroestl (Julian)
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -3.48 (-4.10 EUR)Schokopalatschinken
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -3.23 (-3.80 EUR)Mohr in Hemd (Julian)
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -2.72 (-3.20 EUR)Weizen
2010-08-11Expo Dinner -2.72 (-3.20 EUR)Weizen (Julian)
2010-08-11Food 39.47 (46.44 EUR)Two crates Goesser and deposit
2010-08-11Food 3.09 (3.64 EUR)Fruit
2010-08-11VFHO -21.25 (-25.00 EUR)VFHO membership
2010-08-18Food 14.89 (17.52 EUR)Food
2010-08-19Sesh 7 -2.72 (-3.20 EUR)Food and drink
2010-08-19Sesh 7 -5.44 (-6.40 EUR)Food and drink
2010-08-20Andy Chapman -59.50 (-70.00 EUR)Campsite bill (paid to Becka)
2010-08-20Camping / Spud Hut bill payment 718.42 (845.20 EUR)Campsite bill
2010-08-20Neil Pacey -127.50 (-150.00 EUR)Campsite bill (paid to Becka)
2010-08-21Bier in the Spud Hut -23.71 (-31.00 BottledGoesser)Bottled bier in the spud hut
2010-08-21Camping Fees for Base Camp -122.40 (-18.00 BaseCampNights)Nights at Base Camp
2012-03-12Breakdown and Car Insurance -22.2242/223 of the total from Breakdown and Car Insurance (-118.00)
2012-03-12Car Wear and Tear -38.6042/223 of the total from Car Wear and Tear (-205.00)
2012-03-12Channel Crossings -35.112.00/8.60 of the total from Channel Crossings (-151.00)
2012-03-12Food -89.7942/223 of the total from Food (-476.79)
2012-03-12Fuel in Austria -29.6942/223 of the total from Fuel in Austria (-157.68)
2012-03-12Spud Hut Fees -14.9242/223 of the total from Spud Hut Fees (-79.22)
2012-03-12Tackle -52.7442/223 of the total from Tackle (-280.07)
2012-03-12Toll Road -8.671/10 of the total from Toll Road (-86.70)
2012-03-12Travel back from Austria -60.612.00/7.80 of the total from Travel back from Austria (-236.38)
2012-03-12Travel to Austria -111.782.00/9.40 of the total from Travel to Austria (-525.38)
2012-03-12VFHO -26.5642/223 of the total from VFHO (-141.03)
Grand total:283.53

Go back to summary sheet.

Processed at 21:43 on 2012-03-12.